
Reincarnation Hell

A man was punished by the gods to be reincarnated into people who are fated to die over and over. The more he struggled to survive, the worse the death becomes. From a simple accident of falling down the stairs to being decapitated or tortured... What exactly did he commit to be punished in such a way? And will he be able to escape this endless loop of Reincarnation Hell?

S_Takeshi · Fantasy
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2 Chs



It's cold and dark. Where am I? Who am I?

I can feel something that feels like sand. But upon inspection, it smells like soil. Am I in the forest?

*thump* *thump*


Footsteps behind me?

I can only hear and touch but I cannot see. An endless void surrounds me yet there isn't actually one; it is enough to send someone into despair.




I scream out as a sharp pain arose in my chest. I quickly grasp my chest to feel what seems to be a knife protruding out of it.


There's water... No this is blood.

Someone stabbed me from behind. What is going on?!

The knife was forcefully pulled out as I drop onto my knees. My killer kicks me from behind before stepping on my head against the ground. "Choose carefully who you offend next time." A husky voice says.

What? Who did I even offend?

I am beyond confused.


"HUFF! Ack ack ack..."

Suddenly the pain is gone, I am panting vigorously as I cough. I cover my mouth with my right hand and wipe the sweat off my forehead.

A dark cement floor is beneath me as moonlight shines on my face.

I realise I can now see. I look around to find myself in an abandoned car park in the middle of the night.

The building is in tattered pieces, cracked pillars may indicate a collapse at any moment and the amount of dust and bugs crawling in the ground suffocates me.


Nothing is happening...

No, what exactly is happening? I was blind and murdered. Now I'm suddenly alive in a random car park.

I walk to the edge of the car park to find and see the mountains on the horizon. Surrounding it are nature and no civilization can be seen.

The same goes for the car park, vines are attached to the walls and ceilings, nature has already taken over this building.


I take a seat and lean against a wall. I feel like I am missing something important, something that I forgot.

As I try to rack my brain for an answer, an abrupt hissing interrupted my train of thoughts.


I jolt up in alert and look around. I see nothing alive.

I lean myself against the wall as cover. After a while of silence, I peek out from a corner to see nothing, just more vines taking over the car park.

I heave a sigh of relief as I turn back to see that a snake-like creature is in front of me.


But instead of a regular snake, it is about the size of a human.

The snake moves closer to me as its mouth opens.


A miniature mouth shoots out from its wide mouth and clings itself to my neck. I look around in desperation to find a metal pole on the ground, pick it up and attempts to hit the 'thing' that is attached to my neck.

The miniature mouth is connected to a tube from the inside of the snake. My attack strikes the tube and breaks it, causing the snake to screech and give me a chance to escape.

I run across the car park before stepping onto a flooring that collapses and drops me to the lower level.


I try to get up to realise my legs have been trapped under some cobblestone rubble from the building.

A massive amount of hissing can suddenly be heard around me. Dark red glowing eyes appear all around me, the only source of light is the moonlight shining in from above, which means I am in the basement section of the car park...


It seems like the basement is the nest for those snakes huh...

A wave of snakes surrounds me, biting into my skin and ripping my limbs apart. As I try to scream, they dig into my throat before decapitating me from my torso and ravaging my entire corpse.


A few seconds later, all the numbing pain disappears again.

This time, I find myself in a room. It is mildly cold, I look at the top to find an air conditioner. I notice I am wearing pyjamas in a soft bed, beside the bed is. a table with a lamp on it and a bunch of books stacked on top of one another. The chair is in the other corner of the room.

Opposite my bed is a wooden door. Next to it is a black closet.

I finally realise something:

I am going through countless loops of different kinds of death.

That discovery made me remember a little bit.

My name is Edward Silver... And I am being punished by the gods of the underworld for breaking an absolute rule.


I can't remember anything else.

I sigh. Oddly, I do not feel despair. Instead, I feel a burning desire to survive, to fight back and overtake those self-proclaimed gods.

Something broke outside my room at that moment. Some glass was shattered. I can also hear the sounds of scratching.


No. I have a bad feeling about checking it out.

I walk to my door and lock it before checking the closet.

A baseball bat is leaning against the sides of the closet and some jackets are hung.

I change my pyjamas into a black jacket with a small white t-shirt inside and some jeans.

I take the bat along as a weapon and look around for an escape route. There's a window right next to my bed with a white curtain covering the window. I pull the curtain aside and unlock the window, opening it and climbing out.


The scenery outside wasn't pleasant. It will be more accurate to call this place hell.

Buildings were collapsing and burning. The sky is crimson red with a strong smell of blood in the air. There are also rotten corpses dragging their feet all over the place. A zombie apocalypse? How does my room still have electricity?

I am standing on a piece of concrete that is protruding out of the wall. I look below me to find a pile of bloody boxes stacked on top of one another.

However, at least three zombies are roaming around below. A fat zombie with his jaws gone, two zombies with long hair and makeup...

I say my prayers and take a deep breath.

"Alright, I can do this," I say before diving down into the pile of boxes.