
Reincarnation: Divine husband and wife

Supreme Goddess Hao Zongying accidentally tripped off the Divine continent and died. She reincarnated as a poor but peerlessly beautiful woman who was already married since three years!! Hao Zongying, now Xia Lanfen, refuses to live in rags until she could go back to her continent. She makes money by using her divine skills and slowly rises to the top of society with her husband. When finally, after clumsy ways of telling him her feelings, they have their first child, he told her a shocking truth! Xia Lanfen: Bai Yang! You tricked me! She angrily glared at the cunningly smiling man beside the bed. Husband: My wife, I didn't trick you. It's you who seduced me. And, even now, you're tempting. Come on, I want a daughter this time. Xia Lanfen: (⊙﹏⊙) Are you crazy!? Nine months later, the second child was born.

Junee · History
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3 Chs

Chap 3: Horrible lifestyle

Xia Lanfen was right about the lifestyle of the previous owner of the body she was possessing.

So poor, so pitiful! Not even enough money to buy a piece of cloth!

She sighed as she held her hand to her face. Xia Lanfen was suffering from a headache, it was unbearable!

If living here was already uncomfortable in such a beautiful season as spring, she did not want to know what they had to go through during winter, or even summer!

There was no way she was going to remain here, in this shabby house. She would not be able to face her subjects after going back to Yun continent, she would surely be mocked for eternity!

By chance, Xia Lanfen had a joker.

And that was her husband, Xia Yanrin!

With his foxy poker face, who knew how good of a merchant he would actually be!

Xia Lanfen eyed the man holding roughly crafted wooden chopsticks and a bowl in his hands. She wanted to ask him, if he ever had learned a bit about business, but every time she'd call him by his name, he wouldn't budge until she finally called him, 'Honey'!

This man was too petty!

If she didn't have to keep her cover as the original owner, 'Xia Lanfen', she'd immediately give him a good beating!

"H-Honey." She said, clearing her throat to brush off the feeling of embarrassment. Xia Yanrin smiled and raised his head towards her.

"Yes, darling?" he answered her while fetching a piece of the remaining wild boar meat in his bowl and presenting it to Xia Lanfen, who reluctantly ate it.

"I was wondering, do you perhaps know a bit about business?" She tried her best to ask without being suspicious. Which wife would suddenly ask their husband about business after a few years of marriage?!

Because indeed, she had discovered that Xia Yanrin and she had been married for already three years!

Yet, because of this body's weak nature, he had been restraining himself and hadn't touched the original owner, during three years, until she actually died!

Such a gentleman! If it wasn't for his cunning nature, she'd actually bring him with her on Yun continent!

Xia Yanrin paused for a moment, silent. These seconds of silence seemed like minutes to Xia Lanfen. She even felt a drop of sweat roll down her forehead! Her heart was beating in her chest.

Did this man have to make her anxious like this? It was like she had said to overthrow the throne!

Finally after a few seconds more, he answered, relieving her stress. "I indeed know about this subject. Why do you want to know?"

He tilted his head to the side, trying to appear innocent. This action just sent shivers down Xia Lanfen's spine, if she didn't know what his true nature was, she'd surely fall straight in his honeytrap!

"Um, I actually haven't told you, but I have a talent with my hands. I just wasn't strong enough to be able to work, however now, I feel that my body can move mountains! Therefore, I think we should try to escape our current lifestyle." Xia Lanfen said that in one breath. She was a bit stressed, that this husband of hers might know things that she didn't and get suspicious. Xia Yanrin's smile grew wider, it actually made her a bit scared.

How come she, Hao Zongying, the Supreme Goddess of the three realms, was frightened by this simple human!

This made no sense at all!

She breathed, calming herself down. No, she couldn't be scared of anyone. She was the strongest out of all three realms, and the only equal she had was still ruling his own demon realm, not caring about whether she was dead or not!

This man, despite his mysterious, cunning temper, she shouldn't be scared of him at all!

"My, darling, you're so full of secrets. Then, eat well and I'll let you make some things to sell, okay? There. I'll feed you." With that, he thrust the mouthful of meat in her mouth while she kept it open to speak. She could only chew and swallow the hard piece of meat while glaring angrily at Xia Yanrin.

This man, he could ruin the whole thing so easily!