
Reincarnation: Death after Death

If you don't like a boring Ff, then I think this will disappoint you, my Friend. --- English ain't my first language ---- --- Cover Photo is not owned ---

48ba · Anime & Comics
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45 Chs


Another day begins as Oliver roam around the town smiling and observing people.

He goes to the seated area where there are some couple. Beautiful scenery as a fresh air, wonderful fountain and the aroma of food coming from the market stalls. A perfect place for couple and a perfect place to relax.

Don't even know why but he sense the pair yesterday talking each other.

'Ah this sucks, if I could.. *sigh' Oliver thought as he look with his surroundings.

He change his thought as he goes into sleeping position, contemplating about what to do next if he got bored.

'I could continue to develop my Eyes so I can avoid.. or I could practice my swinging in here...' Oliver thought and he noticed a group of adventurer sensing a good physique stronger than him.

'Well let's just annoy some people and I don't like this atmosphere full of lovey doves' he thought as he stand up and change into a battle stance and start swinging his stick.

"YAAAAH!....*inhaling* PO....WEEEER!!" Oliver shout scaring some people and breaking the love atmosphere, and repeating his actions.

'Ah this kid!' a man sitting aside a woman thought as he take back his arm that nearly in her shoulder.

'I could have get a goodbye kiss.. gah' an adventurer thought as he look who shouted and abbandon the thought of nagging him, looking at its blindfold.

"I got to work now. See you later and take care of hunting monsters" a woman said as she bid farewell to the adventurer. The man was pretty down and walks away as he thought of how annoying the kids shout was.

Some couple starts leaving as they bid some farewell, getting their provisions, and some of them avoiding quickly to attempt getting back the atmosphere again.

Though they fail as Oliver's voice continue to get louder that some of the people covering their ears, avoiding the square.


In the afternoon he stopped as goes to the exit of town with a satisfying smile, laughing along the way. As some people were confuse though they smiled as they see him how happy he was.

"Hey kid here take this, you gotta eat this." a fruit vendor said that he steal yesterday, gives him a different kind of fruits.

"I'm sorry about yesterday, sir" Oliver said thinking about yesterday if his actions yesterday was a good thing. Though he gives him a bow and picked the apples with a reason.

"Only apples? You really like them huh.. don't worry everyday I'll give you and don't do that thing again. You could just ask first, okay" the fruit vendor said to Oliver and nodded to him.

With that he finished a Good day running out of town.

- - -

In the adventurer's guild many adventurer got in pair and some have group up.

"What do you wanna quest today?" a man holding boardsword sharpening it.

"Maybe do some mapping or hunt some bandits." a man holding a dagger reply.

Many adventures do quest everyday as it is pretty much their job. Even helping their townspeople or helping some village that have some problems. Hunting monsters were they're work too and defending some villages that are under attack of monsters, guarding a merchant or going caravan's, scouting some area and more.

Different races vary forming some groups, pairing themselves, some were boasting about their adventuring days.

"Hey did you hear a man who only takes goblin quest?" a man talks to his group.

"yeah" he replied.

"I later pass by this man and I can hear him muttering about goblins nonstop" a man away from the group talking to his pair.

Every adventurer talking about a Man only slays Goblin. This is where a legend born and it'll cross every town of his name Goblin Slayer.

- - -

(Oliver Pov)

Many days now and the daily task only give me 0.01 points. Well I can't do anything about it as I'll stay here from now on to appease my boredom when I'm in that forest.

Goblin slayer is beginning to gain a fame. Maybe I'll create my fame not that I care about it. But if..

Imagining myself full of fans and signing my signature to their boobs.. Kyaaah.

Though I stopped as some of my memories added a muscular man flexing his boobs in front of me and dancing.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!" I scream as some People got frightened by my ghastly scream that nearly got them fainted.

'By the gods, this kid nearly killed me!' a woman thought as she was the nearest and clutch her chest breathing heavy.

'This kid..' a man picking his ear avoiding him.

I didn't care about others stare as I go to the fruit vendor to get some apple.

"Haha, what was that?" the owner ask me laughing when he hear my scream.

"Something popped in my mind.. thank you old man I gotta go!" I said running to the town square without waiting for his reply.




I stopped as I see a Man depressed of something going to Adventurer's Guild.

I didn't meant to hear it but there is some gathering to slay a 'Rock Eater' and I plan to go follow them sneakily.

It is up to 2 days and they'll go hunt it and I plan to get some armour to blend in though with only low chances, I'll still try it as it's my first time to see a gathering to slay a monster.

If I have a missed word or something remind me guys.

Did you guys know that Goblin Slayer-san can drink tea instantly without anyone noticing him?

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