
New occupation

This... This is unbelievable I've never seen anything like it! these stats are so... Unbalanced! You have high strength slightly higher speed and a stat I have never seen before, what on earth is conquering? And WHAT! This Luck is the highest possible, yet it has a question mark after it? Does that mean it changes or something? And what's up with your intelligence stat it says..."

I snatched the paper away from her before she could blab about anything else. She had practically been screaming every word of it and everyone in the guild was looking at me with a mixture of shock, jealousy, and confusion as to what had just been revealed.

Luna "Hey I didn't get to read what your intelligence stat said!" She says annoyed. Like she was reading the best book ever meaning this book I mean what? And I just took the book away from her.

Me "You don't need to know," I said as I was just annoyed at her expression and the fact she had just shared some of my stats with everyone! Thank god she didn't find out about my intelligence as I had just read it and all it said was immeasurable. Yupppp. Back off I'm too amazing for you to handle. When did I turn into such a bragger?

Luna "Aah yes sorry anyway which occupation would you like to choose?" She says still a bit annoyed at not being able to read my intelligence stat but slowly realizing what she had done.

As I was about to say archmage as that would allow me to learn magic and combine it with my technology, I had a random thought inside my head and without really thinking about it I just blurted out "I want to be a digital conqueror."

Luna "Huh?" She asks as if she had just heard me say I wanted to be a godly koala. Which I totally did but some dreams are just meant to stay dreams.

But before I could think about what I had just said a silver glow with light blue glowing ligns like what Shiro Emiya had appeared around me. I was about to shout TRACE ON but I held myself back a because that would ruin my cool and mysterious image.

Before anyone could say anything a rush of information got into my head and I knew I had to get out of there fast otherwise the questions would never end so without a second thought I spun on my heel and said "I'm going of by myself for a bit make sure to stay safe especially you aqua." I said the last bit with a smirk in my eye. I would only return for important bits, like coming to save aqua from the toads, and the first meeting of Megumine and other things but i haven't gotten that far yet.

On my way out I decided to at least leave my name so that it could be spread and I gain more fame with my alias. "Do not forget me my name is Nemesis Akatsuki."

This was a day where a widely spread name was born, known by the public by this name but all of his friends know his true name to be Tensai Akatsuki.

Sorry short chapter, tommorow will be one with atleast 1500 words. Hope you enjoyed and support me please! I am very desperate...

UnlimitedBladeWorkcreators' thoughts