
Reincarnation As A Swordsman

Walking home from detention to find himself lying on the floor of his front door dying from being pierced into from behind by an unknown individual, how will James, a boy reincarnated into a world full of people who use Sword Forms deal with the despair, love, and a quench to fill the mysterious questions that lay in his heart do? and how will he mature and grow. If the story is not up to your standards, then sorry, this is just a work of my own that I made for myself, some of it you might disagree with, however that's just life, however I still hope some enjoy reading it. Main way of posting is via Royal Road, I am using WebNovel to reach a more wider audience, however i will keep it updated with each chapter. Link: https://www.royalroad.com/fiction/57392/reincarnation-as-a-swordsman

Nonless_ · Fantasy
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51 Chs

Chapter Four - Having Dinner at Wrathead's

Chapter Four

"Fuahaha! Where is my beloved grandson? Where is he!"

A mighty voice that vibrated through my soul and grasped it tight, a voice so strong that it made me what to kneel right that instant, I instinctively turned to see who the owner of that voice was.

And standing there was a six-foot-seven giant who looked like a beast with a mouth opening scar down his right eye, with the maturity of a man who had dark grey hair with streaks of white, and a ruff light gray robe, surprisingly seeming too big on a man who was taller than two others combined.

However before I could put my hand up to direct this man to me, Scott talked-

"Hello father, it was been quite a while since I last saw you, how are you doing?"

However there was no response, the man just looked at his son and said nothing, however when he looked towards Elizabeth his gloomy eyes shined bright once again.

"Oh Elizabeth dear, how are you, I hope my son hasn't been bothering you too much if he has just tell me, and ill break his bones!"

The man known as Edward had a devious and wholesome smile on his face like he was talking to his only daughter who he cared deeply for.

"Thank you for your concern father, I have been great, how are you?"

Elizabeth had probably practiced that line multiple times to get it perfect, for fear of saying something rude to Edward, or they could just have a good relationship, technically Edward has no real daughter, so he must treat Elizabeth who is his daughter-in-law just as good as he would treat his real daughter.

"Fuahaha I have been doing great, and I have been in a good mood this entire week after I heard you guys were coming over!"

After he said that, Edward turned to me.

"So this Is my grandson! Yes very good! His figure is perfect for training with the sword! Now boy, what is your name?"

Although scary at first, I think his nature is good, he seems to be a good man and cares for his family.

"Hello grandfather, I am James Wrathead, son of Scott Wrathead, I have just turned five, I have been wanting to see you for a while grandfather!"

I tried to say it as close to how Elizabeth taught me, I'm very confident in my skills at these types of forwarding conversations, however, I don't know if my greeting was up to par.

"Fuahaha that's my grandson! Even his speaking manner is that of one who wields the sword, I have high expectations for you boy don't let me down!"

After nodding, the head butler ushered us into the dining hall for lunch.

When we all got sat down, I happened to notice an empty seat, and I looked around to see if I could guess who was absent, after thinking for a while I realized that Scott's brother had a daughter around the same age as me, however, I think Edward also noticed that she was absent.

"Claire! Come down here for dinner and greet your cousin!"

After what felt like one second after Edwards shouted, a young little girl, around the same age as I, came waddling down the big stairs, she sloppily got into the last vacant seat with a grumpy face, she then folded her arms and refused to eat.

"I'm not hungry! Let me go outside to play with my sword!"

She said this while looking at her mother, who was probably the more lenient parent out of the mother and father.

Her mother's name was Beth, she was Scot's brother's wife, and she always had a fragile look to her, however talking to her a little beforehand I could tell that she was a kind person

By now, the entire cheerful atmosphere suddenly changed, and it had changed for the worst.

However just before Edward was about to blow his rocket, Elizabeth stopped talking to Scott and said-

"Claire dear, is there any reason why you won't eat your food? You have to be hungry, I know I am."

When Claire heard this voice, her entire mood changed from one of grumpy to ecstatic.

"Aunt Elzy!" Claire said, while getting off of her seat and running towards Elizabeth, giving her a big hug.

Aunt Elzy? What kind of nickname is that? I could hardly keep my laughter in.

However, how did Elizabeth know Claire?

When Scott saw my confusion he explained that Elizabeth had once gone away for two weeks to study over at the Wrathead estate and Claire had become quite fond of Elizabeth, and when she was leaving she promised Claire that she would bring her son over in a couple of years and Bring her over the present.

"Aunt Elzy, did you bring the present that you said you would last time you left? Claire avoided every other question and asked about the present, very typical of a five-year-old.

"Yes, Dear I have it right here, but eat up your dinner first, It will get cold-

Elizabeth said it and then started talking to Beth who started talking about the weird rabbit she saw in the garden last week.

"Okay!" Claire hurriedly picked up her utensils and started scoffing up her food, if I had to describe it, I would say it was very unladylike, she even chocked a couple of times and had to be patted on the back by her dad.

After finishing the last of her soup, she pointed to me, and asked-

"Daddy, who is that boy?"

I thought I had done something wrong when she pointed to me, thankfully it was nothing.

"That boy is your cousin James, say hello."

she then greeted me, thus i responded.

I greeted her as I did to everybody else present.

After a while I had finished my dinner, Claire suddenly got out of her seat and came up to me.

What was she planning to do? Did I do anything wrong?

She grabbed onto my hand and tugged- "Let's go play outside."

Does she want to play? Do I look like some kid… oh wait.

"Alright ill play for a little bit," I told her as I got out of my seat, as we were about to go out the back door Scott reminded me about something

"James make sure you are back in time for the ceremony."

After I nodded I was dragged out the door by Claire and we went outside to play.