
Reincarnation as a Peerless Martial God / Cultivator with Sharingan!

Cultivation is dangerous. So many hardships a person must go through to get to the peak of their abilities. But how much easier would it be to achieve superior strength if Lin Feng had Sharingan and canon knowledge?

blazerboe2020 · Anime & Comics
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29 Chs


It had been two weeks since Chu Zhang Peng had visited Yun Hai. I became known throughout the sect as the one that the best disciple, Hao Yue, has a grudge against. Only with my changed appearance, no one will recognize me. But everyone wants to unravel the mystery of the identity of the Patriarch's disciple, but it is pointless to reveal the real me yet. After this brainstorming story, I was allowed to rest. I spent the first week in Jing Yun's company. We deepened our relationship with her by practicing pair cultivation. By the end of the bed week – which is what I called it – she was able to reach level 9 Ki. By the way, the girl's water spirit was also able to strengthen and move to a new level, becoming much stronger and more effective. For the second week, Han Man and I went hunting. My friend was collecting treasures to get pills from them later for a faster breakthrough. I, on the other hand, killed animals to relax and work out the sword Qi. These two weeks were quite fruitful for me, so I decided with a clear conscience to start the breakthrough to the next stage.

Thinking about which place would be ideal for training, a picture of two peaks and a narrow path immediately appeared in my head. There are the most convenient caves for practice, and also do not forget about the hot spring, where you can relax or practice. It was at this place that my first meeting with Liu Fei took place. Right now, our relationship is quite tense. I'm like an opponent for her, who needs to be surpassed by all means. Nevertheless, she is not a bad person, I think I will have another chance to establish communication with her. After asking random people about the location of Liu Fei, and this person is known to almost all ordinary students, I easily got to the most beautiful view in the mountains. My goal today is not only to pay a visit to the girl, but also to enter the closed training to make a breakthrough to the Ling Qi stage.

After examining the path, I took a decisive step towards the caves, praying that the path would not lead me back into the same Japanese troubles that had befallen me last time. The people passing by saw me off with different feelings in their eyes. Someone gloated that I would be thrown out beaten, someone sympathized with me, considering me an ordinary psycho, and those who saw my real level of cultivation, looked forward to an interesting battle. However, they will all be disappointed, because I am not going to have a long and drawn-out battle. Why complicate things if I only need one look to defeat a Level 9 Ki practitioner?

I quickly covered the planned path and entered the open area inside the mountains. Nothing had changed since the last time, there was the same hot spring ahead, steaming, rising above the ground, trying to reach the morning sky, and the same empty and quiet caves where no one could stop me. If you think about it that way, then Liu Fei has carved out the perfect place for her cultivation. In general, in the Xue Yue kingdom, she has quite a significant status as the daughter of a general, so she can afford various benefits from the sect. This time I didn't jump headlong into the water, but just stood there and waited for it to float up from the bottom of the spring. Apparently, all her training under water and pressure is tied to her personal breathing technique, which strengthens and improves the maneuverability of the arrows fired.

A few seconds later, a beautiful face appeared on the surface. Liu Fei stood up from the water, her clothes all wet and clinging to her voluptuous figure-skater body. Her pink hair fell to her waist in gorgeous, shining curls. In my previous world, just because of her looks, she would have had several million fans on the internet who would have been crazy about her attractiveness.

Seeing a handsome stranger who vaguely reminded her of someone, Liu Fei was taken aback at first, but quickly gathered her thoughts, finally recognizing me as the same Lin Feng

"Y-you?!" What are you here for? Probably to spy on me again, you pervert, " the girl joked, lifting her nose, to my surprise, keeping a serious expression on her face.

- What?! Don't talk nonsense, I just need a place to break through to the Ling Qi stage. Look at how much free space there is, no need to be greedy! I nodded my head to the right side of the mountain, where there were free caves.

– If you fight me again, then I'll let you practice here!" - increasing the distance between us and getting into a fighting stance, the archer said.

"All right. It's better to immediately attack with your strongest attack, otherwise I don't want to delay the already obvious result for us, " I said with boredom.

– Don't underestimate me, Lin Feng! I've grown stronger since our last meeting! – No! " the woman said belligerently. After making sure that we were already separated by a considerable distance, she pulled three arrows at once – " Let's see how you're going to cope with three shells at once!

The arrows carried a power that could rival even a level 1 Lin Qi practitioner. The flight speed has increased significantly compared to our previous confrontations. A commendable result. The competition with me must have given her a lot of motivation to train. However, this is still not enough. I saw the projectiles moving slowly through the air as I activated the sharingan. With my current speed under the Soru, it wouldn't be difficult to evade them, so I decided to simply destroy them, showing my complete superiority.

I pulled out my weapon from behind my back, the sword qi in the space began to move. After making three light swings with my right hand, the spirit arrows that were flying just a meter away from me neatly split into several parts. Because of the glare that hurt my eyes, it took Liu Fei a moment to see that her attack had failed, causing me no trouble at all. Blindly, she began to draw three more arrows, but I didn't give her a chance to attack me again. In the blink of an eye, I closed the distance between us, and my sword hovered near the delicate and pale neck of the beauty.

I could have easily defeated Liu Fei by using illusions, but I wanted to see what she was able to achieve in such a short time by the standards of cultivators. This progress would have surprised everyone in the sect, but no matter how talented a girl is, she will never be able to defeat me. She was clinging to me now, her eyes straining to the sword at her throat, even though she didn't believe I was going to finish what I'd started.

– You've made a nice leap in your strength. Overall, I'm happy with you and this fight – " I said with a smile.

- Are you kidding me? My progress is nothing compared to yours, " Liu Fei forced a smile back at me.

– Don't compare me to yourself, I'm not of this world!" "I mean it literally. "Don't worry. I have one way to cheer you up.

Removing the sword, we still continued to stand close to each other. Liu Fei was so upset by her defeat that she even forgot about her wet robe, which accentuated all the graceful and sexy features of her body. I put my arm around the girl, who had stirred my head with her soft and seductive figure, and bit into her sweet lips. Liu Fei was stunned by my actions, but quickly became aroused, starting to respond to me with a kiss. After standing there for a few minutes, I still hurried to break this pleasant action for both of us. The fairy's face was red with embarrassment and excitement at the same time.

– For three victories over you, I've earned a kiss from you, haven't I?" - with a cheeky smile, my image blurred: in order not to get hit in the face by the dangerous tsundere, I had to hurry to one of the caves.

"LIN FENG!"!! A few seconds later, a furious female scream rang out all over the mountain, not faintly startling the ordinary students.

"He stole my first kiss! Next time I'll show him!" With confusion and anger, the girl jumped into the hot spring, continuing her practice.

After entering the huge cave that was deeper than the others, Lin Feng noticed a stone bed, a pair of chairs with a mirror, and a set of clean clothes that Liu Fei had obviously prepared for herself. Marveling at how lucky she was to find such a wonderful place to cultivate, the guy calmly sat down on the bed. The sect's disciples practice on the training grounds left behind by the cultivators of previous eras. The caves did not belong to anyone, people occupy them for a certain period of time. Only those who have enough strength can use them, and if a person is weak, then he will be instantly thrown out of this territory.

After activating the sharingan and releasing the dark spirit, Lin Feng entered a meditative state. His body began to absorb all the energy of the sky and earth in space. The qi around him turned into a glowing representation. The dark spirit darted from side to side, as if trying to escape from an invisible cage, and the unnaturally red eyes, like creepy light bulbs, glowed brightly in the dark light. To break through to the Ling Qi stage, you need to accumulate a whole river of energy in your Dantian, causing it to expand under the pressure. It is not so difficult to move to a new stage, but the main difficulty is the awakening of the spirit.

The spirit is a part of the soul that can give many unique abilities. Feeling an unusual and strange call spreading through his mind, the hero realized that it was time for his spirits to awaken. To awaken one, it was necessary to use all his determination, but Lin Feng now had to awaken two at once!

The intense pain surged through the youth's entire body in devastating waves, causing him to clench his teeth tightly. The migraine was getting worse and worse, making it difficult to think properly, and the feeling that the inner world was experiencing senestopathy was driving Lin Feng mad. All the clothes were wet from the exiting toxins and sweat, turning into disgusting rags. Right now, this torture couldn't compare to the recent body remodeling that had been going on all night, but was already slowly approaching her.

- Be patient, bl#t!

Under the agonizing test of his willpower, he even remembered a Russian swear word that he had heard a couple of times when he was in Russia. Raising his morale with a shout, Lin Feng made a promise to himself that he would definitely never give up. Some pain can not disrupt all his plans, will not make him lose hope and determination.

- AAAAAA!!! A hellish cry of agony spread throughout the cavern. The boy shivered from head to toe, losing control of his body. Out of desperation, he could only close his eyes and clench his teeth even harder, continuing to endure this torment. The suffering increased many times and exceeded the limit left by the blood of the unknown Ootsutsuki.

The consciousness could not stand it, finally fading, but at the last moment Lin Feng opened his bloody eyes, and an unprecedented spirit appeared – mangekye sharingan, because of which patterns in the form of a shuriken with four oblong ends swirled in his eyes!

The main character collapsed lifelessly on the floor, but his soul and mind did not go out, moving to a completely new level. In his ghostly form, Lin Feng found himself in an unusual but instinctively familiar place. The rectangular white corridor with its pristine columns seemed so familiar, so safe for the fragile ghost. Before he had time to examine the sprawling area in detail, everything was shrouded in pitch darkness. In this gloomy world, there was no sign of life, only the lonely floating soul of a guy. But it didn't last long: a small shining light suddenly appeared in the dark space.

– Is this the same heavenly spirit?!

As he swam closer to the source of the light, Lin Feng found that the sparkling figure began to wriggle, changing its shape in a bizarre way. It didn't last long, the final appearance of the heavenly spirit was simple and mysterious at the same time. An ordinary book, covered with magical hieroglyphs, gave the mind an unfathomable feeling. When Feng opened the book and looked inside, he found an endless stream of words on the pages.A veritable ocean of beeches began to pour into his body, biting into his ephemeral skin, reaching to the core deep within his soul.


The sound of the explosion rang out in the pitch-black darkness. The noise came from the core of Lin Feng's soul, which began to swell and crack from such a huge amount of information. However, they quickly began to overgrow, making the soul center more resistant to taking damage. In a short time, the mind returned from the world of darkness to its body. Lin Feng stood up from the floor, panting, his whole body shaking with pain, but he was wildly glad that he was finally able to break through and awaken his two spirits.

The main character released his heavenly spirit, and a thick darkness appeared in front of him. Lin Feng's appearance changed, and dark purple lines appeared from his eyes to his neck. Everything went dark. The surroundings had changed, and Lin Feng's mind had now moved into the world of darkness. Despite the surrounding darkness, he could see and hear everything that was happening around him. The perception has changed completely, giving the feeling that he is omniscient, and the world he is in has become a part of him! A colossal shadow came out from behind Lin Feng. In the darkness of the paw of the creature was holding a magic book where the guy found out his spirit.

The heavenly spirit flew up and hovered near his face. The Dark Spirit completely changed after waking up, turning into an amazing book. Right now, Lin Feng only has access to one page, that is, one layer that opens up the vast dark world, which greatly improves the owner's perception, as well as speeding up his consciousness and understanding of various things.

There were countless practitioners in the Nine Cloud Continent, each of them had their own spirit with unique abilities. The spirit of the book is considered the most mysterious and mystical of the currently known species. Usually, his strength wasn't in attacking or defending during a fight. It was useless during the battle, but the owners of these spirits could write unusual things on their pages, thus opening up unique advantages on the path of cultivation.

With a single thought, Lin Feng dispelled the heavenly spirit, and the unsightly gloom disappeared along with the lines on his face. Control of the Qi increased. After breaking through to the next stage, his energy was no longer held back by anything. Check the book was successful, but now there was to know of the possibility mangekyu Sharingan eye. There is no point in disturbing the snake, the guy remembers perfectly well that it will open only when eating wild animals. The red eyes revealed a pattern of sharp shuriken instead of the usual commas. My vision was much sharper than it was with the three tomoes, but the first time I used them, a couple of drops of blood leaked out of my eyes.

Looking at himself in the mirror that was nearby, he was surprised at the unknown drawing. Deciding that it was stupid to just stare at himself, Lin Feng succumbed to his instincts and used the ability of his newfound sharingan. From the right eye came a spiral funnel, which, distorting the image of the hero, pulled him inside.

Moving to another dimension, the guy saw the same white corridor with columns. It seemed native to him, because it is his personal domain, called "Kamui". At Obito's, the space was empty and gray, with only sparse areas with various rectangular shapes. Lin Feng's Kamui, on the other hand, was an impregnable fortress with intricate corridors. Walking through the corridors and cold rooms, he assumed the role of a typical tenant. Finally, after studying the available territory in detail, the hero wished to return back. His figure was distorted again. After exiting the spatial vortex, Lin Feng appeared next to the stone bed.

Unaccustomed to such distortions, I felt a little weak and nauseous. I don't know how much time I have left before the annual meeting, but I still need a couple of days to get used to my new strength. Kamui, no kidding, an ability bestowed by God himself, and nothing else, with him, my abilities are greatly enhanced. Its own personal space pocket for storing things, convenient teleport to any place, as well as temporary invulnerability. It would seem, doesn't that make me the most powerful cultivator? Partly, yes. What I have listed is very imbecile, but it all eats up just huge reserves of Qi, which I do not have so much at the stage of Ling Qi, so it is unrealistic to constantly use Kamui.

When I finally got out of the cave and into the fresh air, Liu Fei, who was basking in the hot spring, came into my field of vision. I would also like to join her, but unfortunately there is no time for rest and vulgarity.

– How many days have I been in closed cultivation?" I asked Liu Fei, covertly devouring her gorgeous body with my eyes.

"Ten days. I take it you've made a breakthrough, right? Trying to hide the curiosity in her voice, the owner of the arrow spirit asked.

- That's right. Heh, I didn't think that Ling Qi would take so long–" Apparently, my soul spent 10 whole days outside of the physical shell, which is truly amazing.

"Ten days is a long time, isn't it?" The usual practices have been improving continuously for months! Liu Fei exclaimed in shock.

– Well, I'm not an ordinary practitioner, it's better not to refer to me. All right, come on, beauty, I'll meet you after the meeting! After answering in my usual light-hearted style, I jumped out onto the path and hurried to my room to get ready for Yangzhou City.