
Reincarnation- Kaiju-Kaiju no Mi (Model: Gojira)

Takashi Kamiya was a orphaned student who had just graduated from Oxford University with an outstanding resume and flying colors. Unfortunately, when he took a trip to Europe to see the world, his plane crashed in the middle of the ocean. When he woke up in a world strangely similar to his favorite show, he was overjoyed. Screw searching for a Job! Screw boring desk job or office work! Bah! I'll just be a pirate instead! To become the King of Monsters! -------------------------------------------------------------------I DO NOT own the Cover, If this is your cover and you don't want it up here, just send me a message and I'll get back to you. Also, don't expect anything like massive power-ups from the start or beating admirals to a pulp right from the beginning. This is a Fan-Fic so naturally, I'll have some control over facts and history. MC will first be alone for about a few chapters before running into Luffy. He will not join the Straw hats but he will meet them by cough cough *accident*. He will have his own crew. Lastly, If any of you want any romance or any of that stuff, just post it in the rewiews or comment on the first chapter, if I get over 20 saying yes, I'll consider it.

Spiral_Mask · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 5: Training and a Timeskip....

"Training...." - Takashi

'Now how will I go about this?' Takashi questioned himself

'Saitama workout maybe? I'll just modify it a bit.

Yes, this looks good' He thought as he wrote down his plan in the sand.

"Alright!" - Takashi

After planning out his next steps he decided to start the next day and used his time to enjoy the sights in the jungle while carefully avoiding the large creatures in it. *cough* *cough* Definitely not procrastinating

When the sun rose over the island the next day, Takashi got up and started his workout focusing on improving his endurance and strength. After a quick break for food, he resumed his workout, this time working on his speed and reaction by deliberately finding creatures in the jungle and trying to evade them. At night, Takashi went into the water and found a place to stay near the reef as it was much safer than on the beach where any nocturnal predators may roam.

*TIME SKIP (Author technique: Timeskip )*

(5 Years Later)



A medium sized pirate ship crashes into the beach of a jungle island. After a few seconds, a man with 2 swords on his back and a scar running down his jaw jumps of the ship.


""""YES CAPTAIN!"""" Several voices shout in response.

As they move out to do their captain's bidding, he looks out at the jungle worriedly. He felt that something was off, it was quiet. Way too quiet. It seemed like the jungle was holding its breath. Suddenly, his senses started spiking again and he whirled around and faced the sea in readiness.

"Nice try, but I'm on your left." A dry monotone voice spoke.

He tried to look to his left but was quickly met with a fist and blacked out.

POV: Takashi

After knocking out who appeared to be the captain of the small-time pirate crew, he rounded them up and tied them to the mast of their ship.


"I thought it would be a bit more of a challenge..." Takashi said disappointed at the level of strength shown by his first enemies.

After bringing the supplies that the crew had gathered into the storage hold, he went into the crew's quarters and exchanged his dress made out of leaves and fiber strands into some comfortable wear.

"Now... how the hell am I supposed to sail?" - Takashi

'Should I use these pirates?' - Takashi

"Nah.. I'll figure it out later" He thought and searched around the ship for a compass.

He found a white sail down in the storage and replaced the jolly roger with it, signifying that he was a normal vessel. Then, he found a map to the nearby islands and a log pose that seemed to have already locked on to the magnetic field from the captain's quarters.

'A log pose?!' - Takashi

'So I guess I'm not in one of the blue's then. I suppose the number of sea kings in this part of the sea are higher than what should be normal for the blues...' - Takashi

He thought back to the last 5 years when his daily routine had been to train in the morning until he collapsed before resting up a bit and then going into the sea to hunt for food. During those years, he had ventured out further than the safety of the reef and into the depths below. With his enhanced strength and superior physique that grew stronger underwater, there were not many creatures that could pose as a threat to him despite his small size. The only problems he ran into were the larger sea kings who could match him in strength and speed underwater. He would only go out to hunt once or twice a month as smaller sea kings could feed him for a long time, and their meat was resistant to rotting and didn't decompose.

After making sure which direction it pointed in, he memorized it and jumped on to the beach again. He shoved and slowly moved the ship into deeper waters before letting go. His raw power had reached the point where he could demolish a medium sized ship with a single punch. Takashi dove into the water and latched onto the bottom of the ship before swimming with it in the direction of the island. Another thing that he noticed in the last few years was his unique skill of hearing sonar, and radio frequencies over very long distances. He could lock on to the magnetic poles of an island as well and navigate towards it while underwater. As long as he knew which island the log pose pointed to, he would target the signal in that direction and not lose his sense of direction. Takashi swam off at a speed faster than the ship could travel into the Grand line and off towards his next direction!

*5 Hours later*

*very quiet rumbling noises*

Takashi snapped into attention from the dull and monotonous act of swimming forward and sent out his senses. The sonar found a few small fishes moving around somewhere to his right and a shark or something a bit over to his left around a mile or two away. There was a sea king a bit deeper but it was carefully avoiding him sensing his presence to be stronger than itself.

*muffled rumbling sound out again*

'That does not sound like a sea creature...' - Takashi

'Looks like the crew is awake.' - Takashi

Since moving out he had encountered very little challenges and most sea creatures steered out of his way. He let go of the ship and got onto it from the side. He looked at the mast to see the 6 pirates glaring at him trying to get out of their ropes.

"Sorry guys, nothing personal just needed a ride." - Takashi

"MMmmhHHPFf" - Pirates

Takashi made sure the ropes where secured once more before heading in doors and finding a bed and collapsing onto it. His stamina had improved to the point where he could swim for a long time without needing a rest. With his recovery speed increasing while near the sea, he could start out again in an hour or two. After a short nap he dove back into the sea and started pulling the ship along again. It looked like the weather had shifted while he had gone and the ship had sustained some damage.

After two days of swimming he found the next island. He stopped swimming and got back on ship before letting it drift forward and into the port of the city. This helped him keep up an appearance as a regular person. He went and knocked out the pirates and took them onto the pier. It was a dessert island with what appeared to be a large and diverse culture. He moved out of the harbor and got a lot of stares from people for dragging a pirate along with him. The rest of the crew aside from the captain had been left on the ship. Takashi didn't worry about them because they probably had no bounty on them and the ship was in terrible shape with no-one to man it over the last two days. He doubted that the captain had any bounty but tried anyway. Much to his disappointment, the city which he now identifies as Nanohana, had no place where he could exchange bounties. Probably due to it having an infamous warlord protecting it which drove away pirates. Seeing that there was no marine base, he left the pirate in a nearby trash pile and left.

'Nanohana huh.... This should be around 6 years before Luffy sets out to sail.' - Takashi said after he looked at a newspaper and saw the year.

'Then, Robin should have already come here to Alabasta right?' - Takashi

Takashi decided to stay in Alabasta for a while to adjust to the climate. Since coming here he felt uncomfortable with the heat and lack of perspiration in the air. As he ate a zoan that connected him to the sea, and thus he felt like a fish out of water in the desert, quite literally. But underlying that discomfort, he felt his body slowly adapting and gaining resistance to the heat and the dry air in this region. Training in this island would help him more than it did back at the jungle where he was close to the sea.

Takashi walked around the bustling bazaar of the city while enjoying the sights of one of the places where a main arc of the show took place. There were many exotic goods for sale and the fragrance of perfume was in the air.

'I wonder if I should meet the main cast... I was reincarnated into One Piece, what kind of idiot would I be if I didn't use this chance to meet the main characters of the seri-' - Takashi

"Hey! get back here!" A voice shouted out.

1494 words.

This chapter and the next might be boring so I'll make up for it in the following one with the first fight scene!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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