
Reincarnation- Kaiju-Kaiju no Mi (Model: Gojira)

Takashi Kamiya was a orphaned student who had just graduated from Oxford University with an outstanding resume and flying colors. Unfortunately, when he took a trip to Europe to see the world, his plane crashed in the middle of the ocean. When he woke up in a world strangely similar to his favorite show, he was overjoyed. Screw searching for a Job! Screw boring desk job or office work! Bah! I'll just be a pirate instead! To become the King of Monsters! -------------------------------------------------------------------I DO NOT own the Cover, If this is your cover and you don't want it up here, just send me a message and I'll get back to you. Also, don't expect anything like massive power-ups from the start or beating admirals to a pulp right from the beginning. This is a Fan-Fic so naturally, I'll have some control over facts and history. MC will first be alone for about a few chapters before running into Luffy. He will not join the Straw hats but he will meet them by cough cough *accident*. He will have his own crew. Lastly, If any of you want any romance or any of that stuff, just post it in the rewiews or comment on the first chapter, if I get over 20 saying yes, I'll consider it.

Spiral_Mask · Anime & Comics
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6 Chs

Chapter 1: Plane Crash

Takashi looked into his phone and checked the time. It was nearly 1:15, his flight would take off soon. He switched it off into airplane mode before slipping it into his pocket. From his pocket, he took out earphones that he plugged into the monitor in the back of the seat Infront of him and began scrolling through the collection of music and movies they had.


Takashi was an orphan who showed promising results in his school and was hailed as a genius of his generation. He broke the world's records when it came to mathematics and participated in many math and English competitions, often scoring a gold or a silver medal. This got him a scholarship at the prestigious Harvard University, however, wanting to be close to his roots, he took the offer from the Oxford University in England. After graduating with flying colors and exceeding the expectations from his professors and peers alike, he even got an amazing job offer in Computer Engineering under a 3 year contract from Microsoft. He decided to start the job from next month, taking a long deserved break from studies and other tedious tasks to go on a vacation, touring the countries in Europe while on a one-month cruise.


As the sky darkened and the sun sank into the sea on the horizon, he plugged the earphones out and drifted off into sleep as the air hostess began making their rounds down the aisles asking if they can be of service.





"Look at him!" - Bully #1

"Why does his face look like that?" - Bully #3

"Eww get away from us" - Bully #2

Takashi was hit on the head by a soda can that a bully threw at him. He covered his head with his arms and tried to shrink into the wall as if he wanted to disappear as the bullies jeered at him. He was used to this by now, as an orphan who's looked like a typical immigrant, he was bullied regularly and the other kids simply kept their distance from him and whispered about him spreading gossip about the weird kid who always knew the answer to the teacher's questions.

"Nerd!" Bully #2 shouted at him while throwing a crumpled ball of aluminum wrapping at him.

It got stuck in his silky black hair that looked slightly maroon in the sunlight. His skin was pale and his eyes were a piercing blue that seemed dimmed yet somehow still shone brightly. He picked it out and dropped while taking a deep breath and trying his best to ignore them just like anyway when suddenly he was pushed down by a Bully. As he fell he was stunned, though he was verbally abused many times, no-one had ever gotten physical against him before. As if realizing this the bully also took a step back as he saw what he did. He looked around in surprise as if he hadn't meant to go that far, especially in front of a crowd. Just then a voice shouted out.

"Hey! you Jerks! What do you think you're doing to him!" an angry voice sounded.

Takashi widened his eyes when he heard someone sticking up to him. He looked up and in the direc-





Takashi snapped out of his sleep as he was jolted awake by the erratic movements and shuddering of the aircraft. The people around him were in panic as the airhostesses were trying to calm everyone down. The seatbelt signs flickered on and oxygen masks dropped down before the monitors started showing safety procedures on the screen. Startled, Takashi strapped on an Oxygen mask and buckled himself in before helping the elderly couple who sat beside him. Not even moments after, a large WHOOMPH sounded as the oxygen in the room was sucked out and a hole appeared in the side of the aircraft revealing the stormy dark skies outside. As everything and everyone not tied down were pulled out he hit his head against the side of the aircraft and started to blank out. He caught glimpses of scenes as his mind faded away. The hole expanding before tearing their aircraft in two. Screaming, Spinning out of control. The elderly couple being torn away into the void along with their seats. A sound like metal grinding against itself before a glimpse of the black waters and then nothing. Just peace and quiet as he drifted off into his not-so-eternal sleep.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

752 Words this chapter. Expect more from the next ones

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