
Chapter 4:Discounts

Considering that I can't easily get good gear right now, I should probably try to learn skills and abilities that are effective on people in the holy/lighy class, and probably resistance skills towards holy/light attacks would also be a good idea.

Since I probably could build a resistance towards holy/light attacks in the Nether, it would be best to learn some offensive skills towards holy/light classes.

Yozora:"Wait, I shouldn't just focus on offensive skills towards holy/light classes since that wouldn't help me survive right now. I should probably learn a skill from another element; dark and fire based skills would be easier for me to learn, but would also be expected of me since of my high affinity towards them, plus I was also spawned in the Nether.

The best action to take would be learning summoning and lightning based skill since it's the next easiest element I can practice, since It helps me both survive in the Nether and maybe surprise the heroes.

Although saying all this, I should throw away dark and fire based skills totally since they still come in handy. I just shouldn't focus on dark and fire skills since the heroes will most likely spend most there time learning and practicing skills towards countering them"


Yozora:"Oh, hey System, Can you tell me what information the heroes will be given of me?"

System:Yes, the Hero group will be told that a person from earth has been reincarnated to play the role as the villain with only the knowledge from their past live, no memories. The Villain has been given a head start of currently 2 days to establish a domain in the Nether, which is where the Villain has been reincarnated, and also allowed to capture 30% of the Overworld before they/Heroes have been summoned.

Yozora:"That's good, they have only a little information about me. But since I can ask you question that I assume about the heroes, that only indirectly helps me, like the hero class question I had earlier, I have the upper hand in information and time to prepare"


Yozora:"Considering that I'm probably the first villain this world has, they won't know the class I get unlike me... Wait why don't have class? Should I have a villain class?"

System:No. Although there isn't any villain class, the User can still gain unholy/dark class types base on the User's level, skills, abilities, affinities, and actions. An example of unholy/dark class types the User can gain is: Demon Lord, Warlock, Destroyer, Conquerer, and Death Bringer.

Yozora:"... What happens if I don't choose a unholy/dark type class?"

System:Not possible, the User has a 100% chance of having a unholy/dark class types as an option every time even if the User hasn't completed the requirements need to gain that class. Plus even if the User doesn't select a unholy/dark type class every time there's a class choice, the User will be force to selected one on your last class selection, which is level 1,000.

Yozora:"... Isn't that kinda poorly designed? I bet that my fight with the heroes won't be that high of a level or that end game"

System:Although I get what the User is saying, the reason the User can choose a class was due to wanting the User to have a much freedom as possible. A Villain mostly doesn't follows the rules after all.

Yozora:"Huuu... I should stop getting side track, I should focus on my survive and preparing for the future right now. First daily training"


System:Ding! Daily Mission Complete: 10km/1.6km, 100/0 push-ups, 100/0 sit-ups, Reward:10,000p.


System:Ding! Daily Mission Complete:1,000/1,000 blade strokes, Reward:1,000p.

Finishing my last blade stroke, I think of what to do since there was almost nothing much to do considering that I'm still in this god forsaken cave system.

Yozora:"Hmmm... I should probably start trying to learn a summoning or lightning skill. Hey System, I there any way to do that?"

System:Yes, the User can buy manuals or skill books to practice or learn certain skills the User wants.

Yozora:"What would you recommend?"

System:Depending what the User wants. An example of this is if the User want an easy beginner lightning based skill, the manual or skill book for Lightning Palm would work the best. But the downside of the Lightning Palm is that it's just a beginner technique, which is almost useless last game.

Yozora:"Find, I want something easy for me right now, but can be expanded on later. Like something that has steps or tier that can later be used late game"

System:The best matches for the User description and requirements are Lightning Style Jutsu. But if the requirements is just something easy and can be used late game, Lightning Slayer Magic.

Yozora:"... Aren't they from Naruto and Fairy Tail?"

System:Mostly, Lightning Style Jutsu doesn't take chakra. User should remember that this world is a fantasy world based on off ideas, imagination, and ideals of the beings that are reincarnated, summoned, or transported from earth to here.

Yozora:"Does that mean these "techniques" are based off my ideas and imagination from watching anime?"

System:Yes, It did play a part.

Yozora:"Ha, You said part, that mean it isn't fully because of me that some aspects of anime are now in this world"


Yozora:"I'll take your silence as a yes. But now the question is, how much did my and someone else's memories of anime effected this world? And what animes affected this world? Like, can I find certain characters from anime here? Plus this doesn't take into account other shows and stories"

Yozora:"Hu, I'm getting off track again, I should start practicing a lightning skill"

Since I didn't want to learn or do hand signs, because they allow others to know what you're going to do and would probably be a hassle to learn, I scratch the idea of learning Lightning Style Jutsu.

Yozora:"System, show me the Lightning Slayer Magic Manual in the Store"

[Lightning Slayer Magic Manual]:This manual has the information need to guide the reader to learn Lightning Slayer Magic, which allow the User to consume and absorb lightning, and also mimic and slay a lightning type being. 937,500p

Looking at the 41,600 System Points I have, I feel like it would be impossible right to buy the Lightning Slayer Magic Manual.

Yozora:"Wait, why is the price such an odd number?"

System:The price of the [Lightning Slayer Magic Manual] was original at 1,250,000 System Points, but due to the User having [Low Lightning Affinity], the User has a 25% discount while purchasing anything lightning related in the System's Store.

Yorzora:"Wait, then how much of a discount do I get when buying something dark, fire, or summoning related in the store?"

System:75% discount.

Yozora:"Hmmm... Maybe I should start using summoning magic then move to lightning magic later. Maybe I can summon lightning type monsters if I combine the two magics. That would really help since the heroes would probably only expect dark and fire type people in my army"

Yozora:"Wait, what happens if I buy something that's both summoning and lightning related in the Store? Would I get 100% off?"

System:No, the maximum discount the User can get with affinities are 90%.

Yozora:"The way you worded that means there's other ways to get better discounts. What are they?"

System:Certain items can be used to decrease the price of certain items and skills in the System's Store. An example of this would be if the User wanted to buy a potion, the User can decrease the cost by collecting some or all of the ingredients.

Yozora:"I'll keep that in mind. So System, is there any skills that is both summoning and lightning related?"

System:Yes, the System recommends manual or skill book for Lightning Summoning Magic. This magic meets the requirements of the User's previous requirements, but the only downside to it would be that the User personal wouldn't get stronger compare to the Lightning Slayer Magic.

Yozora:"It's good enough for now. Show me the manual for it"

[Lightning Summoning Magic Manual]:This Manual contains the information need for readers to summon various lightning based beings and the ways to use them best. 475,000p

Yozora:"I can probably buy that after another 9 rounds of killing those flower monsters again"

Remembers that my inventory full of monster flower corpses, Yozora:"Before that, what should I do with all these? It would be wasteful to just leave them on the ground"

System:The User can grind up the petals of the Piranha Corpse Flower To save some space and or sell the monster corpses in the shop. Please note that the User can't refund or retire anything after it's sold or purchased from the System's Store.

Yozora:"I guess I'll grind the petals first" Saying that I grab a large stone off the ground and the petals from my inventory.