
Reincarnating into a magical world with one wish

When_they_cry · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

A conversation with God

Its been really lonely here, i started counting to elevate my boredom not that would do any good... Suddenly i saw a bright light i tried to cover my eyes with my hands which I didn't even have and then I heard a voice from the light it was so thundering

"Law you've been given a chance to reincarnate to a higher world with one wish, are you willing to take it"

When I heard those words my mind was ecstatic what I prayed for all my life was finally happening to me...but hold up! "One wish" i blurted out the voice answered "Yes" is this a scam i said to my self, i thought the norm was 3 wishes damn this is going to be hard.

I asked the light "who are you" it replied

"I am the God of the multiverse, i was so intrigued to see a pure soul so weak and sick have such a fighting spirit, so I decided to give you another chance in a better world" i was so surprised and asked again "what kind of world is it going to be, are there going to be super powers or mana or is it going to be a cultivation world"

God suddenly started to laugh "it's going to be a world with mana, hurry up and chose a wish"

I didn't even know what wish I wanted, what power I wanted but I always admired one the most