
Reincarnated Young Miss; Loving you till Eternity

She was an orphan in her past life who was hunted down by her enemies due to her supreme power which led to her death. She found out that she had been reincarnated into a young miss body. The day she opened her eyes, her fate completely changed

Iniria · Fantasy
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7 Chs

chapter 4

<p>After leaving the restaurant, Teras decided to take a stroll around the city before going to the library. She was so amazed by all the things she saw on the street.<br/>" Greetings to young miss" a lady came to greet her sarcastically<br/>" who is this?" she asked her maid without even sparing the lady a glance<br/>" oh you want to pretend not to know me" the lady replied while smirking<br/>" I don't know someone like you" Teras replied with a mocking gaze. She glanced at her maid waiting for an answer<br/>" this is the young miss of the Water clan" she said<br/>"oh" Teras mumbled remembering that this was the lady young master Seil loved dearly and was planning to marry before been forced by his family to accept Teras. She was also there when she got beaten up by Seil's guards<br/>" so do you remember me now....uhnnn" the lady said with arrogance<br/>" you ain't worth remembering " Teras replied while walking pass her<br/>" Hope you are recovering well?" the young miss shouted towards her direction mockingly <br/>" To your dismay I'm alive" she replied while walking away<br/>" ahh at least I got your fiance while you got nothing" she said with a boosting voice. Seeing that she had been ignored she got mad to the extent of slapping her maid just to release her anger.<br/>" Don't worry I would get back at you" she thought while walking away with a huff.<br/>After the whole drama with the young miss of water clan, Teras wasn't in the mood to head to the library anymore so she headed home.<br/>"wait right there!" she heard Seil's voice right behind her . she decided to ignore and she kept walking thinking of why today was a bad day because she keeps seeing her nemesis. seeing that she wasn't listening to him, Seil sent his guard to stop her.Teras gurad wanted to help her avoid the guard so she could keep going but she stopped him<br/>" what to you want from me?" she asked in a frustrated tone without turning around <br/>" what do you mean " he asked her in a very arrogant and furious manner. Without giving him a reply she gave him a "are you talking or not" look while turning around <br/>" Don't you ever give me that kind of look" he said with an imposing tone<br/>" and who are you to give me instructions?" she replied him without a change of expression<br/>" Do you realize who you are talking to?" he asked in an angry manner<br/>" And who are you? I can't remember you been my father neither my uncle so tell me why I must accord you respect when I'm speaking" she said as if mocking him. Seil was very furious when he had her reply that his face turned ugly. Without waiting for him to reply, she turned around and kept walking without looking back.<br/>Feeling annoyed and frustrated, she went to her room straight after getting home without asking if her brother was back from the restaurant or not. Seeing the change in colour of her bedroom she was satisfied and it lightened her mood a little bit.She decided to ask the maid to get her any book related to cultivation from the library while she rested before the book is brought back.By the time they brought the book back it was noon already. she opened the book and saw a page which talks about how to start cultivating. After understanding what she read she decided to try it out so she crossed her leg and started meditating ,she first tried to absorb the spiritual energy in the air but she failed.She tried the second and third time but she met failure. without giving up,she kept trying but it was futile.seeing that she failed in all her trials she decided to check the book if they was any place that emphasizes on why a person can't absorb spiritual energy. seeing that she could not find what she needed in the book she went to ask her grandfather<br/>" Grandfather" she greeted her grandfather who was meeting the clan elders<br/>" how are you feeling now?" he asked her worriedly while dismissing the elders<br/>" I'm feeling better now grandfather" she replied him while nodding as a sign of respect to the clan elders<br/>" come have your seat,what do you want to see me for?" <br/>" I want to ask you a question" she said " what can cause a person not to be able to absorb spiritual energy?"<br/>" according to our ancestors the only thing that can cause that kind of situation is if the person has a seal on his or her body" he replied feeling surprised by her question<br/>" what is a seal grandfather?" she asked curiously<br/>" A seal is always created by only those of the upper paragon or emperor level. It is created to control or keep a power in a person" he answered her seriously while looking at her he continued <br/>" Most seals are always on people that posses beasts power. In order to contain the power ,seals are placed on such people" he said<br/>" How can the seal be removed grandfather" she asked eagerly with a little bit of nervousness <br/>" some seal go away themselves when their time is up, depending on the level of power used. but a seal can only be removed by the person who made the seal" <br/>" Are they any other way to remove a seal " she asked feeling sad and anxious for his answer<br/>" According to some ancient text some seal are removed forcefully by using a treasure from the grave of the last person who reached the emperor's level....but the grave's whereabouts is still unknown till now" he said.<br/>" what is the treasure grandfather?"she asked<br/>" I don't know" he said with a faraway look.<br/> seeing that she looked listless and sad about the topic he decided to leave her alone. <br/>Teras felt so sad when she heard her grandfather's answer. She knew that a seal was placed in her body which is why she can't cultivate. firstly, she didn't know who placed a seal on her body and secondly, the whereabouts of the last emperor grave is unknown. She left her grandfather's courtyard not long with an anxious and worried face.<br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/><br/></p>