
Reincarnated Yakuza

"A yakuza man who has lived his life as an orphan in extreme solitude is reincarnated into another world as the third son of a knightly family, Ryu. He receives the love of a family he never had before and grows up healthily, but eventually realizes that they are a super-poor family with a strong fighting spirit but a weak business sense, passed down from generation to generation. He realizes that he has to do something, so he uses his unknown skill "Gokudo" and knowledge of his past secret business to sell coffee, chocolate, and carts, improve the harvest of raw materials by improving the fields, and put up a booth at the festival, achieving great success and putting one new business after another on track. However, as he steadily increases his territory, danger looms over the family that is hated by the aristocratic gangsters who are jealous of them...

knittedturtle · Fantasy
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16 Chs

It's a success

The Landmark family, unexpectedly received a large sum of money before the harvest season.

It was the sales revenue from the handcart.

The local carpenter and blacksmith also took on the manufacturing, and they were working day and night, happily busy with their work.

"Master Ryu, it's tough! We have too many orders and can't keep up with production! We hired several assistants, but their skills aren't catching up yet," the carpenter said.

The town of Landmark is small, and there was no big store that could answer the unexpectedly high number of orders.

"How about dividing the work?" Ryu proposed, after seeing the craftsmen at work.

"Dividing the work?" Until then, each craftsman had been making one handcart at a time. So, Ryu suggested that each person should decide which part to make and divide the roles until the final assembly. This way, even assistants who are not confident in their skills yet can work on simple tasks that require fewer techniques to learn.

"I see. Division of labor," the proposal greatly simplified each person's work, and even with many assistants hired, the efficiency did not decline, but rather increased. This led to more work, adding to the town's prosperous situation.

The Landmark knight territory originally had a small population, so when the economic situation improved, it quickly prospered.

Farmers may not benefit from this, but they are not in the fields all day long. They can take up part-time jobs in assembly during their free time. That's how they were able to ride on this handcart bubble.

Landmark family's office.

"I was worried about having no money in early summer," Father said, deeply moved. It was a meeting before the harvest season.

"Our grandson surprises us. Hahaha!" Grandfather Kamiza laughed heartily.

"Tauro-sama is growing up as the next head, and Jiro-sama is working hard as his assistant. Ryu-sama is contributing to the finances, and the Landmark family is safe!" Captain Sugo also laughed heartily after Kamiza.

"My grandson Shima also works hard without sparing any effort to support the three of them. I'll make sure he does his best," Butler Sebastian said humbly.

"I think Shima is excellent among his peers, Sebastian. Our grandchildren are too excellent," Kamiza praised, showing off.

"That's right, Sebastian. Shima is doing well. Sometimes we need to praise him too," Father also praised Shima.

"Thank you very much. I'll let him know," Sebastian responded calmly.

"By the way, shouldn't we call Ryu? His idea played a big role in this year's crop success," Kamiza said.

"He should be coming soon," Father said.

Knock, knock.

The sound of knocking came from the office door.

"Come in," Father answered the knock briefly.

"Excuse me," Ryu entered the room.

"Now that Ryu has arrived, let's talk about this year's crop success. Yesterday, I visited each village, and it looks like it will be a great harvest this year," Kamiza said.

"That's great. Landmark family will also prosper," Sugo rejoiced.

"That's all thanks to Ryu's proposal. The village chiefs mentioned that the soil changed due to the replacement of the forest soil. Also, the coffee field is doing well. Although there will be a small harvest this year, it looks like it will continue for the next few years. Therefore, I want to use the current profits to expand the coffee beans field," the decision was made by the lord. The coffee beans were undoubtedly the Landmark family's lifeline.

"...then we have to develop that vast forest. Apart from cutting down trees, we also need to remove the stumps and consider land leveling. It will be a tough job," Sebastian spoke realistically.

"...then I think I can help," Ryu seemed to have a plan.