
Reincarnated Yakuza

"A yakuza man who has lived his life as an orphan in extreme solitude is reincarnated into another world as the third son of a knightly family, Ryu. He receives the love of a family he never had before and grows up healthily, but eventually realizes that they are a super-poor family with a strong fighting spirit but a weak business sense, passed down from generation to generation. He realizes that he has to do something, so he uses his unknown skill "Gokudo" and knowledge of his past secret business to sell coffee, chocolate, and carts, improve the harvest of raw materials by improving the fields, and put up a booth at the festival, achieving great success and putting one new business after another on track. However, as he steadily increases his territory, danger looms over the family that is hated by the aristocratic gangsters who are jealous of them...

knittedturtle · Fantasy
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16 Chs

I Have a Junior, Is Something the Matter?

Shima was dumbfounded. He had thought he had been training hard for this day as well. However, Tauro, the first son who was one year older and a knight holder, was on a different level. Even Jiro, the second son, was one year younger but still had high-level combat skills as a "cleric warrior," was strong. However, he had thought that he would be fine with the third and youngest son Ryu since he was physically superior and had better skills, but he couldn't even stand up to him.

As expected, the Landmark family was an amazing clan, just as his grandfather and father had told him!

Shima felt embarrassed and ashamed of his arrogance and decided to serve the three of them with a renewed heart.

Ryu did not know about this change in Shima's heart, but he regretted defeating him calmly, as he would probably end up serving Tauro, the older brother.

Shima was said to have three combat skills: swordsmanship, spear mastery, and hand-to-hand combat. Perhaps he had lost his confidence or was even angry at being deceived.

He was now troubled about what to do, and as he was pondering in the hallway, he suddenly met him face to face.


Ryu was petrified.

"I'm sorry I couldn't keep up during the sword practice!"

As soon as their eyes met, Shima apologized without hesitation.


Ryu was taken aback.

"I was underestimating you all. From now on, I will throw away my arrogance and serve the three of you!"

This was the moment when Ryu, who was younger, gained a junior in Shima, who was older.

"Y-Yeah. Nice to meet you..."

It was a completely different development from what he had imagined, so Ryu was bewildered.

"Ryu-sama, you are amazing!"

Shima, who had accompanied Ryu on his walk in the forest, praised his hunting skills.

Today, there were no traps for catching prey, so they decided to hunt birds instead, and Ryu shot them down with his bow and arrow.

"Ryu-sama is good at everything. You're really amazing!"

Shima may have been a younger brother type after all. But he didn't want to be the big brother type...

However, Tauro and Jiro had asked him to watch over Ryu because they were worried about him acting alone.

And that's where we are now.

After capturing several birds, they put them in magic storage and headed to a farmer's field.

The farmer had become unable to make ends meet due to his debt, so Ryu had him create a field where he could produce stable coffee bean crops. Today, Ryu and Shima were going to help with the harvesting.

"Ryu-sama, thank you for letting me help you with the farm work!"

Shima, who had never done farm work before, was excited.

"Well, it's not just me. It's for everyone who helped me!"

Ryu replied modestly.

The three of them worked hard to harvest the coffee beans, and as the sun set, they finished their work and headed back to the mansion.