
Reincarnated Yakuza

"A yakuza man who has lived his life as an orphan in extreme solitude is reincarnated into another world as the third son of a knightly family, Ryu. He receives the love of a family he never had before and grows up healthily, but eventually realizes that they are a super-poor family with a strong fighting spirit but a weak business sense, passed down from generation to generation. He realizes that he has to do something, so he uses his unknown skill "Gokudo" and knowledge of his past secret business to sell coffee, chocolate, and carts, improve the harvest of raw materials by improving the fields, and put up a booth at the festival, achieving great success and putting one new business after another on track. However, as he steadily increases his territory, danger looms over the family that is hated by the aristocratic gangsters who are jealous of them...

knittedturtle · Fantasy
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16 Chs

I've Been Reincarnated, So What?

"Oh my, what's the matter?"

An elderly man with a white beard, who is referred to as "God," turns towards the direction of the voice in his pure white room.

"Another reincarnated person from Earth has arrived! And this time, it seems they've been directly reincarnated into the world under your jurisdiction, God. What shall we do?"

"Again?... Let me see..."

God moves his fingers over his workspace.

"Hmm, it's certainly another one from Earth. It seems they've come from the same place as the young man who arrived the other day, activated by stumbling over their words again. It's a coincidence, but this won't do. I'll need to warn the gods of Earth."

God's assistant, a woman, asks again.

"So, what should we do about the reincarnated person?"

"Reincarnation directly from the mortal world to our underworld without passing through the divine world is rare, but not unheard of. We'll let it slide this time. According to their status, they don't have any special skills that could alter the world. "

"I understand. I'll take care of it then."

And so, Yokohama Ryusei (a gangster) was safely reincarnated into another world.

The place is the farthest border of the Crestoria Kingdom, located about three weeks southeast by horse from the capital city of the country, in the mansion of a knight's fiefdom.

A baby boy is crying.

"This child's name shall be... Ryu... Ryu Landmark!"

A tall, slender man with red hair and brown eyes, who appears to be the father, names and picks up the baby.

The blonde, blue-eyed mother who has just given birth also exclaims, "That's a great name!"

At that moment, Yokohama Ryusei, now known as Ryu Landmark, was bewildered.

He realized he couldn't move his body or see very well.

Someone was holding him, a big man who could easily fit him in the palm of his hand.

When he tried to speak, he couldn't say anything coherent, only "daa" or "uuu."

Feeling overwhelmed, he started to cry uncontrollably.

For some reason, he couldn't understand, he was crying emotionally.

The man quickly laid him down next to the woman and said, "Ryu is doing well."

In his hazy vision, Ryu finally realized that he must be a baby himself.

Is this the reincarnation cycle of Buddhism? In any case, it seems he has been reborn. He doesn't remember dying. Oh, wait, it's from that Tensei Mahoujin!

Ryu Landmark remembers his previous life's end.

It was shocking, but if he's already dead, there's nothing he can do about it. He needs to switch his thinking.

Fortunately, his new parents seem like good people.

Yokohama Ryusei didn't know his previous parents' faces. He was abandoned by them at birth and spent his childhood in an orphanage.

So, compared to his previous life, this life seemed like a stroke of good fortune.

Ryu grew up surrounded by his family's love.

He inherited his father's red hair and his mother's blue eyes, and his appearance was blessed by the combination of the two.

At first, he struggled with the gap between his previous life's memories and his current infant state, but his family's presence helped him bridge the gap. By the time he was four years old, he had come to terms with his memories and his current age.

The Landmark family, Ryu's family, were all wonderful people.

They were incredibly kind, compassionate, and even kind to their subjects.

They gave alms and helped the poor, and were so good-natured that they didn't care if it affected their own standard of living.

As a result, despite being lord, their lifestyle was simple and impoverished.

Ryu loved his family so much that, at the age of four, he would go to the nearby forest, pick up things that could be eaten in the forest, and bring them home to contribute as a side dish to the Landmark family's meager meals.

Ryu had been curious about one thing since he was a baby.

Every object had a name displayed on it.

Thanks to this, even if he saw something for the first time, he knew its name, which was convenient. However, he didn't understand anything beyond that, so he started sneaking into his father's study to read books and learn more.

He could read and write by the age of four, even though he hadn't been taught. One day, when Ryu's father discovered him reading a book, he showed his pride in Ryu and thought he might be a genius.

Also, even though no one had taught him, he could read and write at the age of four.

The family seriously discussed whether they should send Ryu to the Royal Academy in the future.