
Reincarnated With Villain Revenge System

[Must Read The Synopsis!!!] The journey is not easy for Liu Kang to face. Reincarnated into a Young Master, he had a different name from his previous life. His name is Kang Xing, the Young Master of the Kang family. Living a life so luxurious that he forgets who he is. On his 18th birthday, Kang Xing finally remembered his past self because the System within him had just Activated. [Villain Revenge System Activated] [Host must complete tasks to level up, and Take revenge on Hou Chang!] With enthusiasm, Kang Xing finally carried out his duties, but unfortunately, the One he had to kill was not in the World he was in right now. Until finally the system came up with a plan that didn't make sense. Namely Transmigrating Kang Xing to a different world, so he can meet Hou Chang. [DING!] [The system finds a new body for Hosts] [Starting the System From Start] [Remaining 1,000 points] [Analyze the world] [Start analyzing] [1%... 10%... 68%... 100%] [Analysis is complete. The system detects Qi in small amounts] [DING!] [The system detects damage] [Host is recommended to make improvements] [Automatic recovery is done] [Starting Healing] [1% - 2% - 3% - 4% ...] Kang Xing did not realize all of that because he was still unconscious. Currently, he is in the emergency room. Patients who have been in a coma for more than six months due to accidents. A few minutes later, he woke up from his sleep. Can Kang Xing (Liu Kang) live his life in such a different world? And can he get all his past memories back? Because in an uncertain journey he must face wherever he is... ----- Join My Discord Server : https://discord.gg/HDDkJ3Atyr

Neptunus_97 · Eastern
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178 Chs

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Kang Xing turned his head toward where Tan Jiang. Kang Xing remembered that there were still other people in his room.

"Get out now!" Kang Xing said in an even tone.

"Yes, Young Master, I have served breakfast on the living room table," replied Tan Jiang as he bowed, then hurriedly left Kang Xing's room.

"Tan Jian!"

Tan Jiang stopped in his steps just as he was about to grab the doorknob of Kang Xing's room.

Tan Jiang turned his body and looked at Kang Xing, "Yes, Young Master, can I help you?" Tan Jiang asked as he lowered his head.

"Don't you dare enter my room without my permission! Do you understand?" Kang Xing said in an even tone to Tan Jiang.

"Yes, Young Master, I understand." Tan Jiang replied with a bow and hurriedly left Kang Xing's room.

After exiting Kang Xing's room, Tan Jiang slowly closed the Young Master's door, then Tan Jiang leaned his back against the wall next to Kang Xing's door.

'Gosh, what was that feeling just now? Why can I suddenly feel such a sinister aura on Young Master? His aura was so cold that I couldn't breathe when he came closer. Tan Jiang thought in terror as he felt such a terrifying aura from his Young Master.

After his bodyguard came out of his room, Kang Xing immediately took off his clothes and hid them in the closet.

In a panic, Kang Xing headed to the bathroom and looked in the mirror.

"Am I dreaming?" Kang Xing asked, confused because he remembered being unconscious under a bridge near the Wuhan Museum.

"No! There's no way I'm dreaming!" Kang Xing said as he shook his head.

"Heaven, what happened to me when I was unconscious?" Kang Xing asked.

<DING! >

[Host is under the bridge confirming First Task]

[The first task has been successfully confirmed and entered into the System]

Kang Xing widened his eyes and smiled, remembering that he had activated the password to confirm his first task.

"Ah yes, I remember! So was my left hand healed after I confirmed the First Task?" Kang Xing asked curiously as he looked at his left hand, which was still intact. There's not a single scratch.

<DING! >

[Cell Regeneration System has been activated - So the Host doesn't have to worry if his body gets injured, it will automatically heal by itself]

"Wow... Great!!! But if my heart is stabbed and I die? Can Cell Regeneration still take place?" asked Kang Xing curiously.

<DING! >

[Of course, the Host will come back to life in hours. And the Host can also train how fast the cell regeneration is]

"Wow, great!!!" Kang Xing said happily.

[But if the Host's head is cut off - then the System will be automatically disabled]

[And the System will change to a new Host in a different Year, different Realms, Different Cultivation]

Kang Xing widened his eyes when he heard the explanation. Kang Xing clutched his neck in worry.

"Fuck. Why is it like that... Shit. I don't want to die!" Kang Xing said, shaking his head.

Then Kang Xing remembered the achievements he had made.

"Ah, yes, Heaven. Please show me my data now!" Kang Xing asked excitedly.

<DING! >

[Latest Data Shown]

[Name: Kang Xing]

[Age: 18 Years old]

[System: Automatic Number Five Villain System]

[Level: Ninth Stage of Qi Refining]

[Skills: White Snake Martial Arts/././]

[Protection: White Dragon Armor./././]

[Villain Level: D-Scholar Villain]

[Task Achievement: Level 1]

[Current Coin Amount 8,300 coins]

"Wow... Great!!! Just the first task has already seen the results... Haha." Kang Xing said happily when he saw a holographic data set before his eyes.

"Hmmm, with this new System... What can I do with the new powers?" Kang Xing asked curiously because Kang Xing was still confused by the data displayed in front of his face.

<DING! >

[Host can use some items that can appear from left hand - But limited]

[Host can teleport - But limited]

[Host can use White Snake Martial Arts with multiple attacks and defense techniques]

"Hmmm, I see. Not fun! Still limited... Heaven, What items are in the left hand?" Kang Xing asked curiously.

[To view items - The host can move their fingers around in the air, then Items will appear automatically]

Kang Xing looked at his left hand, which had been severed last night by his enemy. "Fortunately, my hand can come back intact!" He muttered while moving the fingers of his left hand as directed by the System.

<DING! >

A blue hologram appeared on Kang Xing's left hand.

[Weapon Item]

[Arrow Level 1]

[Sword Level 1]

[Axe - Unconfirmed]

[Laser Shot - Unconfirmed]

[Not Updated]

[Not Updated]

"Hmmm, that's fun," Kang Xing mumbled as he touched the item with arrows.

<Kling >

The arrow appeared prominently in Kang Xing's right hand, its shape the same as the one on the hologram. The color is black with a gold bandage on the carving in the form of a dragon on the bow.

"Woah!! Fuck! I love this System! So cool!" Kang Xing said in awe when he saw the bow in his right hand.

"Hmmm, Heaven, then where are the arrows?" Kang Xing asked, confused.

[The Host only has to imagine the arrow while pulling the bowstring]

Hearing the explanation, Kang Xing immediately gave it a try.

Kang Xing pulled the bowstring with his left hand, and in that instant, a bright white arrow appeared on the bow.

"Woah... Damn it! This is so cool!" Kang Xing said as he stretched his left hand on the bow again.

When Kang Xing loosened the pull on the bow he was holding, the arrow on the bow suddenly disappeared again.

"Wow, automatic! So cool! So you don't run out of arrows, am I Right!" Kang Xing said.

[Stayed limited - Host gets 15 arrows at level 1]

[Arrows and Bow design will increase and change after level up]

"Like I guessed!" Kang Xing said lazily, then moved his left hand back like before.

The hologram and bow automatically disappeared.

"Heaven, when can I run Second Task?" Kang Xing asked as he walked out of the bathroom.

<DING! >

[The System will automatically notify the Host of the second Task]

[For now, the Host will have to adjust to the new System first]

"Hmm, fine!" Kang Xing replied flatly, then put on casual clothes.

After he finished changing, Kang Xing left his room without enjoying Tan Jiang's breakfast.

As soon as Kang Xing came out of his room, all the guards patrolling in front of his room and the hallway area immediately bowed their heads in respect.

"Never mind, don't be so formal! Please call Tan Jiang and tell him to meet me in the guest room now!" Kang Xing said as he walked towards the guest room.

"Yes, Young Master," replied one of Tan Jiang's team.

Kang Xing entered the guest room to meet Gong Zan, asking about the offer he had made.

But Kang Xing stopped in his tracks when he saw that the room was empty.

"Where's Gong Zan?" Kang Xing asked in a high tone.