
Reincarnated With Villain Revenge System

[Must Read The Synopsis!!!] The journey is not easy for Liu Kang to face. Reincarnated into a Young Master, he had a different name from his previous life. His name is Kang Xing, the Young Master of the Kang family. Living a life so luxurious that he forgets who he is. On his 18th birthday, Kang Xing finally remembered his past self because the System within him had just Activated. [Villain Revenge System Activated] [Host must complete tasks to level up, and Take revenge on Hou Chang!] With enthusiasm, Kang Xing finally carried out his duties, but unfortunately, the One he had to kill was not in the World he was in right now. Until finally the system came up with a plan that didn't make sense. Namely Transmigrating Kang Xing to a different world, so he can meet Hou Chang. [DING!] [The system finds a new body for Hosts] [Starting the System From Start] [Remaining 1,000 points] [Analyze the world] [Start analyzing] [1%... 10%... 68%... 100%] [Analysis is complete. The system detects Qi in small amounts] [DING!] [The system detects damage] [Host is recommended to make improvements] [Automatic recovery is done] [Starting Healing] [1% - 2% - 3% - 4% ...] Kang Xing did not realize all of that because he was still unconscious. Currently, he is in the emergency room. Patients who have been in a coma for more than six months due to accidents. A few minutes later, he woke up from his sleep. Can Kang Xing (Liu Kang) live his life in such a different world? And can he get all his past memories back? Because in an uncertain journey he must face wherever he is... ----- Join My Discord Server : https://discord.gg/HDDkJ3Atyr

Neptunus_97 · Eastern
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178 Chs

The Interdimensional Portal Door has Opened

Liao Fang widened her eyes when suddenly a man stopped her while asking a confused question.

"Sorry, maybe you have the wrong person." Liao Fang replied as she lowered her head, then stepped to the left, aiming to avoid Kang Xing, and then left.

"Wait!" Kang Xing said while holding Liao Fang's left hand.

But with a quick movement, Liao Fang immediately turned her body 90° and lowered her head slightly, then shifted her body slightly away from Kang Xing.

That was how Liao Fang managed to escape from Kang Xing's grip.

"Sorry, I'm reflecting!" Liao Fang said as she lowered her head in front of Kang Xing.

Kang Xing didn't budge, seeing the girl's agile movements. Of course, it caught the attention of Kang Xing.

"Ah, sorry if I'm presumptuous," Kang Xing replied as he bowed his body to Liao Fang.


The sound of the explosion made everyone in Chinatown panic instantly.

Kang Xing immediately looked toward the source of the voice he had just heard.

Liao Fang was the same way; her eyes sharpened to look at the source of the explosion sound.

Both of their faces now looked serious and wary of an approaching threat.

"Young master must leave immediately!" Said Tan Jiang, who sensed that something was wrong.

But Kang Xing paid no heed to Tan Jiang at all. Kang Xing focused instead on the sound of the explosion. Because it was dim, Kang Xing could hear a large footprint running towards the gate.

Kang Xing widened his eyes when he realized that. Immediately Kang Xing touched his right temple with two fingers, "Heaven, what happened?" Kang Xing asked about the system within his body.

<DING! >

[Monsters approaching]

[DI... DI... DI...]

[Emergency Alert!]

[The Interdimensional Portal Door Has Opened]

[Multiple Beasts Successfully pass through the portal]

"Inter-dimensional portal door?" Kang Xing asked, confused.

[The Inter-Dimensional Portal door opens!]

[Warning! The Beast managed to barge in!]

[Eliminate the Beast Host Level will increase and Get more Points]

[And Host can gain much more from eliminating the Beasts]

Kang Xing fell silent when he heard that eliminating monsters could increase his strength.

'This is a golden opportunity for me! I have to use it!' Kang Xing thought with a big smile.

Instead of panicking, Kang Xing was excited to be able to finish off the monster even though he didn't know what kind of Beast he would face in the future.

"Heaven, how to use teleportation?" Kang Xing said in a whisper.

<DING! >

[Host only needs to snap his fingers while imagining the place he wants to go]

[Warning, Teleport limited, Host...]

Before the system could finish explaining, Kang Xing immediately snapped his fingers.

(finger snapping sound)

"Young Master, we better head home soon." Tan Jiang said, inviting Kang Xing to go home immediately.

But just as Tan Jiang was about to take his Young Master's hand away, Kang Xing suddenly disappeared.

[Teleport In Use]

[Limited Teleport]

[4 times a day]

[Remaining three teleports left]

[50 points For teleportation]

"Hoekkk, hoekkk" Kang Xing held his mouth and immediately ran to the bathroom.

This was the first time Kang Xing tried to use his teleportation power.

Even though it was the first time he tried it, Kang Xing was not wrong about changing places.

But the side effects are there, the head is dizzy, and all the stomach contents struggle to come out. But that usually only happens on the first try.

"Huh, why does it feel like this? Hoekkk. Ewwhhh," Kang Xing said while looking in the mirror, immediately heading to his wardrobe to change clothes quickly.

Because Kang Xing was going to act using his power, he had to stay in disguise incognito as he did at the Wuhan Museum.

This time Kang Xing wore the same look.

"Heaven, can I store my clothes somewhere the system might provide?" Kang Xing asked curiously; the goal was to make it easier to change clothes if there was a sudden need.

[Of course, Host-only needs to wave his right hand forward]

Kang Xing did the same as Heaven said.

When Kang Xing waved his right hand forward, a square hologram with several menus appeared.

"Wow, what menu should I choose?" Kang Xing asked as he looked at the menu options in front of him.






[Host, please select Equipment menu]

Kang Xing touched the hologram in front of him with his index finger.

After touching the equipment menu, some images reappear.

"Ah, I see. Alright, I'll choose a practical suitcase," Kang Xing said as he pressed the Suitcase picture.

And that second, a black suitcase appeared before him; the suitcase was floating in the air; it looked real and could be touched.

"Wow, cool!" Kang Xing said as he fingered the suitcase in front of him; immediately, Kang Xing put his change of clothes into the suitcase.

Then Kang Xing pressed the [Done] button

And suddenly the suitcase disappeared before him.

"Wow... How cool! Haha, I should have understood this powerful tool a long time ago! It would be very useful!" Kang Xing said with a smile while looking in the mirror.

Kang Xing had finished changing into the clothes he used to disguise.

And after feeling ready, Kang Xing immediately reused his Teleportation power.

And in an instant, Kang Xing was in Chinatown. But in a different place, Kang Xing was on the roof of a shop.

"Hmmm hoekkk! Ewhhh!" Kang Xing scrunched his face as he almost vomited again because of his teleportation.

And after returning to standby mode again, Kang Xing looked around the area for the whereabouts of the Beast in question.


Kang Xing's eyes immediately turned to the direction where the voice came from, immediately Kang Xing ran and jumped towards the direction where the voice came from.

'Haha, time to level up!' Kang Xing thought happily.


Kang Xing stopped in his tracks when he heard that sinister growl.

Kang Xing stopped in the middle of Chinatown street, where many people fled from the rampage of the Beasts that Kang Xing was looking for.



Kang Xing's eyes widened when he saw the figure of the Beast. A beast that has an unreasonable body size.

The figure of a monster in the form of a giant white bear, with pointed claws like sharp iron, wore protective clothing such as gold armor and was about 16 feet tall.

The monster goes berserk and destroys everything around it.

"Damn It! It's huge!" Kang Xing said in surprise when he saw the monster.