
Behind The Scenes

Arnold and Militis both arrived in Anteria Region without any problem as they were hasty after completing the mission.General Luka threw a banquet to triumphant the success of their first task."You both made me proud today Arnold and Militis, the king was pro and contra to give the mission to newbies like you but both of you did your job exquisitely and clarified that my judgement was spot-on".

"Arnold sama I was surprised that mother took the bait you prepared, how did you know she was going to stumble on it?". I did some research and found out that mother likes handiwork clothes which were made by Decruz, the most prominent stylist of his time." How were you so sure that it was Decruz's handiwork she liked?".That's quite simple if you notice carefully mother up until now held all her auction's on the mansion's Decruz stayed during his travel of the whole continent." How did you manage to get the work of Decruz?, I learned about him and from what I have learned the designs he did was few in numbers making his work arduous to find".I agree that finding his original work was next to impossible but I saw his most prestigious designs and tried to trace them which turned to be quite the same." I think the copying you did was indistinguishable which mother also didn't find out".

Your help is also what made it possible while having a tete-a-tete with mother inside the toilet, the feign you took and performed was striking indeed.

"Thank you for the compliment Arnold sama"."You both can go and take day-offs until your new mission is assigned". Having a day off sure seems nice thanks for the consideration, General Luka.

Arnold and Militis left the throne room and went to meet with Mr. Alish." Job well done both of you I'm impressed that you managed to pull off that hard mission".Stop being modest Mr. Alish that was an easy task, the real arduous mission's are yet to come." I think the job we finished was quite hard, I agree with Mr. Alish Arnold sama".If you also think that then I also agree." So, what are you going to do now Arnold?".General Luka gave us some day-offs until the time for the next mission comes, I was thinking of visiting every nook and cranny of the region." That's a great idea, I also think both of you should strengthen the bonding between you and the people of this region".I guess we should do that for gaining the trust of the people of this region and let them know that the region is in good hands." I'm also going to do what you plan to do Arnold sama".Good then let's leave and pass some quality time outside.

Arnold and Militis left the fort and was headed towards the market area."Are we going to the market to test new food samples Arnold sama?".Do you only think about food, there are so many other things to see." I'm sorry Arnold sama it's just I was feeling hungry".Now that you mention it I guess I'm also feeling hungry."Then let's go and eat, said Militis with a smile on her face".

Arnold and Militis first tried the foods of the stalls.After testing the stall foods they entered a restaurant which was quite famous in Anteria region."A man approached greeting them saying Welcome,I'm guessing it's the first time both of you came to our restaurant".Yup, we recently started working under General Luka."So, what would you like to order?".Can we first see the menu and decide for ourselves."Of course, here you go".Thanks, kindly come back 2 minutes later."Ok, take your time sir and madam".

The maître d' came back after 2 minutes.Arnold ordered fue-da-rus a stew dish served only in this restaurant and Militis ordered spicy daifoku which is a bun mixed with spicy flavoured seasoning.Both of them ate their food and were pleased.The stew that Arnold ordered while eating he felt like several flavours were mingling in the stew and out of hero-worship for the menus the culinary artist made, he left a tip for the maître d' and went outside of the restaurant.

"Arnold sama the food was quite delicious wasn't it?, what do you think?".Yea, the aroma of menus was mouth-watering and the taste was way better than the food served in the fort.

Come with me I'll take you to a fascinating place, said Arnlod as they were walking down the street.Arnold took Militis to the Yuresh flower fields.Militis became happy seeing the flower fields."The flowers are so beautiful Arnold sama, I'm impressed that you know about such a lovely place".I came here once myself, the day I met you." I see that's why I could smell flower scents from your body the day you saved me".Did I have the smell all over me?."Yup, the smell was quite intense".Ok, let's leave all the talk for later and enjoy our time on these flower fields."Okay let's do that, I'm going to make a garland for you Arnold sama".Best of luck I hope it turns out outstanding.

Militis made a garland of the crown and placed it on Arnold's head.Why did you make a crown?."Well you saved me from those perverts that day just like a prince that's why".I wonder sometimes why women think so bizarrely.After staying at the flower fields for a few hours they decided to visit the orphanage of the Anteria region.

Arnold was searching for someone who has a strong ability to be his muscles.The sister's took them to the visiting hall to show the children of the orphanage.Arnold was looking carefully but none of the children had any strong ability.Feeling disappointed Arnold went outside and saw a girl sitting under the Mango tree.Arnold went closer to the girl and started speaking with her.The girl stood and left without saying anything.

"Arnold sama come inside and help me give chocolate to the kids". Arnold was looking for the girl but didn't find her, he then went to help Militis.After giving all the kids chocolate they all became happy.Arnold approached the sister of the orphanage and asked about the girl sitting under the mango tree." The girl that your searching for is shy and doesn't like talking to unknown people".Ooh, I thought I did something to offend her.

Arnold and Militis left the orphanage and we're headed towards the fort."Today was a very fun day Arnold sama, what do you think?".Yup, I also enjoyed the day off.After eating dinner they both went inside their rooms to sleep.

Arnold was looking at the ceiling of the room and thought was it right to lie to Militis?. He left a deep sigh and thought maybe it was for the best.Arnold lied about copying Decruz's handiwork.Decruz was also a reincarnated person and the handiwork he did was pretty common on earth.Arnold fell asleep thinking about the lying matter.

A new day a new beginning, Arnold woke up, washed his face and went downstairs to eat breakfast.Militis was still sleeping.After eating breakfast Arnold decided to ask General Luka about Decruz.


Arnold entered the throne room and kneeled."Stand up and tell me what do you want?".The thing is General Luka I wanted to know a few details about Decruz."What details do you want to know about Decruz?".Was Decruz his real name?.


In a manner of clearing his voice General Luka told everyone to leave the throne room except Arnold.After everybody left the throne room General Luka told Arnold to attend him. General Luka pressed on a dragon scale of the throne and a secret passageway was in front of them."Come with me let's go inside and have our little hug​ger-mug​ger talk inside".

Walking the stairway of the passageway Arnold asked a few questions but General Luka was silent.After walking for a few minutes they stumbled upon a door."This is a special room with a magic barrier, no one will hear us if we converse inside".Arnold sat on a chair and General Luka sat beside him."Why did you suddenly ask me about Decruz?".Well, the designs Decruz did I felt like I used to do this handiwork myself too." Decruz was a mysterious man, he invented the wagon and many other things".Did people like his work?." Well of course they did, people thought he was a genius of his time".What about his parents?."Unfortunately there's no info about his parents specifically but it's said they both died after 4 years of his birth".Does he have grandkids?."No, he didn't marry anyone, he was always absorbed by the works he did which resulted in bachelor for life."Was there any types of rumour about him like he was born again in this world?", asked Arnold with a hesitant voice."Well it's said that he insisted to be reborn in this world when he was 15 years old".Ooh I get it,Thank you, General Luka, for telling everything you know about him." No problem, don't say about any of this to anyone okay".Does that also count Militis."Yes, Militis also must not hear about any of this".Okay, I'll keep that in mind General Luka."Ooh, by the way your ability is weak so avoid risky tasks".Don't worry General Luka ants may be small but not so weak as you think, I'll prove it to you."Ok, you're more than welcome to do so".

Arnold and General Luka both came outside of the secret passageway and General Luka pressed on the dragon scale and the passageway disappeared as a wall emerged in it's place.Arnold thanked General Luka and left the throne room.

Arnold decided to train as he had nothing else to do.As he was training with a sword Militis came and asked him if he had eaten breakfast."Yup,I already had breakfast",said Arnold with a neutral look on his face."Ok then,I'll have my breakfast", said Militis as she left covering up a big yawn on her mouth.

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