
William’s Dilemma 

Meetings and partings were both important cycles of life.

Two days had passed and it was now time for Est and his entourage to return to the capital of the Hellan Kingdom. William, James, and Ella stood beside their carriage at the Northern Gate of Lont.

"Thank you for your hospitality," Est said with a sad smile. "I wish I could stay longer, but I have important matters to attend to at the capital."

"Don't be sad," William replied as he held Est's hand. "We're not parting forever. You can send me letters when you get back to the capital. Isn't that why grandpa prepared a messenger hawk for you? Even if it's the capital, the hawk will always find its way back to Lont."

Est nodded his head and faced the Lord of Lont, James, "Thank you for the messenger Hawk, Lord Ainsworth. If I get the opportunity, I will return to visit Lont."

"We will be waiting," James chuckled as he patted Est's shoulder. "You and your entourage are always welcome here in Lont."