
Let It Be Known That On This Day, We Dwarves Had Kept Our Oath

Lindir dove deep into the sea in search for the last remaining mirror that would put an end to his nightmare.

After a brief internal struggle, he finally agreed to Xenovia's proposal. However, what surprised him was that the Death Lord actually had a dejected look on her face as if she was deprived of her favorite toy.

An hour later, he and the rest of his Shelter were all searching underwater for the mirror that would decide their fate.

As Lindir dove in the murky darkness, he caught a brief ripple of power, which caught him by surprise.

'It's over there!' Lindir propelled himself deeper in the water as his senses locked on to the object that had caught his attention. 

Soon, his hand grasped the edges of the mirror that had been lying at the bottom of the sea, for who knows how long.