
Reincarnated with the Strongest Fragment of Magic

What would you do if you're suddenly summoned into a world where magic exists? Imagine living in a world filled with all the things you've only heard about in storybooks. Noah is a young boy whose life on Earth had been a hard one thanks to the incurable sickness that ravaged his early teenager year and took his life. Falling victim to an ancient spell, Noah's soul is drawn into the Magical World of Fantasia. Was this a fortunate or an unfortunate incident? Follow the adventures of Noah as he navigates the Magical World of Fantasia, making friends and exploring the realm until when he discovers a certain truth that changes his life... ...that he is one of the Ten Fragments of the Brightest Star.

ReNero · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Chapter 11 – Entrance Exam

Andrea, Noah and Master Rowan continued onward to the venue of the exam whilst he still explained it to Noah.

Raising three fingers, the old man continued with his discussion.

"The third and final part of your exam is your Magic Assessment Exam. We will be testing how much Magical Energy you inherently possess. Considering you as the subject of the matter, child, that should be a lot from my calculation."

A smile unknowingly formed on Noah's face.

His shoulders rose and he felt great pride in his heart in anticipation of the blessing of being a Flamine.

It was as though Fate decided to have mercy on him in this life and give him everything he lacked in the previous one.

He could barely breathe in his past life but that was not an issue in his current life.

No magic existed in his old world whereas his new one was brimming with Magical Energy.

Not only was there Magical Energy in Fantasia but Noah was born into a Bloodline that had a talent for manipulating it.

He was happy with his current situation and had no complaints about it for now.

He had the potential of being at the top like the main characters of the stories his grandmother used to read to him.

He had the resources to do whatever he wanted in this life if he was able to utilise them well enough.

Speaking of his grandmother, Noah soon felt a feeling of sadness creep into his heart and slightly darken his proud moment.

'Grandma,' he expressed inwardly. 'I miss her. I just hope there's a way for her to know that I'm fine here. So she doesn't worry about me anymore.'

Noah's eyes suddenly grew extra wide and he returned to his reality when both the voice of Rowan and the creaking of a large door reached his ears.

"Here we are," Rowan said as the door in front of them opened up to allow entry.

Noah glanced at the old man's hand to see a long, slim and finely carved piece of wood in his hand.

He then looked at the door and realised what that possibly was.

'A wand?' he thought. 'It looks very different from Uncle Zeno's. Is every wand different?'

The tool in Rowan's hand looked like the typical idea of a wand back on Earth unlike that of Sir Zeno Flamine.

He knew them from the stories and had seen pictures but never had he seen a real-life one.

Wands weren't a thing back on Earth.

It was easy to piece together, considering that Fantasia was a magical world but it was not just that.

Looking at the door in front of them, Noah could only think of one word: 'Gigantic'.

The door was unnaturally thick and massive.

There was no way a person would have pushed it open with their bare hands.

From Noah's point of view, no one should be able to do so anyway.

So, in one glance, he could already deduce that the old Master used some form of magic to open it.

Noah followed the lead of the two Mages into this place.

He could not hold his lips together as they parted to the sight before him.

The hall they just entered was fascinating albeit smaller than he assumed, considering how large the entrance door was.

Nonetheless, the white and gold theme of colours made this place alluring to the eyes.

Noah looked around and noticed a few sets of chairs and desks arranged in rows and columns.

They were small in number, barely taking a hundred persons at a go. Maybe that's how the Academy wanted it.

That surely was not his business.

His eyes strayed around the boundaries of this hall until he noticed several staircase patterns placed in a disorderly manner.

It looked like there were steps everywhere but they led nowhere since they weren't linked to each other.

Noah itched his cheeks as he looked at these patterns in confusion.

'Who even did that?' he thought, becoming slowly irritated by the sight of it.

"Sit down, child," Rowan instructed, gesturing toward the different chairs and desks.

"You will be starting your Written Test as soon as possible and I will be overseeing it as your invigilator."

Noah chose a random seat from the bunch and sat down, placing himself in the middle of the set.

He watched, turning his head from time to time as he patiently waited for Rowan to sort out whatever was necessary.

On the other hand, Andrea had taken a seat from one of the desks and gone to sit in a corner of the room.

From there, she could observe Noah during the entire time he was taking the test without bothering him.

Her eyes were constantly fixed on Noah from the moment he sat down.

She didn't trust him; at least not during this Entrance Exam of his.

From the information she was already given, Noah had two options for escaping entry into the Mage Academy.

The first was to run away but that didn't seem like a bright idea for a long-term plan.

He could easily be caught and sent back to the Academy again.

The second was a more sensible approach and that was the path Andrea had assumed Noah would take.

She very well anticipated that Noah would intentionally want to flunk his exams.

With that, he could fail and be kicked out before even becoming a Mage Student of the Academy.

'This kid may be all over the place but he certainly isn't stupid. I'm sure he has already considered these options just like I have.'

The Elite Mage contemplated these thoughts as she watched the golden-eyed boy.

Conversely, Noah was ignorant of Andrea's observation at this point.

Surely he had noticed her incessant staring but his assumption for Andrea constantly fixing her eyes on him was a different one from what it truly was.

Noah had wrongly assumed that Andrea might still be annoyed with him for embarrassing her before her juniors.

The few times he caught sight of her stare, he reflexively gulped.

It was creepy and expressionless. Almost like a psychopath.

But at this moment, Noah didn't care again.

All eyes and no action meant he was somewhat safe from her wrath.

The only thing Noah wanted now was for him to be done here and leave.

He rested his chin on his fist and tapped the top of his desk, growing impatient by the minute.

'When is the exam going to start?' he wondered.