
Reincarnated with the power of Anos Voldigoad in the Omniverse.

The MC was hated by the world, this was seen with the series of unfortunate events that happened to him, it was as if all the misfortune in the world followed him but God took pity on him and offered him reincarnation In addition, I give you a way to protect yourself the 'Wish Note' This hundred-page notebook allows you to obtain skills and objects from anime, comics or movies etc, you only have to write on a page that you want But it is not omnipotent, because the notebook is permanently spent with each use, in addition, OP skills can cost more than ten Sheets, although it is decided by the power of Anos Voldigoad as the main PS: this is not only from Madaka Box There are more mixed worlds like The Boys but there are not many, not all its cast comes PD 2: This world does not have one hundred percent the canon there are several things changed for the convenience of the plot but it will keep the main thing including the super broken level of the characters like Kumagawa Misogi Kurokami Medaka herself etc and others (This is not owned by me i'm just translating it)

Hopp · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Chapter 1: Reincarnated in a new life

My name doesn't matter now... I'm just an observer...

In front of me there is an unfortunate man who was about to die, not that I feel sorry for him, because I already saw this coming with what I saw so far.

This man was born with all the bad luck in the world, in fact if the earth spoke and shouted that it hates him I wouldn't be surprised. Like me, he is a person born hated by the world with bad luck that follows him every step he takes. At least I am alive.

He grew up without parents and was raised by a kind old couple, sadly they died when he was twelve years old. Like me.

From that moment he knew what it means to survive. He worked with kind people who gave him the opportunity despite his age, so he could survive to adulthood. In my case, I was able to obtain a scholarship and manage to study while working.

Upon reaching adulthood, he worked as a fisherman for several years until his bad luck caught up with him...

His ship sank during a storm and he fell into the sea...

The pitiful man suffered for several minutes before he drowned...

(another timeline)

I've been looking at thousands of different timelines for a long time, I've already lost count of how many pitiful lives and hated by the world I saw die... if only it wasn't the same person every time, I'd feel less miserable watching their life from beginning to end. finish...

Look at this timeline, he's the same old man this time he was luckier than in the last timeline, his adoptive grandparents didn't die until he was seventeen and he was able to do better, he's smart and he got a scholarship to study it's a boarding school, work-study until he graduated and became a doctor.

He believes that if he saves human lives, he would have less bad luck. Not a bad idea, but sadly his idea failed.

Working one night as an emergency doctor, a gunshot wounded man arrived. The guy was ruthless and without any regard for human life, he took a nurse to threaten everyone and get them to treat him.

Obviously he treated him, even without the threat, doctors save lives. 'The laws will judge him later,' was what he thought.

But the criminal had no mercy and shot him when I just healed him, maybe he was too naive this time, or maybe it was his bad luck again. That doesn't matter now.

Ignoring the ridiculous fact that the man bled to death while in a hospital. Another miserable ending for the same person.

(another timeline)

This time the man chose a science career, he felt that his bad luck was not natural, so maybe he could find the reason.


He died when there was an accident in the lab and toxic gas was released...

Curiously, this happened when none of the 20 people who worked in that laboratory were there, apart from him of course.

(another timeline)

The man decided that perhaps he should not live in that country, that his bad luck was linked to where he lived.

So he became an airline pilot, they say you're more likely to become a rock star than to be killed in a plane crash. He wanted to test that theory.

Well, he can consider himself lucky in a certain sense, although he had to make a forced landing, due to engine failure, he had been a pilot for five years and was no longer a rookie, in fact he was talented as a pilot, he was able to land in the middle of the jungle without destroy the plane, thus saving three hundred people from certain death.

Unfortunately the cabin was destroyed by trees and rocks. The young pilot died, but miraculously his co-pilot not only survived but he did not suffer any damage... He died again but he will be remembered as a hero in this timeline.

It was obvious that the world had something against him...

(another timeline)

This time and perhaps due to some intrinsic fear of mother earth, he decided to become an astronaut and I lived away from earth.

This was one of the times that he lived the most, thus reaching thirty-five years of age living in space most of the time,


In a trick of fate a meteorite crashed into the space station and killed him...

Coincidentally he was alone at the time, the other astronauts had gone on a shuttle mission.

(another timeline)

The young man did not give up and became an astronaut again, but this time he offered himself for a mission that involved a trip to Mars for several years. Exploring the huge red mountains he felt free, he no longer had that strange feeling of a dagger in his neck since he was born...

Technology advanced and it was decided to make a base on Mars, to see if it was possible to grow crops, he offered to live there and carry out the experiment, but after a couple of years he was already showing signs of damage caused by prolonged life. in the space.

If given more choice by his superiors, he returned to earth hoping to recover for his next mission.

The man was received as a hero, he did not expect this, he became the man who lived the longest in space, the first to colonize Mars and raise life on another planet, his incredible achievements.

Unfortunately, the man's body collapsed shortly after arrival, because he could not stand the changes in gravity and his body presented a new condition never seen before in astronauts, he had a stroke and died at the age of forty.


This was repeated countless times, I came to the conclusion that it was impossible for this man to live a normal life.

"That was very long… how long did I sleep?" I woke up from my dream with a headache, I had fallen asleep on the couch.

Right now I was living at a friend's house or as close as I can get. Aiqnei my bad luck has never affected anyone besides me people don't do much to someone who lives being hunted by the world.

Even though I'm only sixteen years old and this is technically illegal, I manage to live relatively well, and free from being taken to an orphanage, even though my life is plagued with bad luck... Just like that man...! Who am I kidding?! It's obvious that that man was me! I saw my death ten thousand times... I don't know how to feel now I'm... I don't care anymore.

If I have some money in my pocket, a couple of cars try to run me over. If I do well on some exam, I end up with a broken arm due to a stupid fall. If the pretty girl in class talks to me, they rob the store I'm working at and pull a gun on me...luckily I survived that last five times.

Now... about that strange dream, where I see death countless times, some horribly and even creatively I must admit, the same death almost never happened again.

"It's good that you take things so relaxed", the voice of an old man sounded next to me, right now I'm depressed I don't even feel like paying attention. He's probably a thief or some murderer...maybe it's my turn to be the "me" that dies.

"Well after living so much with bad luck, I guess I'll get used to it, if you're going to kill me, do it now..."

"Hahaha well boy, that's not why I'm here, as you saw every variant of you from the infinite timelines died. No one should have so many miserable futures", The man next to me spoke sadly.

Wait! Did he say that all the other me died?!. I quickly turned to see the man next to me. How can infinite me die?! I read comics since I was little, I understand infinite timelines and alternate worlds! Even if I believe everything I saw, I only saw myself die ten thousand times, not infinite times...

"Although in one timeline you are born in the middle of Iraq and they kill you with a bomb, in another timeline you will be the son of Elon Musk, that is how the law of Karma works"

"Karma, what do you say?... wait to start! who are you?!"

"Take a good look at me, you should notice..."

It's true, that face, a white suit with a refined demeanor and a halo of light.

"¡Eres Morgan Free-!"


"...but you look just like the actor"

"I am God... don't look like that, I don't have an appearance or gender as such, I am just an incorporeal entity that is nowhere, I came like this because it is an easy way to interact with you" The man in a white suit answered me calmly .

"And how can you assure me it's not a joke?"

"Boy...do you think Morgan Freeman would come to play a prank on you?"

He has a point... I sat next to God and drink my cup of coffee which is now cold, I made it to drink while watching a movie.

"It's impressive how you take the fact of seeing thousands of people die with your face, and knowing God, as if it were nothing" God appeared a cup of tea and drank next to me.

Well, to begin with, it's not as if I had felt the pain of all those deaths, they were movies with me as the protagonist, although I won't deny that I feel tired, I feel like an eternity has passed.

"Boy... do you want to run away? Do you want to get away from this world that doesn't accept you? Or even reincarnate in another?"

What a silly question...

"There is nothing I want more than that" I have nothing left here, my whole life has been a series of unfortunate events. If what I saw is real like my other variants I will die miserable.

God looked at me for a few moments and then smiled warmly. I admit that even I was surprised at how easy it is to trust this person. Inside my heart I had already accepted this man's identity without hesitation. He is brilliant in more ways than one.

"Take this boy, it's something I created to help you... I would have liked to give you one of those systems that you love so much in reincarnation stories, but I'm very old and these new things are not my strong point... I also think that this you value it more... and now that you saw so many future paperwork you will understand the value of power, I hope you grow beyond what is possible" The man said with a kind smile.

Reincarnate? but I want to continue being me...

God stood up and looked at me seriously, "Don't worry, I won't change your appearance, nor your mother's blood, that something that belongs to you... who you are and your true mother will not lose it, you will have a new body that I will create from scratch in another world"

Like Adam... although in my case, I won't be the perfect man, just an aberration with a new body. I'm fine with that if the world stops trying to kill me...

"Of course you'll have to start as a baby, but don't worry, this 'Wish Note' will help you survive"

Wish Note? Is it a version of the Death Note but with wishes? It's one of the few animes I've seen and I really liked it.

"I'm glad that entity is fast, this is a wishing death note...boy remember that true power is hard to come by...don't blindly trust this wish note"

The old man's words put great prices on my shoulders....

"...Old man, can't you just take away my bad luck? You're God, aren't you?"

"Boy, a long time ago I decided not to intervene in the fate of this world, even if it was destroyed, man chose to walk with his own feet... that's why even if I want to, I can't take away your bad luck," the older man spoke apologetically. .

So my condition is man-made... my parents?

I looked at the kind old man in front of me, I have to say that I did not expect such humility from God, treating me and speaking to me as an equal, even though I am just another humble soul...

I see this is the god of my world... whom I even hated...

For some reason, it comforts me that it's not such an incomprehensible existence, who just looked at the man's stupidity with indifference...

"Because I?"

"Excuse me boy, only when the last "you" was left, I could intervene, it could be that by luck or coincidence you are the last variant alive"

Somehow it feels unpleasant to hear that, and it puts even more weight on my shoulders, but it's okay even if I end up dying like the others, I'll at least try, it's the least I can do...

"Well do it, there can't be a worse destiny being than the one I have here"

"Haha I knew you'd like it, Hmm, you're a fan of these comics right?" The old man walked over to a shelf full of comics.

I wouldn't say fan... but I've read many...

"Would you like to go to one of these worlds?" The old man seemed happy, as if he had wanted to do this for a long time.

"Come on boy, you know, fight with villains! save the girl! etc... or become a villain and take over the world... not a bad idea either"

Dominate the world?! You're not supposed to say that! You should be against it!

"Don't worry, I'm not suggesting you be a homicidal psychopath, but utopias with Dictator Kings in stories can work haha"

This old man...

"Mmm, Marvel and DC only?...there's The boys too...boy there are more editorials than you are...what about The invincible or Academy Umbrella? They're good, haven't you read them? You should read them "

Well... The Invincible I thought I'd read it soon, but what does it say!? Marvel?! DC?! "You do know that in those places, they destroy a universe every three stories, right?"

"Well that's why I gave you the Wish Note, it's an impoverished version of the one I used to create this world"

"Wait what did you say??" I think my ears went wrong for a second.

"Well if you don't want to, fine, how about some anime? Although you like them less than comics, they should be safer, of course there are exceptions" the old man took a Naruto manga, I have a few manga, almost all of them are popular shonen.

But I don't want to have to fight for my life... I just want to live... without being afraid to walk through a door.

"Old man, I prefer a normal world, where bad luck does not persecute me, with that I am happy..."

The old man left the One Piece manga instead, it's the last volume and I haven't read it yet...

"If that's what you want, I'll gladly help you" The old man said with a smile, it's weird that he looks like Morgan Freeman, but I guess it doesn't matter.

As for the Wish Note, I already have an idea of ​​how it works...


I went to say goodbye to the graves of my grandparents... these people took care of me since I was little, I learned to survive thanks to them.

'I will miss you...'

Plus I left my comic book collection to my idiot friend, that'll be enough to make up for our two year friendship...

When I saw him he asked some questions, but he didn't care, he was too drunk to understand that I was going on permanent vacation... if he wasn't the best influence.

After choosing a couple of skills to protect myself, but without exaggerating since I'm going to a quiet world, I decided to leave this world.

"Have a good trip boy, although it's the first time I've done this, you should be able to arrive safely in a peaceful world hahaha"

Why don't those words inspire confidence in me?

A white light began to surround me. I felt as if I lost the senses of my body.

"Don't worry! What's the worst that could happen?! To arrive in a world full of supervillains, without memories and for everyone to see you use your abilities, you would need all the bad luck in the world for that Hahaha... "



(Two years later)

When I realized I was… in a white room…


An alarm began to sound throughout the place and red lights flooded my vision.
