


The carriage stopped in front of a grand mansion, and Anon opened the carriage gate. He stepped out first, then offered a helping hand to Faith.

"So, why are we here again? Isn't this the Dark Elven territory, if I remember correctly?" Anon asked with a puzzled expression.

"Yes, our presence was requested here by the Chief Commander of the Dark Elves," Faith replied.

"Do you know anything about your mission?" Anon inquired.

"No, but the official letter said that it was a very critical matter, and we had to come as soon as possible, so we came," Faith replied as she started walking inside, and all the soldiers followed.

As Anon and Faith proceeded toward the grand mansion, the main gates opened, revealing five Dark Elves in dark blue plate armor who stepped out.

Upon reaching a certain distance, both groups halted.