

Behind the Academy, a big crowd of students is covering the arena.

Although the arena was used for immortal matches, today the array that keeps the players unharmed is turned off.

The environment is very dense and silent; no one is saying anything as if someone just died.

The commentator of the match is also silent. On the side of the arena, there are three seats arranged.

One for Ion, second for his son Xander, and third for the principal.

"Oi, start this shit," Xander spoke in a deep voice as he stood up from his seat.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, we are gathered here today to witness the match between Mr. Jeffery Lawson of the Lawson house and Mr. Jule.

Mr. Jeffery is also the next leader of the Lawson family, and he is the future husband of Mrs. Jeena Janes of the Jane Household.

Whereas Jule is someone who I don't know very well. This kid came in sight when he beat the crap out of Mr. Oxmaul last week.