
Reincarnated with the Mind Control Powers in Another World.

What the hell ? I got reincarnated in another world. [Choose class] [Monster Or Human Class ?] Monster Class. [Mind Flare] Yeah i choose Mind Flare. I shall Hypnotize my MILF step-mother with huge butt and her three daughters for my use. wtf!!?? Ogre girls with sexy bodies and huge breasts, i won't miss that one. "get naked and bend down, girl." "yes, master." Wait ? this beast girl have 6 breasts and everyone hates it bro why ? this is heaven. Those who come in my way will kill themselves as they look in my eyes and all the females who deny me shall receive my holy seed even without their consent. [Grammar Until Chapter 115 is not that good... but it's worth the read. After that it's all good.] [Cover isn't mine, contact me to take it down.] [Note: EVERY CHARACTER IN THIS NOVEL IS ABOVE 18+ AND THEY ARE LEGALLY ADULTS ACCORDINGLY TO THE WORLD'S RULES THAT THIS STORY IS BASED ON.] [Discord: https://discord.gg/wEMdgmkt9Q]

Night_phantom · Fantasy
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981 Chs



The sound of running feet intensified as Anon attempted to pinpoint the source. The noise seemed to dart from one direction to another, leaving him momentarily bewildered.

"It's coming from the north... No, it's from the east... No, it keeps changing direction. How is it moving so fast?" Anon pondered, his mind racing as he tried to anticipate the next move.

"Master, the direction of the footsteps..." Mike looked at Anon as he tried to tell Anon the exact same thing.

"I know. Just keep an eye on the boy," Anon ordered, his voice firm and unwavering.

"Yes, Sir," Mike acknowledged, his sharp vampire senses alert for any sign of danger.

"It's getting closer. I have to figure out its location. 70 meters left... 60 meters... 50 meters... 40 meters... 30 meters..." An intense expression appeared on Anon's face as he closed his eyes and focused on the environment around him.