
Reincarnated with the god of death system.

'Everyone thinks they can fight the darkness, until they come in contact with it.' Died only to be reincarnated into the body of a side character. How unlucky can one get? A side character in a book who was killed by his family. A reader who incarnates into the body of the side character and awakens the most unattainable, sought after, god of death system. Owen at first is excited he has an invincible system that will give him lots of powers, unique weapons and super abilities. Till he finds out how his system operates and is left wishing he could die once again. 'CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE ACQUIRED 12 PLATINUM GIVING YOU A LIFETIME. VILLAINS DOOR WILL OPEN IN FEW SECONDS.' 'Dear host, welcome to the villain god of death system. Your first mission will be awarded soon.' 'Dear host, villain door first mission: Destroy the house of Saraphine.' House of Saraphine: The power house that contains infinite dragon energy. Destroying this will help host attain the dragon energy and create chaos in the world. 'Dear host, every action in the villain god of death system will affect the human world. Time for mission: 48 hours.' It was now Owen knew the god of death system isn't exactly what he had thought it was from the start. With so many manipulations going on, he is led to a path of unfulfilled journey filled with deceit and evil schemes. If Owen will be able to defeat his system and unravel the mysteries of the system and the worlds depends on how dark and cold he can let his heart be. "Isn't that Owen Duurm?" "Shhh....don't be so loud. Last week he had a falling out with the Prime Minister, and told him 'I hope you get home safely' our prime minister died the moment he stepped foot into his home." the lady was obviously sacred as she spoke and stares at the handsome man walking down the hall. "Isn't he the dummy of the Duurm family?" The lady released a sad sigh. "He used to be. But now, he is not just his family's terror but our terror. The whole country's nightmare."

Adela_Writer · Fantasy
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174 Chs

If either of them dies.

Ophelia and Owen both gave each other a wierd look. Wouldn't that be going too far? 

"Actually, I don't think that is possible. They have done nothing wrong afterall. You can't just issue.." Joy turns her blaring gaze at him and he hurridly turns around and walks into his office. 

"What are you going to do?" She shouts. 

"Prepare for the banquet tonight." He shouts back and locks the door to his office. 

She shakes her head before settling in her seat. Today has been full of surprises. She then turns to Ophelia. "Who would have thought that the man upstairs was using black magic. Zombie mission..." she rubs her arms as she was starting to get goosebumps. "Once this years rent expire next month, we should definitely move away from this building. It had bad luck." The talisman the building owner placed on it was definitely not strong. 

Ophelia nods her head immediately agreeing with her. She then got a message on the group from Micheal.