
Reincarnated with the god of death system.

'Everyone thinks they can fight the darkness, until they come in contact with it.' Died only to be reincarnated into the body of a side character. How unlucky can one get? A side character in a book who was killed by his family. A reader who incarnates into the body of the side character and awakens the most unattainable, sought after, god of death system. Owen at first is excited he has an invincible system that will give him lots of powers, unique weapons and super abilities. Till he finds out how his system operates and is left wishing he could die once again. 'CONGRATULATIONS! YOU HAVE ACQUIRED 12 PLATINUM GIVING YOU A LIFETIME. VILLAINS DOOR WILL OPEN IN FEW SECONDS.' 'Dear host, welcome to the villain god of death system. Your first mission will be awarded soon.' 'Dear host, villain door first mission: Destroy the house of Saraphine.' House of Saraphine: The power house that contains infinite dragon energy. Destroying this will help host attain the dragon energy and create chaos in the world. 'Dear host, every action in the villain god of death system will affect the human world. Time for mission: 48 hours.' It was now Owen knew the god of death system isn't exactly what he had thought it was from the start. With so many manipulations going on, he is led to a path of unfulfilled journey filled with deceit and evil schemes. If Owen will be able to defeat his system and unravel the mysteries of the system and the worlds depends on how dark and cold he can let his heart be. "Isn't that Owen Duurm?" "Shhh....don't be so loud. Last week he had a falling out with the Prime Minister, and told him 'I hope you get home safely' our prime minister died the moment he stepped foot into his home." the lady was obviously sacred as she spoke and stares at the handsome man walking down the hall. "Isn't he the dummy of the Duurm family?" The lady released a sad sigh. "He used to be. But now, he is not just his family's terror but our terror. The whole country's nightmare."

Adela_Writer · Fantasy
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174 Chs

His sexual libido

"Oh…" she touches her full red hair and smiles at him again. "I was wondering if you could drop me off at the nearest subway. You always go in F street direction right?" 

Owen nods his head. He always did. But this time, he was going to see his mom. Not knowing how to tell her he wasnt going in her direction this time, he decides to compromise. 

"Of course. Hop in please." He signals to his AI to move to the back seat and she willingly does so giving him a cunning smile. Why does she do that? 

Rosa climbs into the front seat and thanks him. "I didnt want to waste bus money going to the subway this time. I am sorry if I inconvenienced you." 

Driving out of the parking lot onto the road, he regards her with one of his faint smile. "Not a problem." Barely a minute after, he got a call from Joy. Since his phone was now connected to the cars bluetooth, everyone could hear Joy's voice. "Joy...is eveything fine?" 

"Yes. I wanted to let you know the plant has turned from black sooth to red sooth. Should I bring it over to you? Perhaps we can have one of your family plant workers check it. I keep getting a bad feeling." Even her voice sounded worried. 

Owen sighs and glances sat his AI through the rear view mirror. She wasnt looking at him and seemed immersed in her own thoughts. 

"Nevermind just throw it out. I am sure it is nothing serious." He knew he was the one who had absorbed the energy. Perhaps he had also made it change colours. 

"Okay send my greetings to Unique lady Duurm please. Dont tell me you forgot." She reminds before ending the call. 

He bobs his head to the side as he slowly turns the car into the next street. In his mind, he was already thinking about the night of the banquet when he will show his uncles and grandfather the evidence he has.


"Did something happen to one of your good plants?" Rosa questioned slightly concerned.  

Owen shrugs his shoulders. "It is just a wealth plant my mother gave to me. Joy claims she has always watered it, but it died and turned to red sooth." He bobs his head again acting like he was moving to a song playing in his head. 

Rosa opens her mouth to speak but closed it again. It was not until after three minutes did she tell him. 

"Maybe it is common in the building now. I bought some plants for wealth and good energy but they keep turning black as well. Even my boss is tired. He has given up on buying plants now." She giggles and touches her thick red hair again. 

Owen glances at her red hair and a wild imagination fills his mind. He could imagine her talking to him and her curvy body moving around his. He swallowed hard. Her presence made something stir in him and his penis reacted immediately. He blinks severally and focuses on the road. 

What the heck was that? Had he become a pervert?

Rosa turns her head to him and starts to explain how all the plants she got turned to black soothe after a day of bringing it into the office. All the time that she spoke, Owen wasn't listening. All his mind focused on was her bright red lips and how it matched her hair color. The things it could do to him and how he wanted to hold her. He shakes his head off the thought again and manages a smile at Rosa to make her think he was even listening. 

"Oh...you can drop me off by that stall." Owen parks the car and she undos her seat belt. "Thank you very much Mr Duurm." She alights from the car and he watches her wla off. Her small waist moving left and right. 

She wasnt that beautiful but her hair made her stand out. And if one added the fact that she had a full and round back, it was all that made her stand out even more. 

"It seems young masters sexual life is starting to awaken." His AI says already beside him.

Owen starts the car and turns around. "I don't know what you are talking about" He proceeds to focus on the road while she makes funny faces at him. 

"It is a good sign. It only means that you are improving your system." 

He scoffs and turns the car to a shortcut. "What dies my system have to do with my sexual libido?" 

"Well, probably because you aren't able to access that part yet but it improves everything in your body. Including your sexual libido. But don't worry, it won't be that great right now. Wait until you level up really well. You will be shocked." She nudges him in the stomach again in a teasing manner and Owen glares at her.

Is it funny to her that his penis couldn't control itself after seeing a red head? 

"This isn't funny." He tells her. 

"I know..but you cant help it. Just like how ladies getting wet and having periods is normal, it is also very normal to have such reactions.. It is a great sign that your body is working  as it should. Having a boner is nothing to be ashamed of young master. Unless it is towards the wrong person or you are a pervert." 

Owen shrugs it off and starts to read numbers in his mind. He didn't even want to think about it. He who had thought he would lose his first to his crush, was having sexual thoughts about a random lady who simply wanted an innocent ride in his car. He coughs and clears his throat when his mind thinks in another direction regarding 'a ride'. 

"By the way, about what she had said, it simply means that it doesn't happen to your plant alone. It must be because the Calila plant is strong, so it didn't turn to black sooth immediately." She cocks her head to the side as she looks out of the window. "What could be the cause of that?" 

"Didn't you say it is to repel bad energy? Maybe there is bad energy in the building. My mom and cousin don't like to visit because they don't like how my floor feels like to them" he informs, remembering his mom had told him she would never visit him at work because she feels  drained of her energy most of the time.   

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