
Reincarnated with the cursed speech

the most generic thing ever, man dies and gets reincarnated with the cursed

River_music · Anime & Comics
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8 Chs

The One Piece

With a radiant smile illuminating my face, I conjure forth a mesmerizing portal to the world of One Piece, deciding to be a pirate there is the best option since I can interact with the crew "yes this is the best choice, I would love to play around with nami and robin"

As I cast my gaze around, all that met my eyes was a lush expanse of verdant forest. The air was redolent with the earthy fragrance of moss and foliage, and the gentle rustling of leaves provided a soothing backdrop to the tranquil scene. Once more, I found myself enveloped by the serene embrace of nature, surrounded by the untamed beauty of the wilderness, with no signs of civilization in sight "damn it! I have some problem with nature...why it's always a forest..." I look clearly defeated.

As my eyes swept over the sprawling expanse of the forest, I was immediately struck by the breathtaking sight that lay beyond its verdant embrace. Stretching out before me was a vast and seemingly endless ocean, its cerulean depths merging seamlessly with the horizon in a mesmerizing display of natural beauty. The gentle waves danced and shimmered in the sunlight, casting a radiant glow upon the water's surface as far as the eye could see.

"Now that's beautiful, I wonder what time is it? Maybe Luffy is about to start his adventure or he is in the middle of it" As my gaze lingered upon the tranquil expanse of the ocean, a subtle glint of light caught my attention, drawing my eyes to the shoreline. There, nestled against the gentle caress of the waves, lay a weathered dinghy, its worn wooden frame bearing the marks of countless journeys across the sea "that's convenient...maybe it's the future talking to me?"

After a contemplative pause, I made a daring decision. I leaped onto the weathered deck of the dinghy. As I stood upon its sturdy but weathered planks, I felt the gentle sway of the vessel beneath my feet, a rhythmic dance in harmony with the ocean's undulating currents.

With a steady resolve, I untethered the dinghy from the shore, allowing it to be embraced by the ebb and flow of the sea's movement. In that moment, as I relinquished control to the whims of the sea, a profound sense of freedom enveloped me. I became one with the timeless forces of nature, embracing the uncertainty and thrill of the open waters.


As the hours melted away in the embrace of the ocean's soothing symphony, the lull of the waves and the gentle caress of the sea breeze conspired to coax my senses into a state of drowsy tranquility. My eyelids grew heavy, and a sense of contentment washed over me as I surrendered to the embrace of sleep.

Suddenly, the gentle rocking of the dinghy was interrupted by a subtle yet distinct jolt. My eyes fluttered open, and I was jolted from my drowsy reverie by the sensation of impact. The vessel had collided with something, shattering the tranquil stillness of the moment and plunging me into a state of alertness.

Glancing over the dinghy's edge, I was met with the sight of soft, powdery sand stretching out before me, signaling that my small vessel had come to a rest against the shores of an island, in the distance I could see a lot of interesting things, the most notable one was an giant red and yellow structure with a shark on the top "wait a second... isn't this the cocoyasi village?!"

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Heyo, new chapter here! Sorry for bad quality but I'm improving over all, hope you all like it and all hail Nami post time skip boobs