
Reincarnated with the best skill

An office worker is reincarnated into a world of skills, magic, and swords. Unfortunately, because of his skill, he is deemed a failure of his noble family. However, Adrian is not a failure, and his skill isn't trash. Because this skill, is the best skill Adrian could of asked for.

Karrotxz · Fantasy
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19 Chs

Chapter 6

Oh, Its Mila, why is she here.

If it were anyone else they would have left after being mistreated like that.

If she's actually here than she must have something to say.

But at the same time, you can't trust her that much after that.

She might be seeking revenge or something else.

Not everyone in this world is trustable, some always look for something extra when doing 'favors'.

I learned that while talking to panel.

This world is completely different than my old life in Japan.

This world is filled with violence and wars.

Slavery still exists, its a nasty thing and should be abolished.

"Master, I came back, I have something to tell you" Mila said.

"You might now remember this since you're just a baby"

"But, as I am a commoner, I need the money. But money is not all"

"You are a mere baby, and are treated so harsh"

"I will be here for you! I will take care of you. No one should be treated like this" Mila said, tears flowing down her eyes.

The tears, like a river flowing from her beautiful eyes and face, dripping on the ground.

Well if she says this much, I guess I can let her be for a bit.

"I have to go prepare dinner now, I will be back" Mila said.

Now that she was gone, I can finally see what I wanted to see.

I've been ignoring that option for a while now,

The shop Option on the Panel!

I haven't clicked on it since I have unlocked the skill,

So lets see what's in it.

At that moment I opened up my Domain Skill's Panel

Great! Lets open the shop


Welcome to the Domain Shop

You have 2 Domain Points

Please choose a category

you want to buy from




Next Reroll: 4 weeks



Should we look at the categories!


[Fire Magic] - 2

[Shadow Magic] - 2

[Wind Magic] - 2

[Ice Magic] - 2


[Spearsmanship] - 2

[Swordsmanship] - 3

[Dual Wielding] - 2

[Shield Mastery] - 2


[Appraisal] - 4

[Beast Taming] - 3

[Alchemy] - 8

[Stealth] - 1

Ok there are a lot of skills to choose from!

Well right now I won't be able to use any of the magic since my Magic Power is too low.

And I cannot use any of the the Combat skills either because of my physical strength and this baby's body.

But Other skills are Expensive as well. The only thing I can afford there is Stealth.

And I have 2 Domain Points? This is the hardest choice of my Life!

Shadow Magic? I don't think I have ever heard of a skill like this.

OK! I've made my decision!


Shadow Magic has won the decision.

I don't know what Shadow Magic will do but I hope its good.

I will not regret this.

I clicked on the Shadow Magic Button

Are you Sure?


Great! I think I have Shadow Magic now!

Lets check it out.


Welcome to the Domain Skill's Panel

This Panel is only visible to you

Domain Level: 1

Domain Subskills: [Mental Enchantment]

[Translation] [Mana Control] [Shadow Magic]

Domain Points: 0

Open Shop


Panel, what is shadow magic


Shadow Magic or Dark Magic

Description: A type of Magic

that is very rare in this world

It is said to rival Light and Holy magic.

User's of this Magic will be able to control


Skills: [Shadow Walk] [Shadow Warp]

[Shadow Blast]

Attributes Added:

+ 3 Agility


OH! That's a nice boost to my Agility.

3 Powers that come with the Skill huh.

Shadow Walk, Shadow Warp, and Shadow Blast

You guys will be my hope for now.

And so the day passed

I had finally bough my first skill and was ready for sleep.

I woke up the next morning and began training.

A week passed and it is finally my first birthday.

I was expecting at least a cake or a visit from my parents.

But none of the sort happened. Instead, Mila visited me.

"Happy First Birthday!" She said.

Well at least someone said it.

I mean its not like it matters anyways.

I haven't seen or heard anything from any of the servants

Since my mana is still low, I cannot use any of the Shadow Magic Powers.

That's unfortunate but it can't be helped

Ill just have to practice more

The weeks turned months and the months turned years.

I trained everyday, and saved up my points for a THE GREAT UNLOCK!

HAHAHAHHAHA!! This will be like gambling.

6 - Years Later

Today I turned 7 Years old,

Lets not even get started with birthdays, my parents haven't celebrated a SINGLE birthday.

That is to be expected from them.

I used the Shadow Walk skill to go into the servants shadow and snuck into the main house.

They were all enjoying their best time while I was locked away!

They ate luxury food while their city starved.

They were all happy while I was struggling.

Father has been teaching Cedric the Veridian Families Sword Style.

I've been spectating from the shadows for a long time.

My so stats have gotten higher and I have a lot of points to spend now!

I think the time has finally come to spend the points shall we?

6 Years worth of farming points should be 624 points.

EASY! This will be the greatest rise up ever!

I can't believe that I can go from 0 to 100.

Ok lets check it out!

Open the shop, yep I have 624 points!

OOH this is going to be epic!


[Lightning Magic] - 2

[Earth Magic] - 2

[Water Magic] - 2

[Light Magic] - 2


[Parry] - 2

[Unarmed Combat] - 1

[Archery] - 1

[Dual Wielding] - 2


[Appraisal] - 4

[Alchemy] - 8

[Advanced Mana Control] - 8

[Creation] - 100

W-W-What! You must be playing with me!

Why the hell is such a thing like Creation even in this world!

The God's must be crazy

Well its time to buy everything!

I clicked the buy button all the skills in the item shop.

I am sure that I will never run out of skills now.



Welcome to the Domain Skill's Panel

This Panel is only visible to you

Domain Level: 1

Domain Subskills: [Mental Enchantment]

[Translation] [Mana Control] [Shadow Magic]

[Lightning Magic] [Earth Magic] [Water Magic]

[Light Magic] [Parry] [Unarmed Combat] [Archery]

[Dual Wielding] [Advanced Mana Control] [Creation]

Domain Points: 492

Open Shop


"Congratulations! Your Domain Skill has Leveled up!" Panel said.

Unlocked Full Ability of [Domain]

Domain Level: 2

This just keeps getting more and more overpowers huh.

I spend most of my damn time doing training.

*Knock* *Knock*

*Opens Door*

Well if it isn't father.

Unfortunately I have to act in front of this man.

"Good afternoon father, what interests you in visiting me?" I said lowering my head.

I wouldn't want to do this, but I will if I still want to live here.

"Tch! It is your 7th birthday today, I do not come here to celebrate you" he said, coming closer.

"You see... This country, required that all children of a noble family attend and take the entrance exam for the royal academy" he said.

"But, This is a great thing for the Veridian family! You want to know why?" His hot musty breath now whispering at my ear.

I itched to kill a man but I couldn't, I don't yet know the abilities of the people here.

"You will finally be out of my care! We have important stuff to do here, and you are a burden" he said.

No tears came out of my eyes, this does not bother me a single bit.

"You will be sent to the royal capital and you will attend the academy! However, we will not provide for you" he said.

"Here! This should provide for you for a month! You will leave tomorrow" he says as he throws me a pouch of silver coins.

Silver Coins, not even worth anything.

However, it will allow me to live peacefully for a bit

I'm finally able to leave.

The rest of the day I spent checking and learning about my skills.

I slept the night and was woken up early in the morning my Mila.

"Master Adrian, Its so sad to see you leave, but this is a great opportunity for you" Mila said.

A tear came from her eye.

"I hope you learn a lot and live better" Mila said.

"Don't worry Mila, I'll be fine" I said.

as I walked out of the door into the carriage,

I thought of all the memories I had in this house.

Its a new beginning that is worth to experience.

A lot of points for an overpowered Main Character! Thanks for reading!

Karrotxzcreators' thoughts