
Reincarnated with Tenseigan:Naruto

The treacherous Hyuga Kyou finally got the treasure that he dreamed of… In the eyes of the royal blue rebirth, what exactly is the world of Naruto? This is a Chinese Translated novel so bear with some name issues and some Chinese character in the novel. . Join Discord it would be great. . https://discord.gg/44zxBqVjew

Yash_Mishra_0345 · Anime & Comics
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Special Gene

According to the vague memories of previous life, the reincarnation eye is an upgraded version of the white eye, and it is the top power that can be comparable to the reincarnation eye.

The evolution of the reincarnation eye, as far as Hyuga knows, there are two ways.

The first one is to use the blood on the moon to combine the blood on the earth to the family of the clan family, so as to evolve the rebirth eye.

The second one is to fuse a lot of white eyes.

This first method was eliminated directly by Sun Xiangjing. He is not a clan, nor can he get the blood eyes of the big tube Mu Sheren on the moon. In the second method, because there is a bird in a cage, the white eyes of the separated family will be destroyed immediately after leaving the body or after death. Therefore, relying solely on the family, a sufficient number of white eyes are not available.

Neither method seems to work, but from the second method, the sun mirror has a new idea.

It 's okay to have white eyes, or to write round eyes. All the blood inheritance boundaries are actually just the representation of genes. If you ca n't gather enough white eyes, is it possible to start from the genetic aspect, by collecting a large number of genes from the Hyuga family , And then fuse these genes, directly from the level of the gene from the inside to the outside into the regenerating eye?

Based on this bold conjecture, Hyuga focused on learning from Dashe Wan about gene technology.

Through continuous learning and observation, the sundial mirror has made an amazing discovery, that is, all the genes of the sundial family have 33 special gene sequences.

Through further observation, heliostat also found that the number of sequences in 33 groups of special gene sequences in different ethnic groups is also different.

As far as Hyundai Mirror is concerned, only 17-33 of the 33 special gene sequences in his body are active, while the sequences of 1-16 are inactive. The dozen or so other Hyuga people he collected are also very similar, and only a part of the 33 special gene sequences are activated.

This discovery further confirms the speculation of the sundial mirror.

He even suspected that if all 33 groups of special gene sequences in the body could be activated, then every Hyuga tribe could evolve their white eyes into regenerating eyes.

For a moment, this idea spread wildly in Hyuga mirror's heart.

Thanks to the blessings of the war, he was arranged by the large mirror of the Sun Hyundai mirror in the battlefield hospital, and he easily collected a large number of genes of the Hyuga family. After screening and comparing hundreds of gene samples, he successfully extracted 4-16. Special gene sequences in the activated state.

Counting the special gene sequence activated by Hyundai mirror 17-33 in his body, what he lacks is only the sequences of the first three groups in the first three groups in the 33 special gene sequences.

The genes of the separated family were collected enough by Hyundai Mirror, but none of the three special gene sequences of No. 1-3 activated, so naturally, he looked at the family.

He Kezong's family rarely went to the battlefield in person. Even if he went to the battlefield, he would often be heavily protected. He was not easily accessible to ninjas at the level of the sun, so he has never been able to get a gene sample of the clan.

For this reason, he had to ask Dae She Wan to shoot.

Dashe Wan did not refuse the sun mirror, but even Dashe Wan, one of the three forbearances, wanted to steal the gene of the family, it was not easy.

The delay was more than a year, and the test was forced to be interrupted.

Although distressed, Hyuga clear that he is just a little person struggling to survive. If he wants to change his destiny, he can only find opportunities by himself, not waiting for the pie to fall from the sky.

On the same day when Xiang Ke hit his idea on the newborn of the family of Hina, who was about to be born, he never thought that this time, after the farewell to say goodbye to him, he sent a family of flesh and blood.

While dealing with the family's flesh and blood organization, Hyuga mirrored in his heart and thought: "It should have been a few days since Dashe Wan defected, but not only did he not take me away, he also sent me what I needed urgently. Test materials, what is his intention? Let me stay in the village with peace of mind and be his spy? "

Regardless of the recent reaction of Dashe Wan, or based on the vague memories of previous lives, the sundial mirror can determine that Dashe Wan's interest in white eyes has been reduced at this time, and Dashe Wan also sent the experimental materials he urgently needed at this time. Not to study with the eyes, but to appease him.

Thinking of this, Hyuga mirror secretly laughed at herself: "It doesn't seem to be any good for the bird in the cage!"

There is no doubt that Dashemaru chose to keep Hyuga in the village. The decisive reason is because of the 'bird in the cage' on the forehead of Hyuga, because the family is not eligible for defection. Once defected, the bird in the cage can handle it directly. Falling out of the sun mirror, Osumaru naturally had no interest in taking away a useless body.

As the experiment progressed, the sun mirror converged in a mess and focused its attention on the experiment.

The blood and flesh tissues of Zongjia sent by Tongda Snake Pill are very active. If the sundial mirror didn't guess wrong, this is likely to be the flesh and blood tissue of the family's sundial foot, and it is also the most wanted gene for the current sundial mirror.

Because the flesh and blood tissue was very fresh and the process of gene extraction was abnormally smooth, after comparison, he was surprised to find that 28 of the 33 special gene sequences of Sunward and Sunfoot were actually activated. It also includes 1-3 sets of special gene sequences that he needs most.

"There are as many as 28 groups of special gene sequences in the activated state, it is indeed the owner!"

As soon as I thought of the strength of the Sunward Sunfoot close to the film level, the Sunward Mirror in emotion was relieved again.

At the height of the year, the Sunward Sunfoot is undoubtedly the No. 1 strong man in the Sunxiang family. Such a strong man has the best genes in the family, which is a reasonable thing.

He cast his emotions aside, and Hyuga focused his attention on extracting the special gene sequences of the three groups of active states he had dreamed of, No. 1-3.

At this point, all the special gene sequences of the activation status of No. 1-16, which are missing from the sun mirror, have been assembled.

"It's up to you if you can change your life against the sky!"

Xinxi, expectation, , all kinds of emotions flew into my heart for a moment, making Hikaru a moment of cyanosis.

He wanted to hang up in the sky and want to vent the depression and fear that had been lingering in his heart for so many years, but the one-eyed viper on his shoulder let him dispel all thoughts.

After sighing lightly, Hyuga mirror converged all emotions.

Soon after, he quietly filled the extracted gene solution into a small thermostat, then took out a reel, and sealed the thermostat inside.

The defection of the big snake ball will inevitably cause a shock in the village.

In order to ensure that he is not implicated, he has a lot of hands and tails to deal with. The first is this laboratory. He must completely remove his traces in the laboratory, and even the traces of his experiments must be completely removed to avoid It was discovered by the village that Shun Teng touched me and caught him, or discovered a special gene sequence fusion experiment he conducted.