
Reincarnated with Super Powers

Mikonimo Stills, a modern cat lives alone and is rich. After working hard in the news reporting channel, he is fast asleep. Then suddenly he gets a call from his friend to know that his wife has been kidnapped. Will Mikonimo save his friend`s wife and the whole world with the help of his family, friends, and relatives?

JanPan2007 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Missing Child

Suddenly, thunderstorms started. However, because of the sailing skills of Doriko and Miko, the boat was safe. The cupules danced elegantly. After enjoying their holiday, the whole family came back home.

On the next day, Jim and other kids went to the school. In the library when Greta was reading a book, she suddenly went inside it. Jim was astounded and after school, he went hurriedly towards his parents to tell about it. Miko and Doriko were worried.

"How can she go inside a book?", asked Benjamin restlessly. To this, Miko`s dad told that there were some magical books in the world that could do that.

"What should we do now?", asked Miko. His father told to find which book was Jim referring to. Miko went to the school library and saw that the book belonged to the book of 5 magical horses. When he searched about the book on the internet, he came to know a fantasy. It was written that the 5 Magical horses were undefeatable. However, a wicked magician comes in their city and uses his dark magics to control them. He even controlled the horses and became rhe owner. If they needed help, they would take human beings to their world for helping them.