
Reincarnated with Super Powers

Mikonimo Stills, a modern cat lives alone and is rich. After working hard in the news reporting channel, he is fast asleep. Then suddenly he gets a call from his friend to know that his wife has been kidnapped. Will Mikonimo save his friend`s wife and the whole world with the help of his family, friends, and relatives?

JanPan2007 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Grand Party

After the meeting ended, a grand party was thrown at the employees and their families.

It was shown live on the channel 'NEWS TODAY'

Huge balloons, spacious rooms with dazzling lights, tables with clothes, and sumptuous meals were the common occurrence. Children ran here and there while their parents tried to stop them.

The party`s ambience convinced everyone that it was worth attending.

The party had hot women in the ballroom. Further, dinner was served in a clean and air-conditioned room. Everyone enjoyed the party till late midnight.

Miko had to attend to international guests, and promotion was given to the deserving employees.