
Reincarnated with Super Powers

Mikonimo Stills, a modern cat lives alone and is rich. After working hard in the news reporting channel, he is fast asleep. Then suddenly he gets a call from his friend to know that his wife has been kidnapped. Will Mikonimo save his friend`s wife and the whole world with the help of his family, friends, and relatives?

JanPan2007 · Fantasy
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50 Chs

After 10 years

Now after 10 years, they decided to make Horito, Doriko`s son, the CEO of the company. After he had become the CEO, he helped everyone in their work and became the best boss of the planet. In an award ceremony, he got the best boss in the world trophy.

Sameera met her family, and they as per Horito`s wish married Sameera. That wedding was remarkable as Pritam lighted the fire crackers and made the moment memorable.

In the wedding, the food was properly prepared and handled to maintain hygiene. Everyone praised that the food was delicious. There were many benches for the visitors to sit in the wedding party that was held just after the wedding.

At the end of the party, there was ball dance competition. There were many trophies for the couples. The best couple in that party was Miko and Gwen whose dance seemed so much natural and their kiss at the end made the whole room energetic. The best couple`s parent`s trophy went to Miko and Gwen.

Next comes their children`s group. There were 3 couples who looked perfect with each other. Some of the other couples of their college also received trophies and gifts. They danced so elegantly that their parents gave all of them the trophies. However, the best couple trophy among them went to Jim and his wife Mary. They were extremely happy and kissed each other while their son clapped for them.

Meanwhile, Zina and Blacki came there to bless the newly wedded couple. They were also happy that their daughter, Alice was also married to a gentleman, Harry

The Major decisions of Alice`s life were taken by Miko as per Zina`s wish. She had gone back to the earth with Blacki to enjoy some quality time with her. They could not come back during Alice`s wedding because they were busy at that moment but sent mails which made her happy. However, on the wedding of Pritam, they decided to go back on Titan and meet their daughter, Alice.

When Blacki and Harry met, they liked each other. Blacki also loved car racing. He then took his took out which was lashed which was a red race car. Both the father in law and son in law raced in their cars.

Both were experienced. Harry now felt that he got a worthy opponent. Blacki with his skills, tricks and experience won the race. He also admired that defeating him was very challenging for him. He taught Harry many skills. Both of them went on my trips together. Alice and her mother, Zina were cooking food for their husbands. They ate the food happily and praised it. They now stayed with them in their house.

The last child Greta who was Benjamin`s daughter also had a romantic story behind her.

While she was coming back from college, she was kidnapped by Miles, her friend in that college. They were good friends.

When Greta opened her eyes, she saw that the amazing decorations on that ship. Miles came towards her and said that he was her kidnapper. Greta liked this mysterious surprise.

The ship was pompous. Miles was the son of a big businessman. Doriko and his father were also good friends at the college. They shared many things together.

Miles had purchased this ship. On this ship, there were many of his friends also. All the couples danced on the music. Miles and Greta also danced and at last kissed. This made everyone mesmerized, and they starting clapping.

On another occasion, there was a picnic organized by their college. Greta went to the mountain cliff, but due to slippery she began hanging, she was so panicked that her throat dried. She was about to fall when Miles pulled her up.

Because of these incidents, Greta fell in love with him. Benjamin agreed on their proposal for wedding. Miles and Greta also married. This wedding was pompous, royal, grand and elegant when all the 4 couples danced together.

Their parents were contended that finally all the 5 children were married. They all went stayed in Titan planet for some time and went to the earth to meet Miko`s father one day. They reached the earth. Miko`s father was delighted to meet his grandson, Andy and blesses all the newly married couples.

After 1 year, all the 4 couples had one child each. Alice and her husband had Jai as their child. Horito and his wife had Mihoto as their child. Pritam and his wife had Marky as their son. Greta and her husband had Grema as their child. All the 4 couples stayed happily until one day they decided to have a space trip together.

The grandchildren and their grandparents went on 2 spaceships designed by Benjamin and Horito. The grandparents still looked young at the age of 50. They went on the ship and saw many other planets from there. After that, in the ship food was arranged, many books were present in the spaceship.

The children sang and danced with each other holding their hands.

They after enjoying 3 days came back to Titan.