
A Yapper Co-worker

Chapter 27: A Yapper Co-worker

Kyouka brushed Nith's teeth, washed his face, and even offered to cut his hair, to which he gave her a heavy stare.

His hair couldn't be touched! It was perfect as it was.

"You look too grim, though," Kyouka said as she enjoyed combing Nith's streaks, which were long enough to drape over his face.

Nith replied, "I was like that in both lives. I guess my soul is evil."

"I heard souls are blue, but yours might be red. Maybe that's why you look like you hate the world and yourself," Kyouka chuckled.

"Why aren't you in your casual clothes?" Nith asked, changing the topic.

"You like me in them?" Kyouka asked, her sparkling eyes reflected in the mirror before Nith, causing him to raise his eyes. "Because you can see more of me? I'm in alchemist robes because I need to head out and fill out some paperwork. I was thinking of finding a part-time student to work in our store while you're away, but I need your thoughts on that."

It was true that Nith didn't see himself recovering for at least two weeks. He predicted it'd take up to a month for his arms to heal.

As they went downstairs, Nith mused aloud, "It's fine to hire someone long-term. The store's prestige should fetch us co-workers in no time."

"Yes," Kyouka nodded. "You might end up like me, confined to the basement, or staying away from the store for weeks honing your skills. I want this business to keep going, so expanding our services and hiring more staff is the way forward."

They sat down at the table. This time, Kyouka sat beside Nith, not only because she had to feed him but also because she was his woman now.

With half-lidded eyes, Nith silently allowed her to attend to him.

"Our loot from the swamps," Nith suddenly interjected, "let's wait for the prices to skyrocket before we start selling it."

"You… alright. I wonder how the kingdom reacted to its disappearance. I'll visit my friends and gossip," Kyouka said, sounding as equally excited about gossiping with her friends as about spending time with Nith.

That much somehow didn't surprise Nith.

"What about the last boss's accessories?" Nith asked.

"I need them appraised," Kyouka said.

While the two of them were apt enough to discern what could be turned into potions and poisons with their eyes alone, equipment and other items needed appraisal from specialized appraisers.

That said, some items had their status laid bare.

For instance, the white orb Nith had picked up from the low danger zone:

[Low Danger Zone Core—Swamp Islands(B)]

[Prerequisites: a water source, a cluster of trees, and arable land of 5 square meters.]

[Upon meeting the prerequisites, the core will conjure Swamp Islands' Low Danger Zone along with its six levels, monsters, and the final boss. The owner of the core has special qualifications to oversee the zone.]

"It takes three cores to form a dungeon," Kyouka said, recalling that she'd heard about those cores back home. "The dungeon creates its own space, like a mini-world."

"This core is too valuable for us to use right now," Nith decided. "We'll come up with a way to use it once we're stronger."

Kyouka agreed with his assessment.

After that, she bid him farewell with a surprise kiss on the cheek. She left the store with a spring in her step, but to Nith, it seemed like she was running away from him, her face redder than a tomato.

Left alone, he went down to her basement to take a closer look at the purple veins littering his arms.


The next day, Kyouka hired a part-time student for her store.

It was a woman one year younger than Nith. She studied at the capital's university and aimed to become the royal family's chancellor. Many commoners attending the university had this dream, so she wasn't anything special.

At least, Nith thought so until she started talking to him.

"Nightshade, I think you should do Ms. Kyouka a favor and resign from your job. She's a highly skilled alchemist whose kindness knows no bounds! I'm confident she'll attract the royal family's attention and maybe even catch a royal descendant's eye! You're ill and have no prospects, relying solely on Ms. Kyouka's kindness! No, I think you're exploiting her generosity!"

Sitting beside her at the counter, Nith thought, 'Can't this bitch stop yapping?'

Alas, she couldn't.

"This job is such an opportunity for me! I'm a student at the prestigious Mythverios University, the best in our kingdom, and now I'm also working under a renowned alchemist! I heard His Majesty invites prominent businesses to a banquet! You would only shame her! On the other hand, I'm soooo adorable, and my grades are top-notch!"

'Bitch, you're yapping like a broken record. Even the sanest noble wouldn't take you under their wing. I swear… if I cared about nobles and their shit, I'd already be planning my return home,' Nith inwardly sighed.

The woman daydreamed. "If I went to the banquet with Ms. Kyouka, we'd both look like princesses… we would achieve so much! But you, Nightshade, it's not like I want to be mean, but I don't think even a baron's daughter would look at you, let alone a princess!"

'If my arms were working properly, I'd be rocking Kyouka's world by now. All while you'd be working for us for minimum wage, you yapping student,' Nith inwardly spat venom at his co-worker.

He didn't want to reveal his relationship with Kyouka to others, lest her family, or worse, his parents, find out he had someone. The fewer people who knew, the better for them.

Which was why Nith didn't confront the co-worker; he feared he might slap her with reality before he even realized it.

That was when the store's doors opened, and a heavy presence descended.

Everyone inside, whether checking potions or browsing their prices, halted and turned around. Almost simultaneously, they saluted upon noticing a golden-haired woman with full bangs, encased in black armor, stepping inside.

Nith's co-worker reacted more dramatically, bolting upright so fast that she knocked her chair to the ground. She stood like a statue, her dominant hand raised beside her little head.

Only Nith remained seated.

The woman walked past everyone, stopping at the counter and looking directly into Nith's black eyes.

"Your peculiar appearance is indescribable. You do seem as if the whole world has wronged you, Mr. Nightshade."

"Excuse me, but I don't think we know each other."

Nith's co-worker's mouth dropped open in shock, her jaw nearly hitting the floor.

She yapped, "It's a princess! A princess! A real one! From our kingdom! So, so, so gorgeous and strong! She's—"

The princess glanced at her, causing the girl to faint on the spot.

Nith looked down at her, his features twisting. "Can you believe this bitch said she'd match Kyouka at the banquet?"

"If anyone could match her, it would be you, Mr. Nightshade," the princess smiled. Though her features were beautiful, Nith saw a lioness behind her expression.

'What does she want from me? Has Kyouka run her mouth too much to her friends, or did I make a mistake somewhere?'