
Reincarnated with Overpowered system

Alex reincarnates into another world but does not have any talent. After not showing talent for 18 years, his father tries to kill him but his mother uses a forbidden spell and teleports to random place. After telepoartling she fights Serelion and dies. After crying and killing the beast in rage, a mesterious person gives him a chance with a condition. The condition: To entertain him. Come and join his journey as he changes his name and gets his revenge on his previous family while spending quality time with his wives. Embark on an extraordinary journey through a realm where unimaginable powers and limitless possibilities await. In this captivating fantasy adventure, witness the rise of an Overpowered MC as they navigate a treacherous world, wielding an awe-inspiring system that grants them unparalleled abilities. A/N : Starting chapters are inspired and Have been stolen from a novel in WebNovel that I have been reading, you may find it somewhat same, but read ultil 5 - 10 chapters it will be my original story from then. This is my first story so I am open to suggestions, please comment and you can give me ideas and names and so on The character in the cover does not represent any characters. Update schedule: 2 chapters per week (if i write more i will update more, but maximum is 1 ch per day, except bonus) Cover Does not belong to me, if you are the owner and want it to be removed, contact me.

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18 Chs

Bound by Fate: A Son's Forbidden Quest to Save His Mother

In the morning of a new day, Alex woke up and looked at his mother. He tried to wake her up. He said "mother " and went to hug her.

*yaawnnnnn ?", Catherine felt as if she had woken up from a bad dream, her body was a bit stiff so she stretched but then she felt weird.

"Hmm? Why do I feel as if I was nak….", she looked downwards and then she noticed it "why the hell am I not wearing anything!!!" she exclaimed, not only that but she saw her son covered in wounds and using ragged clothes below her and her sword was a few meters away from them which caused her to start panic.

"What the hell is happening, did I become berserk… and attacked my own son…", Catherine stopped for a second because she felt something pressing against her lower half, her eyes slowly turned downwards and it took her a moment to react.

"Kyaaaaahhh, wh…w…why is it hard, what happened when I was out of my senses!!!!!", while Catherine was going crazy imagining what she might have done to her son when she was out of her mind, Evangeline was laughing her ass at the situation.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect CrimsonDevilll to do this, he gave him a harem system so it is kind of expected"

To be fair, it wasn't Catherine's fault to misunderstand the situation, her memory was a bit off because she had just revived a few hours ago and she confused the symptoms with going "berserk" a situation of the human race that occurs when mana is overused and need to recover 50% mana to the point where they lose their rationality and attack whatever is near them using life force and dying.

After a moment Catherine started reconstructing in her mind what she thought it might have happened, "I remember fighting a Serelion I should be dead because I used a self-destruction spell because I had no mana left and that was the only choice somehow, I managed to survive and then Damion returned to look for me… I went berserk due to my mana depletion and attacked him or something".

The more she thought of it the more guilt she felt, after struggling trying to remember more but not being able to, she could only give up and wait for her son to wake up and explain the situation to her.

*fwosh", Catherine took a deep breath as she said to herself "calm down… what is done is done, for now let's get dressed and look for a place to stay",.

"It doesn't matter what those stromrider bastards think of him, he was smart enough to first look for a way to shelter us and… even when facing the Serelion he didn't cower nor he tried to run away, humph I can imagine those old farts crying and giving up if they were in his place", then her face turned dead serious.

"Victor I never got along with you but… how dare you try to harm my son, you are dead meat", she then checked to see If her storage ring was on her son's pocket and she was happy, he still had it, she took out some clothes to use, due to her body being covered in dirt, she didn't try to put on any underwear instead she wore a nightgown dress but she noticed that her clothes were too big for her.

Catherine took out a little mirror she had in her ring and when she looked at herself, she froze… "what the hell is going on!!!", she thought.

Needless to say, Evangeline was watching everything and being amused by the whole situation as if she was watching a movie. " Mother… I'm glad you are alive", he hugged his mother tightly as if he was afraid that she would disappear if he let go, Catherine felt her son's emotions and her eyes got teary, she hugged him back before saying in a broken tone.


"My darling… I thought I would never see you again", they embraced each other to the content of their hearts, Alex felt a huge sensation of relief, before he was worried that the "Catherine" in front of him was some kind of fake but there is no way someone could fake the warm comfortable feeling his mother gave him.

Alex suddenly realized something and he asked in a hurry.

"How do you feel mom, are you still wounded, how about your magic core!!!"

Catherine heard her son's worried tone and she smiled and ruffled his hair.

"I'm fine my baby ?, even the cracks in my core were healed but as you might have noticed I look quite different, can you tell me what happened… did I do anything weird to you?".

Alex almost choked, although he looked like a kid since he was a reincarnated teen of course he understood what Catherine thought when she woke up naked, her son above her with his dick hard and right in front of her scared garden, while he was contemplating how to explain his mother what happened he heard Evangeline mocking him.

"Hahaha, how are you going to get out of this I wonder, if you don't come up with a good story then mommy will be mad at you", "this stupid system" thought Alex, but then he internally grinned and asked her.

"Will it be bad if I tell her about the system?", Evangeline kept silence for a moment before answering in a serious voice "there is no penalty, after all the system only exists for the host and no one can take it away now that it's linked to you, actually I encourage you to tell her about it", then she said " you haven't checked the side effect, it is certainly interesting "

Then he looked at the side effect and frowned and jumped from his position. He saw,

[Side effect of reviving Lilith: You need to fuck her within 15 days or her soul will cease to exist and no one will be able to resurrect her.

You cannot tell her about this.

As a bonus Skill pleasures hands have been bestowed upon you.]

"What the fuck" he screamed. His mother looking at his face brimming with joy turning dark. She asked "What happened my baby" . He said nervously " it's nothing mom ".

He said in his mind " What the fuck is this evangaline "

Evangaline replied "How will I know, CrimsonDevilll is the one who gave you this. "

He replied " in a nutshell, I need to fuck her within 15 or she will die and I cannot do anything about it " " yes " evangaline said.

Alright, I will fuck mom to keep her alive, he thought with determination.

" What happened my baby" she asked again noticing his determined face. She added "why am I like this, do you know anything about it? ".

" Yes mom I know why you appear to be this young". He added " this is something secret I have keeping since I was born. Can we please talk about it later. "

" What " she said, shocked how she died, revived but she added "Alright we will talk about this later, but first let me contact my friends" then she searched in her spatial ring for a token and took it out. She then sent a message saying where she was, suddenly a portal opened and a beauty with big boobs and butt came.

He frowned and got between the beauty and his mother, he said warrily " Who are you ". The beauty looked at him and looked at his mother and said " I am the second dragon princess Seraphina valerian Draconia ".

He looked towards his mom. His mom nodded and said " hey, Seraphina, how are you ". Seraphina replied " you haven't even contacted me in past 50 years, you suddenly contact me after 50 years and said 'i am dying, please help me' and give me spatial coordinate. Now you are asking me how I am, Even hippocracy have it's limits Catherine" with anger. "I am sorry" she replied.

"How are you in dragon continent and is that a Serelion and how you so young, is it a disguise? " She asked.

"It's a long story and we need a place to live so you gonna take us or you gonna leave us to die." She said with a smile.

Seraphina's face twitched in frustration and said " come and you are gonna tell me everything later "

The trio go through the portal and Alex is shocked to see what lay behind the portal. He hurriedly used the only skill he knows:

"Cursed spell : Cliffhanger"

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