
Reincarnated with Overpowered system

Alex reincarnates into another world but does not have any talent. After not showing talent for 18 years, his father tries to kill him but his mother uses a forbidden spell and teleports to random place. After telepoartling she fights Serelion and dies. After crying and killing the beast in rage, a mesterious person gives him a chance with a condition. The condition: To entertain him. Come and join his journey as he changes his name and gets his revenge on his previous family while spending quality time with his wives. Embark on an extraordinary journey through a realm where unimaginable powers and limitless possibilities await. In this captivating fantasy adventure, witness the rise of an Overpowered MC as they navigate a treacherous world, wielding an awe-inspiring system that grants them unparalleled abilities. A/N : Starting chapters are inspired and Have been stolen from a novel in WebNovel that I have been reading, you may find it somewhat same, but read ultil 5 - 10 chapters it will be my original story from then. This is my first story so I am open to suggestions, please comment and you can give me ideas and names and so on The character in the cover does not represent any characters. Update schedule: 2 chapters per week (if i write more i will update more, but maximum is 1 ch per day, except bonus) Cover Does not belong to me, if you are the owner and want it to be removed, contact me.

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18 Chs

Beastly serelion encounter

The mother and her son fled through the dense forest, their hearts pounding with a mix of fear and determination. The moonlight filtered through the thick canopy above, casting eerie shadows that danced among the towering trees. They had escaped the clutches of the elder, but the danger was far from over.

With each step, the mother's mind raced, calculating their next move. She knew they couldn't stay in one place for long. The elder's reach was extensive, and his resources were vast. She had to find a way to keep her son safe and out of his grasp.

As they moved deeper into the forest, the mother's senses heightened. She relied on her instincts, honed through years of survival and training. She scanned their surroundings, searching for any signs of danger or potential shelter.

Finally, she spotted a secluded grove nestled between ancient trees. It seemed untouched by civilization, a hidden sanctuary. With a flicker of hope in her eyes, she led her son towards it. They entered the grove cautiously, stepping onto the soft bed of fallen leaves.

The air within the grove was cool and refreshing, carrying a sense of tranquility. The mother knew they couldn't afford to relax completely, but the respite from immediate danger was a welcome reprieve. She knelt down beside her son, inspecting his wounds from the daggers.

Her hands moved with practiced efficiency, bandaging his feet as gently as possible. The young boy winced in pain, but he remained resilient, mirroring the strength his mother had displayed in their escape. She offered him a reassuring smile, her eyes filled with a mix of concern and determination.

"We need to be careful, my son," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "The danger is not yet behind us. We must stay vigilant."

The boy nodded, his gaze filled with trust and admiration. He knew his mother was their best chance at survival, and he was prepared to follow her lead without question. They huddled together, seeking warmth and comfort in each other's presence as the night grew colder.

As dawn approached, the mother and her son stirred from their makeshift camp. They scanned the surroundings, the sweet scent of blood may lead a viscous creature to them.

Suddenly, a menacing growl reverberated through the air, chilling their bones. The woman's heart pounded in her chest as she turned to face the source of the sound. Emerging from the underbrush was a ferocious beast, its massive form towering over them. It was a creature straight out of ancient legends—a hybrid of lion and serpent, with scales shimmering in vibrant hues and razor-sharp claws that glistened in the sunlight.

Fear gripped the woman's heart, but she pushed it aside, the mother, tapped into her mana reserve to observe how much mana was left, she frowned as only 30% of her mana was left behind. Her eyes flashing with a fierce determination. She knew she had to stand her ground, to shield her son from this monstrous threat. With a swift motion, she positioned herself between the creature and her child, ready to face the impending danger.

The battle commenced with a thunderous roar, the creature lunging at the woman with lightning speed. She dodged its initial assault, narrowly avoiding the snapping jaws and thrashing tail. Quick on her feet, she retaliated, unsheathing her sword and striking with a calculated precision.

Blade clashed against scale, each blow resonating through the forest. The woman fought valiantly, her movements fluid and agile. She parried the creature's attacks with unwavering resolve, but its strength proved formidable. With every strike, the beast grew more relentless, its primal instincts driving it to overpower its adversary.

The woman's heart pounded with a mix of adrenaline and fear, her exhaustion mounting. She could feel the strength in her arms waning, her muscles protesting against the relentless onslaught. Her vision blurred momentarily as a clawed paw grazed her side, leaving a deep gash.

Undeterred, she pressed on, fueled by a mother's love and an unwavering determination to protect her son. But the creature's relentless assault proved too much to bear. With a mighty swipe of its tail, it sent the woman sprawling to the ground, her sword clattering out of reach.

As she struggled to regain her footing, pain searing through her body, the woman locked eyes with her son, terror etched across his face. It was in that moment that she knew her defeat was imminent. Her heart sank, but she flashed with sudden determination.

The creature loomed over her, its jaws gaping wide, ready to strike the final blow. The woman closed her eyes, whispering words of love and protection for her son, accepting her fate with a heavy heart.

In a swift motion, the creature lunged forward, its jaws closing in on the woman. But at the last moment, a blinding burst of magic erupted from the forest, engulfing the creature.

A blast so big, mere shockwave throws the boy to the tree nearby . Blood flowing through his feet, the wound reopened, the pain never felt before. But he knew he couldn't pass out. He looked towards the place where his mother and the beast, serelion. His mother nowhere to be seen, the creature lay defeated nearby, its life force threatening to cease to exist.

He snapped, he knew what his mother did, core detonation.

As a result to save him his mother sacrificed herself, such is mother's love and determination. He screamed.




He lunged forward, unable to think, towards the creature.

The young boy, his heart shattered by the loss of his mother, disregarded his own injuries and threw himself towards the fallen Serelion. His mind was clouded with grief and rage, fueling his determination to avenge his mother's sacrifice.

As he reached the creature's side, he could feel the immense power emanating from its life force, pulsating within its wounded body. Without hesitation, he reached out, his trembling hand connecting with the Serelion's rough, shimmering scales. His fingers tingled as a surge of raw energy coursed through him, a connection to the magical essence of the fallen beast.

Drawing upon his mother's teachings and his own latent magical abilities, the boy channeled the remaining mana within him, combining it with the Serelion's fading life force. Sparks of vibrant energy danced across his fingertips as he willed the magic to bend to his command.

In an explosion of raw power, a brilliant display of light erupted from the boy and the Serelion, engulfing them both. The ground quivered beneath their feet as the force of the core detonation rippled through the forest, shaking trees and scattering wildlife in all directions.

When the blinding light subsided, a hushed silence settled over the meadow. The boy, his body covered in dirt and blood, slowly rose from the ground, his gaze fixated on the aftermath of his actions. The Serelion lay motionless, its once vibrant scales now dulled and lifeless, its eyes vacant.

A mix of emotions overwhelmed the boy—grief for his mother, astonishment at the power he had harnessed, and a profound sadness for the loss of such a magnificent creature. He sank to his knees, tears streaming down his dirt-streaked face as he mourned the loss of both his mother and the Serelion. He screamed with all his heart, screamed the boy, lost of his his mother's warmth, lost the place he called home. He screamed and cried. He cried until he passed out.