
Reincarnated With My Past Life' System

Support my other book [ARCANE DESCENT] I promise it's a fantastic fantasy! Its chapters are still free. {New reader/user detected}..... {Name:____} {Race: Human from the year 3035} {Level: One} {Exp: 0/100} _____________ {A new quest has arrived} ____ {Daily quest: To level up, read all available chapters and vote with your stones}. ___________ A normal boy from an abandoned neighborhood found himself amidst rich friends. He was bullied, trampled on, and he dared to desire the most beautiful girl in his school. Strangely enough, the other days in his life shifted from being simple and peaceful to full of chaos, dealing with government officials which seemed shady enough. And then, fight with demons he never in a million thoughts had in his mind His name is KAEL!. Kael was reincarnated with his past life's system though he was a weakling in the first sixteen years of his life. How well will a seventeen year old boy handle a system he knows nothing about? Wanna know? Why not level up with him? He had the most powerful system in his past life but, he lost control over it since he had became a weakling in his present life. Slipping through time into the past to cultivate his system energy so as to avert the evil that will soon overcome the world...the war began. Who can escape a battle between the furious dark hoards who had lost their chance of taking over the world thousands of year ago before Kael died in his past life's form? Who will stop their attempt to rule the world normal humans live in when they finally slip through time into our world? __"...Just because you hide in the darkness doesn't mean you're stronger than me!"__Kael(23) I hope you'd support this book with power stones, send gifts if you deem it fit as well and leave reviews so I know where I'm lacking. xD Enjoy your fantasy~

_Skye · Fantasy
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71 Chs

Mild horror.

The three friends, their hearts pounding with anticipation, raced through the opulent hallways of Alex's mansion, eager to escape the growing tension and immerse themselves in the world of the House of Horror. They burst into Alex's game room, a sanctuary for gamers and tech enthusiasts, where five state-of-the-art gaming computers awaited them.

Without hesitation, each friend claimed a seat behind a computer, their fingers hovering over the keyboards, ready to unleash their gaming prowess. Alex, the tech-savvy host of the evening, ensured that everything was set up perfectly, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

The countdown clock on the screen ticked down, each second fueling their anticipation.

As the trio eagerly awaited the launch of the House of Horror game, Alex, ever the considerate host, volunteered to prepare a feast of snacks to fuel their gaming marathon. Emma, always the helpful friend, offered to assist him in the kitchen.

"Don't be late, guys" Kael called out, his eyes glued to the game countdown clock. "We don't want to miss any of the action!"

With that, Alex and Emma disappeared into the labyrinthine depths of the mansion, their mission to provide the perfect sustenance for their gaming adventure. The kitchen buzzed with activity as they rummaged through cabinets, chopped vegetables, and stirred bubbling pots.

As Alex and Emma returned to the gaming room, their arms laden with trays of snacks, they were met with an unexpected sight. Kael lay sprawled on the floor, his face pale and his eyes closed. His game controller rested beside him, the blinking lights casting an eerie glow on his still form.

Emma gasped, her heart pounding with concern. "Kael!" she cried, rushing to his side. Alex alarmed by the sudden silence, quickly followed suit, his mind racing with worry.

They gently shook Kael's shoulder, but he didn't stir. His skin felt cold to the touch, and his breathing was shallow and irregular. Fear gripped Emma's heart.

"He's not breathing!" she exclaimed, panic rising in her voice.

Alex immediately checked Kael's pulse, his fingers trembling slightly. He could barely feel a faint beat, a reassuring sign amidst the growing panic. "He's just unconscious," he said, trying to calm Emma's nerves.

Together, they carefully lifted Kael onto the couch, his head resting on Emma's lap. They monitored his breathing, their faces etched with concern. The snacks, once a source of excitement, lay forgotten on the table, their aroma now overshadowed by the tension in the air.

Emma gently stroked Kael's hair, her voice soft and soothing. "Kael, wake up" she whispered, her eyes filled with worry.

As Alex fumbled with his phone, his fingers trembling as he tried to dial 911. Suddenly, Kael stirred, his eyes fluttering open. He groaned, rubbing his temples as he sat up, his vision blurred and his head throbbing with pain.

"What happened?" he asked, his voice raspy and confused.

Emma and Alex turned to him, their faces etched with worry. "You collapsed" Emma explained, her voice laced with concern.

Kael shook his head, his mind still hazy. "I don't remember anything" he admitted, his brow furrowed in confusion.

After some minutes of explaining the puzzle they do not understand, they couldn't fix in what exactly had happened to Kael.

"I should probably get going" Kael said, his voice still weak from his ordeal. "My dad will be back from work soon, and I don't want to get in trouble."

Emma nodded in understanding. "I'll walk you out" she replied, her eyes filled with concern. Alex nodded as well.

As they made their way through the mansion's grand hallways, the silence between them was palpable. The once vibrant atmosphere of the house now seemed muted, the echoes of their laughter and excited chatter replaced by an unsettling stillness.

Reaching the front door, Emma paused, her hand on the handle. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.

Kael managed a weak smile. "I'll be fine" he reassured her. He turned at Alex. "See you tomorrow bro"

Alex gently nabbed him his eyes reflecting the same concern that had plagued Emma since Kael's collapse.

"And you take care of yourself, Kael. I don't want you getting sick again."

With a final farewell, Kael stepped out into the cool night air, the mansion's imposing silhouette looming behind him. The familiar streets of his neighborhood seemed different, the shadows elongated and menacing under the dim glow of the streetlights.


The night air was crisp and refreshing, carrying the scent of fallen leaves and damp earth. A gentle breeze rustled through the trees, their branches swaying rhythmically like skeletal dancers in the moonlight. The sky was a vast expanse of inky black, dotted with countless twinkling stars that seemed to mock Kael's inner turmoil.

As he walked along the dimly lit streets, the silence of the night was broken only by the distant hum of traffic and the occasional chirp of a cricket. The shadows seemed to dance around him, their movements amplified by the flickering streetlights.

The wind picked up, sending shivers down his spine as it whipped through his thin jacket. The cold seemed to seep into his bones, mirroring the chill that had settled deep within his heart. He quickened his pace, eager to escape the biting wind and the oppressive silence that surrounded him.

The streets were deserted, the houses dark and lifeless. The only sign of life was the occasional flickering streetlight, casting an eerie glow on the empty sidewalks. Kael felt like a ghost, wandering through a desolate landscape, haunted by the events of the night.

As he approached his home, a glimmer of light shone from the living room window. A wave of relief washed over him, the sight of his home a beacon of warmth and comfort in the cold, dark night. He hurried towards the door, his heart pounding with anticipation.

As Kael opened the door to his home, a sight that had become all too familiar greeted him. His father, engrossed in a passionate kiss with a strange woman, stood amidst the dimly lit parlor, their bodies entwined in a moment of intimacy.

Kael's heart sank, a sense of numb detachment washing over him. His father's philandering ways were no longer a source of surprise or shock. They had become a grim reality that he had long accepted.

The sudden intrusion jolted the couple apart, their faces flushed with embarrassment. The strange woman, her lipstick smudged and her hair disheveled.

Kael's father, his composure regained, turned to face his son, his expression a mix of annoyance and feigned concern.

"Well, well, look who decided to grace us with his presence" he remarked, his tone laced with sarcasm.

Kael ignored his father's jibe, his mind preoccupied with the scene he had just witnessed. He had grown accustomed to his father's infidelity, but the sight of him so blatantly disrespecting his mother, the woman who had stood by him through thick and thin, never failed to ignite a flicker of anger within him.

"How was school today?" his father asked, his voice devoid of any genuine interest.

Kael shrugged, his response as indifferent as his father's question. "Fine" he replied curtly, his eyes fixed on the floor.

Without waiting for another word, Kael turned and headed towards his room, the weight of his father's betrayal settling heavily upon his shoulders. The warmth and comfort of his home had long since evaporated, replaced by a suffocating atmosphere of deceit and betrayal.

As Kael entered his room, the weight of the day crashed down upon him. He threw his bag carelessly onto the floor, its contents spilling out into a disorganized mess. Without bothering to remove his school uniform or wash up, he collapsed onto his bed, his mind consumed by thoughts of his mother.

The image of her warm smile, her gentle touch, and the comforting sound of her voice haunted him. He longed for her presence, for her unwavering love and support, a void that no one else could fill.

As he lay there, lost in his thoughts, half asleep, a strange phenomenon began to unfold above him. A swirling vortex of light materialized in the center of his ceiling, its tendrils reaching out like ethereal fingers. The room was filled with an otherworldly energy, a palpable force that made the air hum with anticipation.

Kael, drawn by the mesmerizing spectacle, found himself rising from his bed, his body moving involuntarily towards the swirling vortex. The light enveloped him, its warmth radiating through his skin, and in an instant, he was no longer in his room.