
Reincarnated With Mount & Blade Universal System

A 23 year old guy is reincarnated with his memories of his life intact. Remembering his death made him sad but stopped once he heard a deep voice Knowing he had a system of the game he cherished with his life made him cheer up on the only thing he cared about. His whole life was a sad story that one wished to change but now that he died and has a way to change his fate from being the same to a new one. The multiverse shall know his name as he rises to the top without stop, with his army conquering everything in his way and shall become the true ruler of the multiverse. In his path there will lay pain, death, and suffering but it shall make him stronger and better than he ever was. This is the story of a man who will change the world in it's entirety and build an Empire that shall stand tall for the years to come. A/N: This system will have both the First Mount & Blade System and Bannerlord II System but the Bannerlord II System will come later on the story. The story itself will be realistic with mentions of rape, cursing, gore so be warned. P.S: Cover art is not mine so if author doesn't want it Ill take it down A/N: To make the mods that will be added realistic, I will be adding more lore for them or make new types of units. [WARNING] A/N: As this is realistic, there will be dark tones such as rape, torture, and mass bloodshed due to the innate nature of some races and basic need

Joaquin_Bonilla_2031 · Anime & Comics
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17 Chs

Sieging the Fort (Pt 1/2)

Nobunaga POV

I chuckled at Katsuyori before asking Eriae on the walls the fort may have so that we may prepare in advance.

Eriae: The forts wall should be around 10 meters high with their garrison always in patrol. But as there is less guards most would be in the prison to make sure the slaves don't escape.

Nobunaga: Then we have to make ladders to sustain the weight of our soldiers. Ill deal with the wolves so don't worry about them fighting with you.

Katsuyori: Then let us start preparing until nightfall, let us loot their bodies for goods and retrieve the lord. Although I wished for the dark mage to be alive and loot the items he had...

I chuckled before telling everyone to return to camp and for the heiress and her guards to follow us and wait or help with the ladders.

With everyone looting we finished soon and left the battlefield and telling them to avoid the main road and go into the treeline and hide rather than being followed.

Looking at the carriage I told someone to drive it out the forest and circle back towards the camp after letting the horses go.

Nobunaga: May I ask you Hayai if you could stay to look at the scouts that come by to scout the battlefield.

Not long after we left, an hour later after the bandits didn't return, a scouting party of 3 were sent out only to see the charred ground, broken trees, and bodies everywhere with blood puddles laying beneath bodies.

???: "What in Lucerna happened here!"

???: "What is a deal gone bad? The buyer was a dark mage right?"

???: "Fucking dark mages always going back on their words! Tch, we will blacklist them from making deals from the Gaverna Group ever again"

???: "Everyone keep yourself on alert, Sir Daniel and Captain Frederick are mad about the missing bandits"

???: "Wether it is a dark mage or not, it will make the night watch more difficult. The damn greedy nobles still want this place as a black market and we their knights do their dirty dealings!"

???: "Don't worry Jeremiah, once the contract finishes we may retire with everyone"

Hayai POV

Sir Nobunaga was right, scouts came by, but faster than expected. Guess they truly need security but because this deal involved a medium sized armed caravan they had to bring a lot of men here.

Looking at their Armor I smiled before quietly leaving the area and taking different paths towards Nobunaga and Katsuyori's area.

Once I left one of the armored figures appeared where I was previously in and looked back at the forest before leaving with his scouting party back to the fort.

20 minutes later

Seeing the trained footmen in the trees I waved at them before coming close to the encampment and walked inside the tent that Nobunaga-sama, Katsuyori-sama, and Lady Eriae are inside currently speaking.

Hayai: "As you predicted, they had a knight with the scouting party Lord Nobunaga"

Nobunaga: "So how will you rate the Knight's themselves from just a look?"

Hayai: "The knights are experienced and having overheard some of their conversation they are waiting for their contract to end. And nobles seem to want to turn it into a black market and their night watch is lessened"

Katsuyori: "Hmm, night is approaching soon and with the help of Eriae's photographic memory we managed to get a well-defined map of their fort. Even foot supply routes, regular clients, barracks, archers, knight barracks, Larder, and we'll"

Nobunaga: "So roughly 12 minutes give or take before orders are given to burn down the Larder, barricade the barracks, take out Night Watch, get out soldiers in the fort before they see the fires?"

Hayai: "It should be enough time for everyone to get in and fight off the knights"

Katsuyori: "We shall see, Nobunaga's tactics should get us through currently. Even if I am the temporary Leader I am good only in the Frontlines so I leave the survivability of our men in your Hands Nobunaga"

Nobunaga: "Don't worry, I've.....changed from before, I know that I once was a brutal tyrant but I vowed to change and as everyone's survival rests in my hands I have to prove to be a worthy general..."

Hearing Nobunaga-sama say that made me smile and think about everyone. Everyone will give it all to win this fight and have the Tetsujin Clan Rise in numbers as seen before.

Katsuyori: "Soon Alexis-Sama shall wake up and we will start to prepare..."

Everyone nodded and seeing Lady Eriae pouting made me chuckle as both Nobunaga-sama and Katsuyori-sama had shut her down after I came in the Tent.

Seeing Katsuyori-sama leave towards the Main tent where Alexis-dono is currently resting. I bowed to Nobunaga who started talking to Lady Eriae as I shook my head before walking away towards where the squadron of Archers were waiting for my arrival.

Hayai:: "We will start soon, fill the bowls with more resin and have some of the soldiers carry firewood to light a fir-"

???: "I believe I can help with the fire, so no need for firewood to be carried. My magic will make it easy to light a fire and use it on the resin"

Looking at the girl in front of me I didn't know what to say except, is this girl stupid or what? You think we have magic to light our arrows in fire? Also, are elves not nature lovers? Why does she know fire magic?

???: "Hey, I know what you are thinking! I was born with the affinity of fire and Nature magic second shocking the whole Village!"

I just nodded and accepted her words before telling the others to check their inventory and to have two quivers of barbed arrows.

I looked at the starry night sky illuminated by the stars and the moon shining the land and closed my eyes enjoying the cool breeze moving around my face.

Katsuyori POV

I walked to Alexis-dono's tent and saw him sitting on the edge of the makeshift bed pondering before he looked at me with a serious look in his eyes.

Alexis: "Katsuyori,....it is nice to see that Hayai and yourself have gained a higher rank individually. But can you inform me of the current events that happened after my short nap?"

Gulping I quickly told him what occurred with the heiress rescued along with her guards and how they gave us the information about the Fort and that ladders have been built for siege and a timer for securing the southern wall before breaching.

Alexis: "Interesting, then you and me will both charge the wall first and knock the knights who will be stationed on the walls"

Katsuyori: "Yes, Alexis-dono! Ah! Lady Eriae also said the Knight Captain, Vice-captain, and zephyr are almost always down the deepest tunnel vso we can rest assured they won't be joining soon"

Seeing Alexis-dono look at me questionably I quickly told him what lady Eriae said from the rumors about three knights wearing blue and yellow cloths on their armor.

Alexis: "I have a bad feeling of what your about to say so quickly say it!"

Katsuyori: "The Knight's seem to be part of the Central Continents Royal Family Cecilia. Although we ourselves don't know where exactly we are in, just hearing Central Continent, and Royal Family spells trouble for us."

Eriae: "Indeed, as commander Katsuyori said, we had heard from other prisoners that Knights donned in the Cecilia Royal Family's Colors and are being ransomed"

Alexis: "Nice to meet you Lady Eriae, perhaps you know why these bandits have them in captivity instead of letting them go?"

Eriae: "Likewise Lord Alexis, I still find that troubling myself as it will bring unwanted attention towards this Kingdom and why it did not help their knights"

Alexis: "Well, I guess we might gain connections to the central continent by helping them escape"

Eriae: "The Large Cecilia Kingdom is under the Novena Empire who are famed for their Knights unbeatable fighting Will, Loyalty, and honor. So if you ever come across danger in the Central Continent where the most dignified Empires and Rulers live"

Alexis: "Well doesn't that sound great! But how long has it been since they had captured the Knights?"

Eriae: "It should be around 13-19 days before we were imprisoned, and there were even Beastfolk! Although father never wants me to meet other new races..."

Alexis: "Hmm, well I guess it is time to go help out, so we shall end our discussion. Katsuyori Let's go, yourself and your people can help if you desire to"

Katsuyori: "Yes Alexis-dono!"

Alexis POV

[Welcome back Alexis! Would you like to hear your rewards for Aquiring new Tier 3-4 Units for both Noble Troop Tree & Tetsujin Troop Tree?]

Alexis: "Sure, I will receive them. The more the merrier right?"

[Calculating rewards...receiving rewards..rewards


[You have received 10x Tetsujin Trained Footman, 6x Kizoku Longbowman, 2x Kanabo Warriors, 10x skill points, 8x Attribute Points, 15x Honor Points, 7345x Gold Coins, 1x Tetsujin Companion Card, 8x Large Supplies]

I breathed in relief that it was a good haul of rewards and saw the Tetsujin Companion Card that is surprising but I hope it's a good companion.

Alexis: "Elizabeth, summon the Tetsujin Companion!"

[Eh? You finally....gave me a name ....after all this time!]

Alexis: "Ahem! And I am sorry about that Elizabeth"

[Haha, it is fine Alexis, then summoning Tetsujin Companion now!]

Then in front of my eyes a white light filled my vision with white particles slowly forming into a figure that of a woman yet familiar Armor.

[Summoning complete, You have gained Lord Meishu Aoi, a seasoned warrior who served the Tetsujin Clan for years and gained the rank of Oni]

Meishu suddenly kneeled and bowed her head before taking off her red Oni mask and cupping her fists respectfully.

Aoi: "Meishu greets Clan Leader Alexis! I have been called by Alexis-dono to fight your enemies"

Alexis: "I'm glad to receive your aide in the current situation we find ourselves in Aoi"

Aoi: "I will do my best to make sure all the enemies of the clan are killed for getting on your way!"

Alexis: "Hah...hah, just don't go overboard"

Receiving a nod from her I walked towards Nobunaga's loud voice with Aoi in tow and entering I found Eriae, her bodyguards, Nobunaga, and Katsuyori sitting around a table.

Guess Nobunaga was going to explain it to everyone the official plan once I woke up. And once the Kabuto Warriors and Katsuyori saw API they kneeled respectfully before rising up.

Alexis: "Nice to see everyone is lively, just don't think of me being here and go on with your plan"

Nobunaga: "What, not going to introduce the woman you brought with you?"

Alexis: "Don't make it sound weirder than it is suppose to be Nobunaga. She is Aoi, a Tetsujin Lord who has served my Tetsujin Clan for years.

Nobunaga: "Oh? A Lord from a Clan, even Katsuyori kneeled in her presence"

Katsuyori: "She is my superior Nobunaga, as well as a very strong warrior who serves our Clan for many years"

Nobunaga: Tch, if only my past subordinates had the same loyalty as yours I wouldn't have died"

Alexis: "Maybe because we are from the same Clan and will always help one another even with our War-Crazy State"

Nobunaga: "Whatever, let's get the meeting started rather than talk about our pasts"

Eriae POV

Did he just said he died...? But that can't be If he is here with us but there is also the appearance of new soldiers....

And that woman is giving dangerous vibes that I'm instinctively wanting to use my magic and the others also had taken defensive stances.

Eriae: "Don't worry about them, it's just Lady Aoi that is releasing her dangerous aura"

Aoi: "I am sorry but I can't stop my aura miss Eriae"

I chuckled and smacked Lynelle's leg to shut him up before he made a fuss and listened to Nobunaga speak his plan with Lord Alexis and Lady Aoi.

10 minutes Later

When the meeting was done everyone grabbed their weapons and left the large tent and so did the soldiers outside.

I looked at the armored Horses and the Archers with surprise, I never saw them. Guess this is another mysterious power of Lord Alexis that he has.

Maybe I should make connections with him as he saved everyone and myself from the bandits. But father must have brought guards to save me but how can I tell him I'm alright..?

Alexis Pov

I glanced at Eriae who seemed to have something on her mind judging by her troubled expression. I looked at my status window and seeing at the amount of attributes, skills, weapon proficiency made me sigh.


Name: Alexis Von Decker

Race: Human

Health: 35 -> 43

Current: Experience: 39,567

Experience until level Up: 40,500

Level: 9 -> 15

Party Limit: 100 -> 128

Gold: 7040 -> 12,390



STR: 5 (+4) -> 9

AGI: 5 (+4) -> 9

INT: 6 (+2) -> 8

CHA: 4 (+4) -> 8

Attribute points: 14 -> 0

(Strength gives you 2 hit points, makes you do more damage for every weapon)

(Every point in Agility gives you five weapon points and increases movement speed on the battlefield)

(Intelligence gives you one extra skills point)

(Charisma increases your party size limit by 2)



Iron flesh: 3(+4) -> 7

Power Strike: 1(+3) -> 4

Power Throw: 0

Weapon Master: 1

Shield: 0

Athletics: 3(+3) -> 6

Riding: 1

Horse Archery: 0

Looting: 0

Trainer: 2

Tracking: 1

Tactics: 1

Path Finding: 2

Spotting: 3(+3) -> 6

Inventory Management: 0

Wound Treatment: 0

Surgery: 0 -> 5

First Aid: 0

Engineer: 2

Persuasion: 1(+3) -> 4

Prisoner Management: 0(+3) -> 3

Leadership: 0 -> 4

Trade: 2

Skill Points: 28 -> 0

(1 Skill Point per Level and Intelligence raises that by every point there is in Intelligence)


-Weapon Proficiency-

One Handed Weapons: 45(+20) -> 65

Two Handed Weapons: 40(+60) -> 100

Polearms: 38(+27) -> 65

Archery: 28

Crossbow: 25

Throwing: 40

Weapon Point: 205 -> 98

(Every level up is 10 points and for every attribute point in Agility it gives an additional 5 points)



Before she could finish what she wanted to say I felt myself blackout while standing up. I had suddenly felt my head overheat along with my body breaking apart, muscles, bones, organs, blood changed suddenly making me want to scream out in pain yet I couldn't.

After five minutes of constant standing I woke up suddenly while breathing out hot breaths of air and Aoi stood nearby looking at me surprisingly.

[God dammit Alexis! Don't do everything at once otherwise your body will break down! I had to quickly move the raging energy throughout your body countless times reforging your body!]

Alexis: "Thank you for staying with me while my body reforged itself apparently"

Aoi: "Reforged? It is my duty as your bodyguard to protect you, even If I have became a Lord, my duty is to always protect the Clans Leader"

I chuckled at that before clenching my fist and felt surprised that I've become stronger than before along with my mind being refreshed, my legs more energetic than ever, and finally my hands that wished to hold something and keep on fighting.

I grabbed the space on the right before pulling out my Red Hilted Nagamaki and unsheathing it slowly I held it tightly before I swung it downward and there was a brief silence before a delayed rift of wind formed from my attack.

Aoi: "Impressive Lord"

Alexis: "Well let us head off now"

Aoi whistled before the sounds of multiple footsteps could be heard along with hooves throughout the entrance of our camp

Everyone got ready to strike but two soldiers who wore Tetsujin armor came out with a multitude of Trained footmen, 6 Kizoku Longbowmen and an armored horse that wore lamellar armor plating.

It neighed before Aoi as she got on the horde and son gave a hand towards me which I reached for before being pulled upwards as I quickly sat behind Aoi.

I will say it is a different feeling being thrown easily onto a horse but hey, what do I know. I looked at the new soldiers before I quickly told them we are going to be sieging a fort and to follow behind us.

They had quickly gotten out of the way before they let the other soldiers come by and join their march and the 2 Kabuto warriors joined up with the other 4 Kabuto Warriors and Katsuyori who was leading them.

I looked back at Nobunaga who had a grin before he also whistled and howl's could be heard in the moonlit forest and soon a loud Howl was heard before the sound of rushing beasts were rapidly approaching and the other horses were scared except Aoi's horse.

Nobunaga then ran towards a tree before jumping off the trees surface onto a Huge Black Wolf that jumped out along with large black wolf's who growled before they split into two groups beside our marching Warband sneaking around.

Nobunaga rode on top of the Alpha and was beside us now with a smug grin on his face and a punchable face yet he had excitement for fighting the knights and Knight Captain.

I smiled before letting our small warband of 110 units leave towards a fort that I will learn the power ranking of this world and the Knights.

I need to keep gathering information of this large yet unfamiliar world we find ourselves in. Fighting the knights shall give us more information, fighting Adel earlier gave an idea, but it is not a secured one and he was only a disciple of an Apostle or subordinate of one.

Hopefully this siege may help me and if I finish this fight, I better get a good Companion summoning.

After all, you have to believe in the heart of the card- wait wrong game!


After all, you have to believe in the heart of Gatcha that you get a great summon and if I remember correctly, after this siege I should have 6 Spins ready for me as well so I truly need to believe on my luck!

35 Minutes Later

Once we neared I divided everyone into groups of 22 and with the ladder group going up first, the other four will surround the Large Fort. I had gotten off Aoi's horse and so did all my mounted soldiers to prepare.

As we were preparing I saw a knight walk over to look through the forest but everyone is split and hidden deep within the forest.

He walked off and raising my hand before waving it back and forth the ladder group moved forwards quickly dragging the ladder quickly.

With Katsuyori near the wall Hayai and myself kept watching both the Southern walls and seeing the knight go towards another wall I moved my arm up and down signaling katsuyori and his team.

They quickly drew up the ladders and slowly placing them in the southern walls I signaled Katsuyori to climb up with his group.

Katsuyori nodded with the 6 Kabuto Warriors following closely behind and once they reached the top katsuyori had taken out his Kabuto and looking at the nearest enemy bandit who was shocked He swung the Kabuto at his head knocking the guy out.

Thankfully enough there were only a few bandits who were knocked out by the blunt weapons and bodies quickly thrown below the walls.

I took a deep breath before looking at the take down of bandits and smiled to myself about an exiting fight.

Time for the Tetsujin Clans First Official Siege...

To be Continued