
Reincarnated with Endless-System

[English is not my First Language] [This is my first writing, so go easy on me] [I'm only doing this for fun] [Disclaimer: I do not own all the characters from the franchise that I took, except for the Original characters] [Don't expect the early chapter to be good in grammar] [This is probably a wish fufillment kind of fan-fic (even myself doesn't know what to expext from this fan-fic)] --------------------------------------------------------------- A 17-years old Otaku dies while he is walking to his home due to Truck-kun. after awaking into a room of Void He encounters a Goddess that gives him a system and reincarnated into the world he truly desires. (Just kidding its a random world) --------------------------------------------------------------- DISCORD SERVER: https://discord.gg/eCwmhXJ

Tatsuke44 · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

The Big Plan & The Incarnation

{A/N: Don't forget to join the discord server for Pictures, Suggestions, and all of the latest information, votes, and some new updates about this fan-fic: https://discord.gg/eCwmhXJ}



-- Fuyuki City --

Somewhere around Fuyuki city, more precisely at the Matou residence, there was a meeting being held between 2 people. One of them had the appearance of a handsome man in his late twenties with blue hair, deathly pale skin, and red eyes. While the other person has the appearance of a young handsome looking man appearing in his early twenties with silver hair that is tied in a braided hairstyle, he wore a silver robe with detailed accessories. They are talking in a big room, where both of them are sitting inside the room.

"It's been a while since we last met, Zolgen Makiri... Or should I call you Zouken Matou, I guess since you have changed your name these days."

"It's been a while Euclid-sama."

Both of their identities are Euclid Lucifuge and also Zouken Matou, but somehow the appearance that Zouken Matou has is that of his younger self.

"Zouken, you know the reason why I came here personally right?"

Zouken, who heard this, could only show a nervous look on his face.

"Y-Yes Euclid-sama..."

"You see Zouken, in exchange for you to be reincarnated as a Devil, we only asked you for one and only one thing, and that is to win the Holy Grail War in Fuyuki... And yet here you have been disappointing me over the past 300 years."

"Please give me one more chance, Euclid-sama, I promise this time I will win the Holy Grail war." Zouken with a nervous look tried to convince Euclid to rely on him to win this Holy Grail War. Euclid hearing this can only show a smile on his face.

"You know that all of the three families who formed the Grail -which also includes you- are definitely going to be chosen as a Master, and the rest will be chosen randomly by the Grail, which is unfortunate for us. But luckily 'We' have you who's one of the founding families. So you better win the Holy Grail War, or else you know the consequences of letting down Rizevim-sama." Said Euclid with a smile on his face which caused Zouken to grow more nervous.

When Zouken heard this, he couldn't help but shudder in fear. The reason he was able to retain his youth was that he had been reincarnated as a Devil which is known for their very long lifespan by Rezevim with a custom Evil Piece modified by Euclid himself. And after hearing the word 'consequences' from Euclid himself, Zouken couldn't help but imagine that he was going to lose all of his youth, his family, and of course his own life if he failed.

"Yes, leave it to me, Euclid-sama... I will surely not disappoint you and Rizevim-sama." Said Zouken while bowing at Euclid.

"You better be." Said Euclid as he then standed up and was getting ready to leave.

"Are you leaving Euclid-sama?"

"Yeah, since I'm only here to only remind you about this matter, and I'm busy with other schedules... Oh, and don't worry about the Heaven Faction that's going to supervise the Holy Grail War. We will take care of them, so you can move freely." Euclid then walks away as he is about to use Teleportation Magic to teleport away, but before he is able to teleport he then says something to Zouken.

"You know why we need the Grail itself right... So don't you dare disappoint us, Zouken."

After saying those words with a smile, Euclid then teleports away which then leaves Zouken alone in the room.

"Shit shit shit!!" Zouken said as he kicked the table which made it flip towards the other side of the room.

"If only the Einzbern family weren't to fall a year ago, then there would've been a chance of making another vessel for another Holy Grail War... This is undoubtedly gonna be the last Holy Grail War since there's no other vessel than the one that Jubstacheit sent me..." Said Zouken while gritting his teeth.

"Shit!!!" Shouted Zouken as he then kicked the chair he was sitting at in the room.

After a few seconds, Zouken finally calmed himself down and then sat back in his chair while holding his head with both of his hands.

"With the current condition, I have no choice but to become a master myself... I don't have a choice but to postpone the adoption of the Tohsaka child since my current condition is more important. Right now the most important thing is to improve the vessel since Jubstacheit sent it to me in incomplete condition." Said Zouken while showing a complicated expression.

"Adoption can be done after the Holy Grail War finishes, right now I must prioritize winning the Holy Grail..." Said Zouken as he then left the room.




-- Kyoto - Tetsuya Home --

It has been 4 months since Tetsuya killed Honest, and cured Augustav and Katherine at Akame Ga Kill world. Right now Tetsuya is still sleeping on his own bed while showing a blissful face in his dreams, when suddenly a loud ringing voice started beside him. The source of the voice besides him was an alarm which he then woke up as he then turned off the alarm. He then looks at the time in the alarm that he holds and finds that it is still 6 AM.

Tetsuya, who's still sleepy, then yawns as he was about to lift both hands and go to his window to open it and praise the sun. But suddenly found his left arm cannot be pulled as he felt something had been holding onto him. He then looks over to his left and finds Akeno hugging his left hand while still sleeping with a cute expression on her face.

'Akeno is sneaking to my room again huh...' Thought Tetsuya while he looks at Akeno with a deadpan expression. In the past few years, he always found Akeno sneaking to his room at night to sleep, though other than Akeno who have the tendency to do that almost every day in the house, Aya on the other hand is embarrassed to do that as she then only close her face with both of her hands when she blushes.

Tetsuya can only sigh as he then switches his left hand with a pillow. He then envelopes Akeno with a blanket as he then leaves his own room but not before praising the sun.

When Tetsuya got out of his room, he then saw someone in the kitchen.

"Oh, Tetsuya! You're already awake?" The person who asked Tetsuya was Anna.

"Awh, yeah mom, I'm gonna use the Training Room." Said Tetsuya while yawning again in hunch as he replied to Anna.

"Well as always don't forget to tidy up the room, when you're done using it."


Tetsuya then went towards the Training Room. When he reached the Training Room, he then used the [White Room] which made him instantly disappear from the Training Room. 5 seconds later he then reappeared again in the Training Room. Now Tetsuya can stay for an hour in White Room while only spending 10 seconds in the real world, which means he just spent 30 minutes in the White Room.

"Now the Daily Mission is done, I can get to the main point." Said Tetsuya as he then picks up one of the wooden swords in the Training Room.

Tetsuya then looks at the Wooden sword with his [Weapon Appraisal] skill.


[Wooden Sword (Enhanced)]

Rank: E

Durability: 15 (+1500) / 15

▪ Equip Effect:

Strength +5

Agility +5

Stamina +5

Dexterity +5

▪ Background

A Sword that was created using wood for non-combat purposes. The durability of the wooden sword itself has been Enhanced by Tohno Yukio, so it will not break easily.


In the past 2 years that Tetsuya has been using [Weapon Appraisal], he now can see more details about the weapon that he's using, and what effects that it'll give him. The [Weapon Appraisal] does not give a weapon additional abilities, but it only gives you more detail on what the weapon can do when you equip it.

"This is the day that I am gonna complete the Class Mission." Said Tetsuya with a smile on his face as he then held the Wooden sword. The Class Mission that he's implying was 'The Inheritor of Senji Muramasa'.

Tetsuya then put a stance where he put the wooden sword around his waist with both of his hands while infusing the wooden sword with his mana. He then jumps after a second he puts the wooden sword on his waist.

『Muramasa Art--』As Tetsuya then jumps, he then spins his body forward while holding the wooden sword with both of his hands in order to accelerate his body.

『Earthshaker』Before Tetsuya land on the ground as he finishes spinning his body, he then swings his sword to the ground which generates a very big shockwave. The shockwave then moves toward the wall of the Training Room. But when it hits the wall, the wall is undamaged as the shockwave instantly disappears.

{A/N: To imagine how the sword style work, check one of the Senji Muramasa Buster attacks in FGO}

"As usual, this room can't be destroyed, even with that big of an attack." Said Tetsuya while sighing with a smile on his face. The wall of the Training room is built with many kinds of tools that can withstand and absorb any kind of attack when the attack hits the wall. The wall is also soundproof, which made the loud noise inside the Training Room unable to be heard from the outside except if they open the door toward the room.

Tetsuya then makes another stance as he then makes many moves of Muramasa Art Style. After around 30 minutes, he finishes his training as he suddenly gets a notification.



The Inheritor of Senji Muramasa (COMPLETED)

◉Difficulty: CLASS MISSION

After sword by sword was forged, Senji Muramasa finally is able to forge his ideal sword into reality which is 'Tsumukari Muramasa' the blade that can cut through bonds, fate, time, causality, and destiny, and slice through the idea of karma itself. Learn all the skills required, so that the host of the system can inherit Muramasa blades.

◉Clear Conditions:

▪ 'Muramasa Sword Art Technique' reaches level 90.

▪ 'Blacksmith' reaches level 90.

▪ 'Weapon Appraisal' reaches level 70.

▪ Create a Weapon that is rank A or higher.

◉Mission Reward:

▪ Obtained Item [Tsumukari Muramasa]

▪ Obtained Noble Phantasm [Baseless Blade Works]

▪ Evolve 'Muramasa Descendant' Class into 'Muramasa incarnation'


[The Class 'Muramasa's Descendant' has evolved into 'Muramasa's incarnation']

[You have obtained a new Item [Tsumukari Muramasa]]

[You have learned a new skill [Baseless Blade Works]]
