
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

Picking up the Pieces

With the Scheme completed the Dwartle's marched back towards the door with Yimi closing in behind them.

Unbeknownst to everyone the remains of the Dwartle's that fell in battle quickly began to turn into smoke. Leaving nothing behind. No traces of their existence. This was a fail safe by the system. It wasn't going to allow anyone to copy it's skills of turning machines into Cultivators. Even if Lucas never added this feature the System was very prideful of its accomplishments. 


5 damaged Dwartle's walked the ruined streets of the colony planet they were on. They had just finished eliminating ever member of the Viper gang that had attacked them. The only real trouble they had was Diamondhead, but they quickly used [Atomic Fire: Mortar Style] as she ran way.

Same thing worked with the other Viper members. Although there were at least two gang members that were disintegrated by their regular [Atomic Fire] technique.

The Dwartle's maintained their march towards the spaceport on the west wing. They did get some attention of the COS agents, but after they saw what had happened to the gang members. They stayed away. They marked them to to track later.

One of the members decided to tail the robots. They had no idea what the robots wanted, but the one thing they did find out. They were cultivators! This was the biggest discovery! Many of the agents thought this would be a huge payday for them. To bring news like this would shatter the cultivation world. Or put the COS in higher position against other galactic civilizations.

So the agents decided to only track the robots and find out who their creator was.

They followed the robots till they made it to the west wing of the city. From there they watched as the robots unloaded their cargo from their chest and handed it over to a human smuggler they were already tracking.

This amazed the agents even more! Robots with their Spatial chest functions! This was huge. It was already hard enough for the COS to create Spatial items that could carry supplies for their soldiers, but this was out of the universe! This has to be shown to their superiors! They had to meet the creator of these robots!

Once the transactions was complete the robots were paid and quietly left. They didn't draw more attention to themselves, except for the COS agents already tailing them.

They followed the robots back to the house where they first appeared. Except this time the house was all but ruined. It looked as though a fire has accrued and was already put out.

It was an eerie sight. No police, no fire department no nothing. No one around. Just silence and a slightly burned down building.

What the Dwartle's didn't know was the COS agents had already taken care of the Viper gang. The weaker members that were with Diamondhead went to the drug production facility attacked and then were attacked but the COS. All h#ll broke loose and the building caught on fire. A couple agents got hurt, but them managed to arrest everyone.

This was the biggest reason it was so quiet. Once the COS agents got involved other nefarious groups quickly left the neighborhood not wanting to get raided next.

Because of this the COS agents were confused. Why would these robots come back to this location!? It was already cleared out with nothing there. There was a back door, but when anyone tried to use it, it was locked. Even looking at the blueprints of the building the door didn't exist. The COS agents just assumed it was a false door to trick people.

Yet they were still shocked when the robots walked right up to the door and opened it. They used all their devices to scan the door, but got nothing. All they saw was darkness inside the door way. They believed this was teleportation technique used by their master.

The agent that was tailing them closely followed the robots. One by one each robot entered the door way. Once the last one entered the agent moved! They sprinted towards the door and grabbed the door before it closed. They just managed to hold the door open and jumped in!


The remaining Dwartle's marched back towards the door atop the earth wall. They had completed their mission and even got an additional reward! If they could feel happiness they would be happy to bring this back to their master.

"Hey wait!" Yimi shouted out. Yet the robots ignored her. She quietly followed behind them towards where they came.

Back on top of the earth walk the Druids and civilians cheered for joy! Even if they were hurt or lost friends and family they were alive! They had survived a literal apocalypse. Many of them would go home and enjoy the pleasures of life. Even Zak was hoping to invite Yimi back to his place for the two to spend some time together. Although there were some complications.

He no longer had a place of his own. Much if the planet had been turned into infested wastelands that would take time and powerful cultivation techniques to cleanse. Even if there weren't millions, only tens of thousands, of people living on the planet, much of it was lost.

Secondly; he and Yimi had no prior relationships. They were coworkers at worst and acquaintances at best. They've studied under the same Elders before, but had very little contact besides that.

Although when the robots made it to the wall they began to slowly climb up it. Zak and other Druids quickly stopped the quicksand effect of the wall and turned it into regular stone. Yami on the other hand used her [Mud Slide] technique to ride her mud surfboard up the wall faster than the robots.

"Everyone I need your attention" she spoke in a morose tone. "I have grave news to share." Many wanted to celebrate their victory with Yimi, but they way she spoke quickly changed their minds.

Her sulky expression quickly changed the mood of everyone as they gathered around.

"I'm afraid that I have discovered the man who has betrayed us." She paused trying not to cry. It was hard for her even to speak about this. Her throat tightened as she tried to speak. "Elder Unu had been turned into a Dark Druid and the Treant that was with him was the Dark Spirit. They had worked together to try and conquer the planet with their dark magic!"

Everyone around gasped at her news. They could hardly believe it! A pillar of their community was the reason the world became ruined?! The man that preached the good of nature and to live in harmony. It was a bitter pill to swallow.

"Now I know it's hard to hear" she spoke trying to cheer everyone up. "But I believe that the Dark Spirit had corrupted our Elder. When me and these robots fought against it I noticed something. That the Treant seemed to be the one in control! Even it it's death he Elder went made and feral like the rest of the undead. We all saw it!"


"I saw it too!"

"Yimi's right! That Dark Spirit had to have corrupted our Elder!"

"Elder Unu would have never wanted this."

"I bet the fought the Treant to the bitter end."

Everyone started to shout out their thoughts. They agreed with Yimi. The Elder had to have been corrupted. Yimi knew better. The Elder wasn't corrupted by the Dark Spirit. He had fallen to the darkness willingly.

She knew better and the guilt slowly ate She had lied to everyone to protect the image of her closest mentor. She bit her lip as people began reminiscing about the Elder.

How much of a great man he was. How he was one that taught many the cultivation path of nature and how to use nature techniques. All, but one noticed Yimi's very subtle change. Zak. He noticed the slight wince in her hand when someone mentioned the Elders names.

Although his, and everyone else's attention, was drawn to the robots that had climbed the wall. They were all shocked at how badly damaged they all were. It seemed so easy for them to annihilate hordes of undead with ease. To see them this disshelved was a shock!

The Dwartle's ignored the humans and climbed up to the floating door and opened it. No one could see what was inside. Only darkness filled the doorway. Yet the Dwartle's one by one entered it. Everyone was amazed by how compact the teleportation technique was. Even the COS barely had any teleportation techniques or technology with such capabilities. Even then it was only used for the military.

Everyone just watched silently as the robots left through the portal. Well, all but one person.

"I'm going through there to meet whoever made those robots" Yimi said while staring at the portal. "I promise to be back!"

Once the last Dwartle entered the portal, Yimi jumped in the air and held the door and went though!


Lucas sat in his [Sanctuary] with the completed blueprint of his new Security Minion. He would get 50,000 credits back and would be able to build his first Security Minion. Although he was limited to only 15 of them. He naturally thought they would be much stronger. As he patiently waited for his Dwartle's to get back his system began to sound an alarm as more notifications appeared.

[Both Drug Smuggling and COS rescue Schemes have been completed]

[All minions are damaged and require 5,000 credits to be repaired] [Would you like to repair? Yes/No]

[8 Minions have been destroyed and require 20,000 credits to repair] [Would you like to repair? Yes/No]

[Rewards for Schemes completed] [4 pounds of cosmic grass, 50,000 credits, Heart of a Dark Spirit: Treant Variant and Heat level reduced to Zero]

[Two foreign entities have entered the portal. All tracking and communication on entities will be turned off. Will you allow entry? Yes/No]

[Would you like like to spend 50,000 credits for the System to build you your Kur suit? Yes/No] [User may be allowed to add double the amount of Runes possible for deal]

[User has 3 hours remaining to make a decision]

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