
Reincarnated with a Villain System

Lucas Kromwell discovered he has died from a heart attack. late night gaming and energy drinks will do that to you. He learns he was chosen as a champion for the Goddess of Growth and her father the God of Knowledge. He must compete in a Tournament to be the first to take over a universe. He must also compete against 5 other reborn souls with their own unique skills and systems. Of the 6 systems Lucas receives the Villain system. Not wanting to be evil Lucas must learn how to be a morally grey villain and still take over a universe filled with magic and science. Read the adventure of a second lifetime as Lucas becomes a Grey Villain trying to take over the universe.

Lazy_Tobais · Action
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78 Chs

History Lesson

Lucas smiled in satisfaction. He was finally gal to have a Rune that helped his low mana pool. Given how he would be stuck in the Foundation Realm for a little longer he needed this boost. Plus it wouldn't hurt in the long run.

Although, there were a handful of other Runes he wanted to get his hands on. A lot of good Rune, but there was one he really wanted. The [Defensive Rune: Barrier Manipulation]. That seemed like a good Rune to get, but he won't be able to get that till after his week long training exercise. 

Once he was done absorbing the information regarding the Rune he felt his consciousness being pulled from the Library and back into his body. Rows upon rows of bookshelves moved passed him. This time flowing away from him. After a few moments the bookshelves were gone. He was once again in a white room with nothing in it. The white light began to fade become darkness. It quickly enveloped him. 

Lucas opened his eyes and saw Plos and Sohia standing around him. He was back in the real world. "So? Did you get a Rune you liked" Plos asked eagerly. Lucas was put off by how much of a personality change the man had regarding Runes. He reminded him of a drug addict seeing someone on their first high.

"Yeah. There were some useful Runes, but I grabbed he [Mana Rejuvenation] Rune." Lucas turned towards Sohia asking when the equipment from Grigni would arrive. Sohia informed him that it wouldn't arrive till just before he had to go to the training sub-space. She offered to bring it to and wake him earlier if he wanted. He nodded his head in agreement. 

Plos started to act more clingy wanting to know the rest of the Runes Lucas knew and who his Master was. He started to list the names of ever Runemaster that was known throughout the universe. Once he got 6 names down the list Sohia interrupted him. 

"Plos. Plos. Plos. Listen" she spoke and placed her hands on his shoulders. "I know you admire Runemasters, but you're gonna have to take it down a notch. I have to take Lucas back to his room to get some sleep before tomorrow."

Plos calmed himself and nodded in agreement. He didn't want to ruin Lucas' sleep and cause him to have a bad performance in his training. So he saluted the two and wished Lucas all the best in his training. Lucas awkwardly smiled and thanked him before leaving. As he left it suddenly dawned on him. He was told by the General Clofos that he would have an hour to spend and learn all he wanted! He was wondering if the old man was going senile or not. 

He was going to have a strongly worded conversation with the General when he got back.

The walk back to the Disciple living quarters was mostly quiet. Sohia just gave Lucas some general knowledge of the plant and system they were in. She filled him in on the name of the planet, Pevo V. Named after Marquess Pevo the 3rd. He is a Marquess ruling over 50 planets for the Morning Star Empire. Pevo V was going to be terraformed into a forgeworld type planet planet for the ruling class's armies."

When they began their terraforming operation they noticed strange active. It was discovered to be an Xeomorph colony that was hidden underground. The CIA was called and brought a mother ship to eliminate the colony. The Morning Star Empire is a wealthy backer of the CIA. They pay trillions if not billions of credits a year to the CIA. Not only that, but most of the ruling class in the Morning Star Empire send their children here to train. 

"They of course get some special treatment and are usually given command of a team to flex their leadership skills. Although if you ask me only a handful of them know how to lead and even fewer know how to actually fight." Sohia's tone showed she had nothing good to say about them.

"Are they really that bad? I'm not from a nation with a system like that. So I don't really understand it." 

Sohia raised an eyebrow with the information Lucas gave to her. "Oh you have no idea how bad" she continued her rant. "They think they can throw their weight around and 'knight' people under them. They use this as a way to control the people and steal credit. If you are a knight for noble any achievements you make are actual for your noble."

"I've heard some of the nobles on the planet are already bragging to one another over those they've knights. The achievements their knights made for them. Worst part is new people from around the universe fall for their lies and allow themselves to be knighted! And because of the close ties the CIA have with the Morning Star Empire they are technically knighted in their culture and able to be brought back to their nation! It's disgusting!"

Lucas's eyes almost popped out his head! That sounded like a barely legal form of slavery! "Are you serious? If they knight you they can just take you back to their nation? For what?"

"Mhmm" she nodded her head. She waved her hand to get Lucas closer and began to whisper. She didn't want others hearing her. "The Morning Star Empire doesn't want the outside universe know that they always have revolt problems. Sure a few nobles might treat their subjects right, but a majority of them have to deal with revolts on their planet."

"Those they knight outside their nation they promise them wealth and other riches. This is how they get you. Once you are knighted you are brought back as a tool to put down the revolts. They bring outsiders in who don't know the rough life of a peasant. On top of that they also raise a handful of peasants to knighthood in the hopes that they turn against one another. It's truly vile what they do."

She couldn't help but make a face of disgust thinking about them. The biggest problem was that the CIA couldn't do anything about it. They relied on the credits from the Morning Star Empire and other nations to fight the Xeomorphs. 

This intrigued Lucas. He was surprised by how much Sohia knew, but his thoughts quickly moved to another idea. He wondered if as Kur he could become a villain to the nobles, but a hero to the common folk. He would ask the System about that later and see if he could do Schemes like that.

After walking for a time the two arrived at the Disciple Living quarters. The two said their goodbye's and Lucas thanked Sohia for all the help. They added each other to their friends list on their communicators. Lucas was told if he had any more questions feel free to ask her. With that she quickly left and went on her own way. Lucas turned around and entered the building. 

As soon as he opened the door he could smell a delicious smell. He raised his head sniffing the air and followed the decadent smell. In the main dining room Kaelon, Xylon and Zyra were all sitting at the table. Each of them had a bowl of noodles and other meats and veggies in the broth. 

"Oh hey Lucas!" Kaelon spoke first as he was first to notice him.

"Hey. Lucas! Welcome. Back"

"Hmph" Zyra just grunted as she slurped up her noodles. 

"I've made some food for everyone. There should be a pot with the broth and noodles on the stove. There are other bowls on the counter for the rest. Please feel free and have as much as you want!" Kaelon's mandibles clacked happily. 

"Thanks Kaelon" he said with a smile before going to the kitchen and making himself some food. He opened the lid to the pot and was hit with another wave of a delicious smell. The broth smelt meaty yet light. He used a spaghetti spoon to fish out the noodles. The noodles themselves were a bluish tint, but mostly transparent. He used another ladle to scoop the broth into his bowl of noodles. 

He then grabbed two green and red spotted eggs, a few slices of pinkish meat and some green veggies. He wasn't sure what any of it was, but given hoe Kaelon loved cooking none of it would kill him. Once he had his bowl he sat down next to Zyra with the rest of the group. He cracked the eggs over his noodles. The yoks themselves were a dark green color and the meat he added had already cooked and were more a duller greyish color. 

He used chopsticks to mix everything together and began to eat. The entire room was quiet besides the slurping of noodles and the 'mmms' and 'ahhhs' of the tasty food. Lucas had never tasted anything like that before! When he asked what he had gotten he was surprised to say the least.

"Well the noodles are actually dried Slime's. I've killed them and dried their bodies out. Once they were dry I sliced them into long strands like noodles. The eggs you are eating are Cockatrice eggs. The eggs are extremely high in protein and have an earthy taste. The meat is from an Ork. Not to be confused with an Orc. An Ork is a pig monster that stands on two legs and has 4 arms. An Orc is a green, grey, black or yellow skinned humanoid race of aliens."

"Well I'm glad that they aren't sentient creatures." Lucas felt somewhat guilty about the food, but seeing everyone else at the table he pushed the thought to the back of his mind. This seemed to be the norm for this group. 

After they finished eating the group decided to go straight to bed. None knew what their training mission would be, but decided a few things once they knew. Depending on the mission and who was best suited to lead they would all agree that the best person for the job would lead. Even if they all wanted to lead to get the best grade from the Generals. 

With the basic plan made they all went to their sperate rooms and went to bed. They would have a busy week coming up. One that would test their skills and teamwork.