
reincarnated with a vampire and Succubus bloodline + a system

They said slow Wi-Fi couldn't kill you...

Itachi101 · Anime & Comics
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37 Chs

holy light

Once night arrived, Yami went to sleep in a warm bed. It's been a week since Yami slept in a bed, so Yami happily to Anna's bed.

But 5 hours into her sleep, she suddenly moved as she held the leg between her legs. Yami woke up to finds Anna's mouth all over her.

"y... this once," Yami said as she held her head and held it there as she shook from the pleasure as she let out some noises.

After a few hours...

"only 5 humans?" Yami asked with a slight frown as she looked at the human in front of her. There were 3 men and 2 woman's, all 5 of them looked at Anna and Yami in horror.

"yes, bringing them back without anyone seeing me is hard. does master wish to have the first bit?" Anna asked as she looked at Yami.

"I just want their souls. You can drink their blood. Just leave me a cup of it. Turn the 2 females into vampires." Yami said calmly as Anna jumped onto one of the men and bit into their necks.

(undead doesn't have souls, so vampires don't need souls.)

Yami blood shook as her mind told her to do the same thing, but she wanted to be in control, so she asked for a cup.

Not long after, Anna took all of their blood, and gave yami a cup of blood to drink. Yami looked at the cup of blood in front of her before she gave it. She closed her eyes, only to open them to find an empty glass.

Yami licked her lips as she wanted more. She opened the system to take in the souls and began to look through the store.

She had 88 points, only was enough to buy a low grade it. She noted that C grade items were worth 5 times more than D grade its.

*host, what are you looking for?* the system asked

'some kind of magic that can help me.' Yami said calmly.

*worry not host, you can just ask Anna. No normal person will know how to summon demons.* they system said calmly

Yami nodded as she looked towards Anna, who just finished turning the 2 females into vampires. But there was something off. These vampires looked slightly... Ugly.

'system explain?' yami asked as she looked at the vampires. They looked more like bats than humans, with long ears and bat-like nose.

*host, this is what a real vampire should look like, without your succubas bloodline running through them, they turned into this.* the system said calmly.

Yami frowned slightly as she had Anna kill them. After which see sell all 5 of their body, but to her shock, she only got 1 soul.

*host, only the vampire had magical energy running through their bodies. It was only 0.5 souls for how weak it was.* the system said calmly

"Anna, do you know any kind of magic?" Yami asked.

"yes, I used to be an undead mage. Undead mage always ends up getting old, even well young. I was only in my 20s, and I looked as if I was in my 70s." Anna said helplessly.

"Why so?" Yami asked

"The humans would fight us undead mage, so I always have to be on the run. And sometimes, I have to use my lifespan just to escape." Yami said with a sigh.

"then why be an undead mage?" Yami asked

"because they increase their strength the fastest. until I get my revenge, even making contacts with a demon is not too far." She said seriously.

"I see... how many people do you need to get revenge on?" Yami asked

"the holy church. They are just a group of up people. They say stuff like undead mage is working with the demons, when the undead mage is always the first to step up and fight the demons. they just sit back and pray, and hope for something that never happens to arrive." Anna said in anger.

"sees kinda troublesome. but I can help you out." Yami said calmly. She said this for one reason, which was that, there is a time limit to the contact. After some time, she will return to normal, and Yami wanted to surround herself with a few slaves that would work for her.

*host doesn't need to worry about the contact. If both parties want the contact to last, then it will last.* the system said calmly

"really?" Anna asked

"sure," Yami said calmly as she got up.

"now show me your magic," Yami said with a smile.

*host, demons can't learn undead magic. For some reason, they can't become a necromancer. But the host can learn it. You just need to pay points.* the system said, making Yami sigh.

"do you know some kind of blood make, sex magic, mind magic, and dark magic?" Yami asked

"no, I only know dark shield, and a few other low-level dark type magic," Anna said, after which she began to teach Yami how to use Magic.

To Anna's shock, Yami mastered the magic after a few tries. After Yami got the few spells Anna could give her, she grew wings and flew into a small village.

Yami didn't care that these people used to be of the same race. All she know was that she wanted to get stronger, and these people here could help her.

Yami ran into a few people that could use magic, holy light few towards Yami, as she began to scream in pain.

Yami eyes turned red as she grew her wings, and as fast as she could, he dodged the spells. But a few of them hit her.

'it's burning my soul.' Yami thought as she felt the pain they went deep.

"God is nightly." a priest said as he put his hands together.

The clouds in the sky covered as golden light fell on Yami, who fell to the ground and began to roll in pain.

Yami looked at her skin that was slowly burning away before she looked at the Priest. she rushed towards him, ignoring the pain and everything else.

Just when she was close, she took her sword out and stabbed the blade into the priest's eyes, killing him. The light slowly disappeared as Yami who's body was burnt black, looked towards the others with bloodshot eyes.