
Chapter 72

"It's beautiful, thank you all." Kone says with tears in her eyes as Cain is leaving. "But I do feel like I'm in a Spaghetti Western."

Cain laughs. "We just need to change the duster. Or you could go around town without it and you'll look like the leading lady in the movie instead of the gunslinger."

"You know what those movies are?" Kone sounds shocked.

"Yeah, they were practically ancient where I came from, but I had seen a lot of them."

"That is awesome. If only I could get some pistols here." Kone says, making finger guns in a draw and shoot motion.

"I'll look next time I'm out, see if anyone has heard of them. Though I'm not sure you'll even be able to use them."

"I can use Hunter and Cleric basic type skill books, so I've got hope I can use them if they exist." Kone shrugs before Char drags her back to start looking for fashion items and shoos Cain away.

"You can see when we're done. The surprise will make it better." The Shaman assures him.