
Chapter 507

A lot of things had changed over the five days that Cain was holed up in the beach house and not checking messages. First and foremost was the fact that the Giants had made landfall on the Northern Continent and had captured over a hundred gnomes in the first city, confirming their suspicions that the Humans were hiding the species within their borders.

That had solidified their intentions to push inward, and the majority of the army was now somewhere inland, hunting for the remains of the species.

The second was that the Wave Riders had taken over the majority of the trading to the North, with only a few large trading groups still challenging their monopoly on the North Sea.

The Elves had sent dozens of ships out to make contact with the cities that hadn't attended the summit in Assah to see if they were interested in making themselves a stop along the newly forming trade routes and they were getting a very solid response.