
Chapter 455 Misha Wakes Up

Misha's first thought upon regaining consciousness was just how much more relaxing than expected her nap had been. With the twins beginning to move a lot more now, she had a hard time sleeping lately, and even a few hours at a time was a blessing.

But today it felt like she had gotten a full night all at once, and nowhere on her body ached or complained when she rolled onto her other side to look out the window and check the time.

"Vala, what time is it?" She asked, not quite willing to open her eyes just yet.

"It's the third hour past sunrise Miss, but Lady Vala is not here, my name is Nyarla, and I have volunteered as your nurse for the day." A gentle and pleasant voice informed her, making Misha open her eyes slowly.

The first thing she noticed was the eyes. The girl's eyes are gloss black with little gold floating specks in them, and absolutely stunning contrasted against her alabaster skin.