
Chapter 281 Puppet Advisors

King James and Cain both had the same thing in mind this morning, to send out patrols to help clean up the kingdom. 

James is hoping that Cain can spare enough summons to cast a wide net over the kingdom and that they can operate autonomously while they're that far away from him. The nation just got even more shorthanded, and replacing the Nobles will take time. Until then, someone has to keep the attacks in check, or they might well face the Wrath of the commoners. 

In Skyview, Commoner doesn't mean weak; it just means broke. Either by poor choices, greedy landlords, or a simple lack of monetary motivation, many citizens climb through the levels without amassing a fortune. Then there are always those who do have a fortune but don't want any questions asked about where they got it, so they don't apply for Knighthood.