
Chapter 280 Powerful Beauties

It doesn't take long for the Inscriptionist to return, and if he's surprised by the new wings on Misha's back, he's not saying anything. 

"One book of Second Life. Grade S, Cleric compatible classes only." He says with a smile, setting it on the table. 

"What do I owe you? I can pay in coin or possibly materials if I have them." Cain, thanks the helpful old mage. 

"I had something else in mind. I've got a photo of sorts, created by a skill. Could you alter my body to match that person?"

"That shouldn't be a problem," Cain responds before actually taking a look at the picture. While the inscriptionist is a frail-looking human man in his later years, the image is of a young and slender half Orc female with pale green skin, stunning purple eyes, and long braids of black hair. 

"Are you certain this is the right photo? There's only one person in it..." Cain lets his voice trail off at the end, wondering if some mistake had been made.