
Chapter 123

After dinner everyone is beat from a long day on the road, but Cain is still curious about the contents of the dungeon, so he opts to do a solo run. Well, as solo as he can get with Vala and Nemu around. Cautious of enemy spell effects, he again picks two pairs of Kone and one of Char as his Supporters. No adventurer ever said they had too many tanks, healers or debuff removers with them after all. 

Interestingly, he cannot change the summons from Kone's Beast Companions Skill, the only option is the snapping turtle tanks she used last dungeon. Cain isn't sure if it's a quirk of the system or a result of them being the active option when he updated her recording. 

The first groups they find are mostly Dark Elves, with spider and Pixie support. Cixelcid wasn't joking, almost every pull is different. Cain is certain he's gotten fifty new types of Dark Elves alone in the first few minutes.