
Chapter 112

Arguing with a Husky was a great description, because that's exactly what Belle's wolf form looks like. The same Grey and white soft fur, the same distinctive pattern. She's even the same size, smaller than Cain had expected a wolf to be, but not by too much. It suits her human form's short stature though.

They've made their way out the East gate to the spot where the last remnants of the force with the siege weapons fled from. Even to the untrained eyes of Cain and Misha, this part of the journey is easy. The ground is heavily trampled and the direction of travel in the ravaged field is clearly evident.

They set out at a walk, not being in any particular hurry, and not wanting to miss any signs of trickery or diversion. Clearly this trip will get more difficult if they have lost the Elves chasing them so many times in the past.

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