
Reincarnated with a Military System in Another World

Vincent Strider was a gun for hire who made a living by killing whoever it was his clients wanted dead. But during one mission, he died in a fierce gunfight. However, death was not the end for him. Vincent found himself reincarnated in another world, facing a floating interface that flickered before his eyes. [Synchronizing Host!] [Military System initializing.] Vincent found out that in this system he received, he can summon soldiers, tanks, aircrafts, and even warships! This is going to be exhilarating.

Faux1231 · Fantasy
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171 Chs

Offering Help

Reading the mission from the system, Vincent's eyes narrowed. So the way the system gives mission is when a certain criteria or event is met, thought Vincent as he studied the details of the new mission displayed before him. It wasn't just a simple quest, but one that involved potential danger and a substantial responsibility. He was no stranger to challenges, but the stakes were higher this time, involving real lives and not just his own survival.

Vincent turned his attention back to Luminova, who was watching him with an expectant look, probably sensing the shift in his demeanor.

"So, Luminova. What is your plan?"

"I will take my leave after I eat this breakfast and find my way back to the Kingdom of Eldoria," Luminova revealed. "But to do that, I need your help. I don't know where I am currently so you can guide me back there…"

She paused, as if realizing that she is taking advantage of his kindness. "Oh…sorry, I shouldn't assume you'd just help me like that."

Vincent smiled reassuringly. "It's okay, Luminova. I've already decided to help you."

"You already decided?" Luminova repeated.

"Yes, the forest is dangerous for someone like you. What if the bandits are still roaming around and find you? Can you even protect yourself?" 

Luminova looked down with a downcast face. Vincent had a point, she doesn't have any fighting or magic skills to protect herself. 

"I admit, I'm powerless Sir Vincent. So is it okay if I ask for your help again? I will compensate you when we get back to the Kingdom of Eldoria," Luminova promised.

"Okay, that's fine with me. We will leave in the afternoon. I will prepare my gear and you should get yourself washed. I will look if there are clothes you can use." 

"I appreciate it very much, Sir Vincent," Luminova said softly, her cheeks reddening in embarrassment.


After their breakfast, Vincent prepared for their trip, starting from his arsenal. 

He decided to keep the G36 assault rifle and his SIG Sauer M17 American. He opened his system and found out that there are free items in it so long as it is clothes. So he got himself a magazine pouch that he strapped in his waist where he'd stored magazines for G36 and the M17 pistol. 

Next he got himself a vest which he can store more magazines in. He considered getting an actual bulletproof vest but given the weapons used in this world aren't firearms, he opted not to get one.

Vincent then turned to Luminova's needs. Knowing she had no training in combat, he'd still give him a weapon that would be easy to use. He browsed the system where he found an array of pistols. He selected the Glock 19, a compact and reliable handgun. 

And as for her clothes, it was no problem as the system also has different kinds of clothes. He selected one that is familiar to her, which is the dirndl with the same color and handed it to her.

"I don't know your size but this should fit," Vincent said as he set it up on the rack next to the bathroom door. 

"Okay," Luminova responded from behind the bathroom door as she changed into the new dirndl. Moments later, she emerged dressed in the familiar style of her homeland.

As Luminova joined Vincent in the living room, he handed her the Glock 19. It was a strange, metallic object in her hands, something she had never seen in her life before.

"What is this?" she asked, turning the handgun over in her hands, cautious not to point it at herself or Vincent.

"This is a handgun, a tool for protection. I will show you how to use it," Vincent explained. He led her outside, where they had more space and safety to practice.

In the backyard, Vincent set up a makeshift target on a tree. "See that bark there? I want you to aim and shoot at it. I'll show you how to hold the gun, how to stand, and how to pull the trigger safely."

Luminova listened intently as Vincent demonstrated the basics of handling the gun. He showed her the proper grip, stance, how to reload, and the importance of never having her finger on the trigger until ready to shoot. It all felt very alien to her, but she paid close attention, determined to learn.

"Okay, now you try," Vincent said, stepping back and observing as Luminova aimed the handgun at the tree bark.

Luminova took a deep breath, trying to steady her nerves and her hands. 

With a cautious finger, she pulled the trigger. The loud bang made her flinch, but she managed to hit near the target.

"Good! That was very good for a first try," Vincent said encouragingly. "Let's try a few more times. Practice makes perfect."

They spent the next hour practicing, with Luminova slowly getting more comfortable with the handgun.

"Okay, you are set. Let's now head over to the Kingdom of Eldoria," Vincent said. "Lead the way." 

When he said that, Luminova just looked at him. "Uhm…you don't know where the Kingdom of Eldoria is?" 

"I don't know where that is, I'm new to this place," Vincent said. 

"Wait if you don't know how to get back to the Kingdom of Eldoria then how can we get there? I thought when you said you decided to help me, I assumed that you know 

where it is," Luminova said. 

"Ahh…I forgot to tell you that earlier," Vincent chuckled. "In that case, we should head where I have found you. There is a high chance that there'd be bandits that are affiliated to the ones I exterminated yesterday."

"But it's dangerous!" Luminova warned. "There's too many of them in the camp…it's their base of operations. If we confront them…" 

"Shh…" Vincent shushed Luminova. "You have to trust me on this. Besides, it's our best chance of finding your employer." 

Luminova nodded, though her expression showed she was clearly nervous. "Okay, Sir Vincent. I trust you."

Vincent smiled, appreciating her trust.

And then they set off to the place where Vincent found Luminova. It was near to the camp and when they got there, Vincent immediately signaled Luminova to crouch down and hide as he saw three bandits investigating the area where he had first found her.

"Let me handle this…" Vincent whispered as he drew his M17 handgun and carefully aimed, and fired two quick shots. The first two bandits were hit in the head and fell instantly. The third bandit, caught by surprise, tried to run but Vincent shot him in the leg. The man screamed in pain, falling to the ground and clutching his leg.

Luminova watched, wide-eyed and frozen. So that's how his mysterious weapon worked. It's like a projectile type of magic but it's fast and too quick for any people to see.

Vincent moved quickly towards the wounded bandit, keeping his gun trained on him. "If you don't want to end up as your comrades over there, then tell me what I want to hear. Where is your base of operations?" 

"Arrghhhh…" Vincent laid one foot on the wounded area and pressed down. The bandit screamed again, his face contorting in pain. 

"Okay, okay! It's north, two kilometers from here!" he gasped out, trying to alleviate the pressure.

Vincent nodded, keeping his weapon trained on the man. "How many of you are there?"

"About forty... Please, no more," the bandit pleaded, wincing.

Vincent looked back at Luminova, signaling her to stay put. He then turned his attention back to the bandit. 

"How do I know that it's not a bullshit answer?" Vincent's voice was stern as he kept his foot firmly on the bandit's wounded leg, applying just enough pressure to remind the man of his precarious situation.

The bandit, grimacing in pain, nodded quickly. "I swear, that's where our camp is! Please, I'm telling the truth!"

Vincent eased the pressure off the bandit's leg but kept his gun aimed squarely at him. "It seems that you are telling the truth, your cooperation is much appreciated." 

When the bandit thought that he was going to live, the sound of gunfire immediately erased those thoughts. 

[You have gained: 300 experience points and 1,500 gold coins!]

Luminova gasped in shock.

Vincent walked back to where Luminova was standing and she asked.

"Why did you kill him? You promised that you'll let him live?" 

Vincent glanced at the corpse of the third bandit and answered, "Those people make a living out of harming others. They don't deserve to live." 

Luminova looked troubled but nodded slowly.

"We need to move quickly now," Vincent said, checking his weapons and looking around to ensure no other bandits were nearby.