
Reincarnated with a Country Creation System

Prince Alexander Herald von Triesenberg was the fourth prince of the Empire of Triesenberg who was banished from the Empire of Triesenberg for the crime that he didn’t commit. On their way to the island where he would be banished, a powerful storm swept through and sank the ship. Alexander drowned and at the moment, he thought he died from drowning. However, when he opened his eyes, he found himself lying on the shore of a sandy beach and a floating interface before his eyes.

SorryImJustDiamond · War
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70 Chs

The One Sided Dogfight

The two Triesenese pilots, flying in formation, had their eyes glued to their radar screens as they soared through the sky over Zambesi. They had been dispatched to intercept what was reported to be a group of Valorian bombers responsible for the destruction of Kandara and Moba. But something was off.

"Do you see this?" Lieutenant Erich, the pilot of the lead aircraft, asked through the crackling radio.

His wingman, Sergeant Felix, responded immediately. "Yeah... this doesn't look right. The outline doesn't match the profile of a bomber at all."

Both pilots squinted through their cockpits at the two distant silhouettes ahead of them. Instead of the large, lumbering bombers they expected, the shapes were sleek and agile, cutting through the sky like birds of prey.

"Are we sure these are the bombers?" Felix asked, his voice tinged with uncertainty.

"Command said bombers," Erich replied, "but these things... they're fighters."